Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sexi Frerard Story

3 in the freaking morning!?

by i-want-sum-coffee 1 review

read it to find out

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2009-06-03 - Updated: 2009-06-09 - 476 words


i woke up at three this morning
it was still dark, and i know my brother brought home one of his "friends"
the horrifying noises made me squeemish

"what in god's name are they doing?!"

i jumped out of bed and i wonted to feel cool so i popped up my collar and walked down the hall like a gangster.


I was feeling so great i couldn't get myself to calm down so i grabbed gerard's mags and headed for the bathroom, and i heard someone trying to beep box.
I looked up the hall to see gerard's baby brother a.k.a nerdy face mikey struting down the hall and he didn't have his glasses on so he banged into gerard's door

"What the fuck are you doing idiot, isn't it past your bed time" i laughed
"Im older then small stuff" mikey snapped
"why, you little FUCK!!!!"

I lunged towards him, he stepped out of the way just as gerard opened the door

"FRANK WHAT THE FUCK!" gerard screamed


i heard loud banging noising and shouting so i dramatically flang my door open to have a small creature jump at me

"Frank Get Off Me!!!!!" i squelled
"NO i dont wanna, your cuddly like a teddy bear" frank giggled like a school girl
"I am not a teddy bear you tart! You on the other hand!"
"You son of a bitch!!!" frank cried

Frank jumped up went into my room and grabbed his stuff and stumbled out like a drunkin monkey

"that wasn't very nice you know!" said sadly looking down
"What about you what the hell were you doing!"
"walking like a gangster" he said seriously

he said it so serious like that i had to try not to giggle
then i felt really bad because he noticed

"anyways what was frank doing here?" mikey said in wonder
"he was helping me with my homework!!" i said sacasticaly


i didn't want to go home, i hated it there my parents hated each other and my older brothers left me by myself. So i was stuck in this hell hole by myself

it was late i could hear scattering feet behind me so i picked up my pace
i random guy stood in front

"you look like you know were your going"

i tried to go around him but he blocked my path

"Dwarf Boy im talking to you!" He shouted and pulled out a knife

another guy came up behind me

"hand over the cash BITCH!!!" he demanded

i gave him all i had on me which was about 5 bucks
He grabbed my wrist sliced my hand open
i could feel the blood dripping from it as i ran home
with tears pouring out of my eyes
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