Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Chapter 1: Homecoming

Chapter 1: Homecoming

by bahiyyarain 0 reviews

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-05-31 - Updated: 2009-06-01 - 781 words

Today is my first day coming home. Well, sort's the first day I have been home since I was thirteen. See, when I was thirteen they sent me to Cherry Acres--an insane asylum for girls. I guess I am crazy to a certain degree. I must have been crazy to think people would have believed me. I am Pharaoh Chance, I am seventeen years old and I apparently have no future other than sitting inside my father's home and cleaning all due to the great fact that I was put away at thirteen in some mental facility. My mother died when I was twelve and everyone believed that I was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. I know what I saw and telling the truth gets you into trouble I have found. You get into Cherry Acres and get loads of therapy. Tell the psychologists what they want to hear and behave well, and you get out of there.

My father, Andy, is driving me back to our home in Meadowfield. It is a nice neighborhood but is dreadfully bland. The sleek, black Audi draws attention--my family and I moved to Meadowfield when I was nine and we always dew attention. We came from the West Coast and therefore we must be different than these people born and raised here on the East. As we pull up to the house I notice a string of cars sitting outside the driveway. The family has come, time to face the music. I enter the house and can smell the sickening sent of my Uncle Brody. Shaving cream mixed with, what smells like, potpurri smothered all over his neck; I start to gag slightly as he hugs me. I am drowned in hugs and kisses then pushed down onto a couch to sit. My aunts and uncles fuss over me and shove a plate of food infront of me. Everyone is quiet, as if because i was in Cherry Acres for four years I have somehow forgotten how to eat. To ease their minds I lift a single cherry to my mouth and bite down. The juice dribbles slightly over my lips leaving a red stain but suddenly the room errupts with chatter. All of them want to know what it is like to be in Cherry Acres. I close my eyes and try to take it in. I don't think they realize that once you go to Cherry Acres all you feel is abandonment and lonliness.

A few tortorous hours later my Aunt Erica, who is now living with us, ushers everyone out of the house and me up to my room. Andy tried to convince me my entire ride home what Erica is living with us because having an apartment was an expense that was too much--why not live with us when we have two extra rooms? I'm pretty sure she is only here so that incase I try to off myself or set fire to the furniture, she can talk me out of it or at least give a good recollection about it to the police. Her gray hair spills out mostly around her ears and the back of her neck, the long denim skirt barely touches the black, no-slip work shoes she is wearing and her soft smile let me know that even though she is to be my monitor, she won't bug me too much.

Putting one foot in my bedroom I see that it has been completely redecorated. The bamboo floor now goes nicely with the newly white walls and black bedspread that stretches over the full size bed. I throw the only thing I brought back from the asylum on to the floor: my duffel bag containing my meager amount of clothes. I plunge onto the bed and look at the window. The simple black paned window with four little squares that make the entirey of it is what caused all my troubles and pains.

Nightime is spreading quickly and the purple and pink streaked sky is causing an anxiety to swell within my stomach like a sheet of ice that keeps multiplying. All I can do is stare out the window and think about the past. Those eyes, the amber-brown hued eyes burned right back into mine. The teeth, those teeth were too white to be a humans teeth. The skin was pale and smooth and so unlike anything I have ever seen;it was like a porcelein doll. Dread is filling me as I am fearing that it may return. No one would believe me, not even my own father.

No, no one will believe me about the thing outside my window, the vampire.
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