Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mamma Mia! The My Chemical Romance Story


by XxSystemOfADownXx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-06-05 - Updated: 2009-06-05 - 600 words - Complete

Donna's Point of View.

We finished singing and me Tanya and Rosie were going to change. "I saw them in the crowd we cant let Gerard find them." I said. "Tomorrow we'll keep them away from Gerard, Now help me take of these boots all that yoga has made my feet bigger." said Tanya. "Some one up there has got it in for me, it's probably my mother." I said. "Oh wasn't she a ray of sunshine." said Rosie rolling her eyes."

Gerard's Point of view

Is there a man out there? Some one to hear my prayr. gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after wont some one help me cast the shadows away...

The whole crowd was singing. I decided to walk down by the rocks. when I got there Ryan was there. "Hello." said Ryan. "Hi." I said. "So how did Donna ever get this place." Ryan asked."The old Man she took care of left her all this money when she died his name was Gerald." I said. "My great Uncle Gerald?" Asked Ryan. "I guess" I said. "I though her money was left to family." then Ryan gave me a funny look. then I asked "Are you my father?" "I think so." Said Ryan. "Well, will you give me away tomorrow?" "Sure." said Ryan

Then I heard music so I walked back to the party.

People everywhere
A sense of expectation
Hangin' in the air
Givin' out a spark
Across the room your eyes
Are glowin' in the dark
And here we go again
We know the start
We know the end
Masters of the scene
We've done it long before
And now we're back
To get some more
You know what I mean

Take it now or leave it
Now is all we get
Nothing promised
No regrets
Ain't no big decision
You know what to do
La question
C'est voulez-vous

And here we go again
We know the start
We know the end
Masters of the scene
We've done it long before
And now we're back
To get some more
You know what I mean

Take it now or leave it
Now is all we get
Nothing promised
No regrets

"Gerard, I won't beat about the bush
I know why I'm here." Said Daniel
"Daniel?" I said
"and I have to tell you, I think it's
brilliant! I've always wanted a little
boy, and a big one's even better

"Oh no, but, Danial I-" I was cut off

" know, I know I'm rushing things -
Listen, doues your mum know you

"Oh no she cant." I said cutting him off.
" Indeed. Who's giving you away?" Asked Daniel.

"No one..." I said

"Wrong I am." said Daniel
"You?!" I yelled over the music.

"Yeh. Now don't worry about Donna,
she doesn't scare me much!"
Then he walked away. every one was dancing alot now.

Ain't no big decision
You know what to do
La question
C'est voulez-vous

"Oh, my God - I've got it! Talk about
slow on the uptake! I'm your Dad!" Said Jordan running up to me.

"Jordan?!" I said

"No, the penny's dropped now - good
and proper - that's why you sent me
the invitation. You want your old
Dad here, to walk you down the
aisle. Well, I'm not won't let you
down. I'll be there!" said Jordan walking away. What have I done.

Take it now or leave it
Now is all we get
Nothing promised
No regrets
Ain't no big decision
You know what to do
Pas question
C'est voulez-vous
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