Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Teenage Romance, A Love Story [Frerard]


by frerard_is_love 2 reviews

The party, the alcohol, and the man with the Fro. (Not to mention Mikey ^^)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-06-04 - Updated: 2009-06-04 - 1437 words

Greetings earthlings, how have you all been? ^^ I am SO so sorry AGAIN for being so incredibly slack on the updating chapters quickly front. Really I am!! I swear, after this i really will post the next one within the next few days. P-R-O-M-I-S-E.
And thank you SO MUCH for reviewing, and i even got a couple of ratings so thanks. ^^
Ive had a lot of crap going on, my school councilor and my mother signed me up to C.A.M.H.S.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. Which is horrible cos Its like councilling intensified, only they force drugs and antidepressants into you. They ACTUALLY think i have an eating disorder!! As if. Well Anyway enough of me, Enjoy the story munchkins!!
Love you all to bits!! (in a non-bumming way, of course)

XO Nannonz

Later that night:

Frankie's POV

Hmm what should i wear? Surely not what I've been wearing at school all day. No, no definitely

not. I pulled off my Black Flag shirt, my pink Chucks and my skinny jeans. I had stripped down

to just my red boxers and white ankle socks. (Yes, i wear white ankle socks. AND Pink Chucks.

I'm a girl, i know). I looked around on the floor for something to wear. Nothing clean, of

course. Gosh! Its just too much to ask for my washing to disappear for a few hours and appear

magically folded in my drawers isn't it? Stupid lazy Mom. I dropped to my knees, and started

rummaging through piles of mostly black, gray, and white. Wait! A flash of color! I picked up

the red t-shirt and, deciding it was clean enough, pulled it on. I looked at my phone. 5 to 9, i

was running out of time. I pulled on some blue torn jeans and a gray/black stripy hoodie, and

some black Chucks. I loved my pink ones dearly, but i didn't want it to clash with the pink.

I was jut applying eyeliner when the doorbell rang, and after a quick hair-check and a bit of

fiddling with my fringe, I ran downstairs. My mom had opened the door, and Gerard was greeting

her. "Oh, hello Gerard dear. Wasn't expecting you here, would you come in? Frankie's just

upstairs, I'll- Oh wait, here he is now." she said as i entered the room. Gerard grinned at me.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you Mom. Gerard's taking me to stay at his place tonight." I glanced

at him, with a look that said don't say anything. He smirked back at me, but kept his mouth

shut. "Thats great! I'm so glad your making friends Frankie. Have fun you boys!" she said,

kissing me on the cheek even as i protested. Ducking away from her, I stepped outside the door

and Gerard followed. "Bye Mom" i said pointedly and she smiled and closed the door.

Gerard turned to look at me as we started making our way down the street. I looked up at him.

"So, not gonna tell her about the party" he smirked.

"Wow I didn't mention it? It must have slipped my mind. Oh Well" I said.

He laughed. "Okay,so what if she goes across the street to check?" I paused. "She . . wont." I


"Probably anyway. I'll just take the risk." Gee laughed again. God he has a nice laugh.

"Naughty Frankie. . ." I bit my lip nervously, and remembered what happened earlier. Was he

going to mention it? Should I? Or were we just going to pretend it didn't happen? My mind raced

as we walked further down the road. I sub-consciously realized we were turning a few corners and

going up some hills and even through a park at one point, but i was to deep in thought to notice

properly, but Gerard didn't seem to mind my silence. He just walked and made sure i didn't walk

into anything as i stared at the ground. My train of thought stopped when Gerard came to a halt,

and i copied.

Well, were here Frankie" he said and I looked up. We were standing in front of a two story

house, fairly big in size. There were several cars parked on the street outside, and a few

people hanging around outside the house having a smoke.

"Oh." Was my simple reply. Gerard smiled and took my hand, leading me past the people and

inside. Wait, No, What?

Why was he holding my hand? Was this normal? I didn't know, was this what friends did? I didn't

have any friends before i moved here. What if - My frantic thoughts were interrupted by Mikey

popping up in front of me. "Frank!" he cried.

"About time the two of you got here. I've been. . . he paused, looking at our linked hands


I blushed, and quickly pulled my hand out of Gerard's, who didn't protest but instead let his

hand fall limply by his side. "Yo Mikes" he said casually. "Yeah, we were a bit slow walking

here. Well, Frankie was anyway." I chewed my lip ring.

Frankie, I liked how he called me that. He must have heard my Mom say it. But it was . .

different when he said it, somehow.

"Well anyway," Mikey was saying, "Bob and Ray are already here, so is Sean and his sister, and

some of her friends from Girl's High. Some friends of Trace's from school too." Gerard nodded

and they both started discussing who else was apparently coming, as i looked around the room,

not seeing anyone i recognized. I edged closer to the Way brothers, slightly nervous. I was a

bit socially awkward, okay i was a social retard. And i didn't make friends easily, so thats why

i was so grateful for these guys. Gerard noticed me eying the room, how tense i looked, and

laughed. He put an arm around me and pulled me close to him. "Don't be scared Frankie, I'll keep

you safe." he smiled down at me and i blushed. My heart hammered in my chest as i stared down at

my black chucks and Gerard's Red ones. This must seem weird,

i thought and quickly glanced up at the younger way brother. Mikey didn't seem to find our

closeness weird at all, but rather had a look on his face that resembled someone who had just

clicked to something really obvious. "Uh . . Uh Hey Bob!! Ray!!" he called, scurrying over to

see them, and leaving me with Gerard. He looked down at me again, smiling. "Come on Frankie," he

said squeezing my arm, "Lets go get a drink." and with that, he dragged me by the hand (again)

to a kitchen bench, where he poured two glasses of a clear strong smelling liquid, handing one

to me.

"Uh . . " I said, staring down at the overpowering chemical, the fumes going strait to my head.

I could only imagine drinking it. "What's wrong Frankie? You don't drink?" Gerard asked sweetly.

"Uh . Yeah of course i do" I said, tipping the glass back and swallowing a gulp full. I gagged

slightly as it burned my throat, and my eyes started stinging and watering but Gerard didn't

notice my discomfort as he smiled and did half his glass in one go.

"Man, thats good" he gasped, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. He looked at me and smiled.

I gulped some air, and he laughed. His laugh was, and i know I've said this before, great.

"Come on Frankie, let's go have some fun!" he grinned and (Again!!!) grabbed my hand, leading me

off somewhere, to apparently 'have some fun'. I laughed, letting him drag me along. This was

gonna be a fun night indeed.


So um, yeah that didn't work out. Believe it or not, this chapter was SUPPOSED to be about Ray!! xD He didn't even talk in this chapter!! But oh well, I'll make up for the lack of Bob and Ray in the next chapter. More Mikey as well. And A lot of Bob. Bob is great. I love Bob. Yeah, It' short i know but that's cos i wanna go to bed now. I'm TIRED. >.<
But please review!! With some ideas mabey cos i'm not particularly sure whats coming next, and i love your ideas. THIS much holds arms out Well anyway, PWEASE don't hate me and my laziness, and keep reading cos it should get good real soon. And there was no Frerard in this OR the last chapter, but don't worry that is something i am officially promising to you in the next couple of chapters. ^^

XO Nannonz
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