Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Chicago, the fang-like thorn in my side

Drown your sorrows...

by Xnataliex 6 reviews

What random titles I give theses chapters

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-06-25 - Updated: 2009-06-25 - 1156 words

Natalie's P.O.V

The freeze pounded through my body. You could compare the sensation to drowning; I could not breathe as if my lungs were full of water and all the sounds around me were muffled. I watched the blurry images move above me and I tried to call out to them but no sound came out. "Patrick?" said a voice, I think it was a man. "I'm here but I don't know if this will work" warned the voice of this Patrick. A warmth ran right the way through me straight down to my finger tips. I could feel the pain begin to ebb away and the freeze begin to warm. A wave of exhaustion washed over me and I felt my eyelids grow heavy.

I woke with a sense of dread. As I opened my eyes I saw that my fears were true and I was not in my own room; last night was not a nightmare after all. My first guess was that I was in a boy's room; the wardrobe was open, displaying various items of boys clothing. The walls were blue but not plain as there was a lot of posters covering them, I noticed that a few were Blink 182 posters. I winced as I eased my self of the bed there still was an ache running through my body though it was nothing compared to the pain I had felt before. There was also a full length mirror in the room, I walked towards it and studied my reflection. My hair was matted with blood, my clothes were ripped and bloody too, though some one had put a hoody on me. I rolled up my sleeves, there was purpling bruises from where that strange man had gripped me. Why was I so stupid? Those dreams I had showed me that club W.B was a bad idea. Now everything will change I was bitten, so does that mean I'm a vampire? I hadn't dared to have a close look at my neck yet; it was covered by my hair. If I am a vampire, then what does it mean? Will I have to only go out at night? Stay away from churches? Never touch garlic again!? All these vampire myths; some of them must be true if vampire's exist after all. I took a breath and swept my hair away from my neck. What I saw made me gag; there was four punctures that hadn't begun to heal, they were still weeping a clear substance. I glanced around wildly and proceeded to retch into a bin.

Brooke's P.O.V

I woke to find myself in Alex's arms. "You gave me a scare there" he whispered, stroking my hair back from my face. "When I went inside Gabe's mind I could sense William there but he was blocking me" I said. Alex frowned. "So thats why you fainted?" he asked. I nodded in reply. "What kind of vampire are you, fainting all over the place?" he said smiling. I scowled back at him "You sound just like Pete!" I huffed. The smile dropped from his face instantly, followed by an awkward silence. He was frowning again, playing with a strand of my orange hair. "You know when Pete stormed out of the room, after the battle prep, you followed him, why?" he said slowly, his eyes boring into mine. I quickly glanced down at my hands and brought my eyes back to his. "Because, he was upset, he is my best friend you know..." I told him. "So what happ-I mean what was wrong with him?" he asked hastily. My heart pounded in my chest think Brooke, think. "What exactly are you trying to say, you think something happened between me in Pete?" I said coldly. Turn it back to him good one. "I er no of course not" he said guiltily. My heart slowed; I knew I was out of the fire now. "If you really must know, Pete is in love with Chelsea" I told him with a glare. He gulped. "Sorry I shouldn't have doubted you" He said sadly. I smiled at him, and held out my hand. "C'mon let's see whats going on" I said leading him out of the room. The guilt ebbed away at my consinse, why am I such a good liar?

Once we had reached the main room I saw that most of the group was there. Pete approached us and I avoided his eyes. "You OK?" Pete asked me. I nodded in reply another lie, I was on a roll today. My head was pounding. I watched Reggie walk down the stairs. "I showed her where the bathroom was and gave her some clean clothes, she was puking in your bin Pete" She said sadly. I noticed some one was missing. "Where's Gabe?" I asked. "He ran off" Reggie replied, her voice breaking. I walked over to her and put my arm around her. "How the hell did we get out of there?" I said to them all, looking around the room. "Well, I changed the weather to make it misty" said Ryan smugly. "Then we just ran for it, Harper blasted every inaminate object out of the way" Laughed Caleb, winking at Harper who rolled her eyes. "Thank God I didn't blast you" she muttered sarcastically. "Yeah, well I knocked Travis out" stated Kyle proudly. "Oh yeah? Well I gave Stephanie a new face" Said Chelsea. I rolled my eyes and sighed; I knew where this was going. "Victoria will be feeling it tommorow!" said Christie. "I tore a chunk out of Ronnie's shoulder!" shouted Andy. "Yeah thats all good but; I threw Brendon through a wall" Said Pete Smugly. "Harper was blowing things up left right and centre, she probably knocked the wall down as you through Brendon, not you amazing strength" Scoffed Alex. Pete and Harper both glared at him. I decided to stop the madness after reading Pete's mind for his reply; I did not think that Alex would take "What did you fucking do pussy, hide?" lightly. "Alright I get it you all beat someone up, awesome, shut up now!" I shouted. Amazingly they obeyed. "What about the humans are they ok?" I asked. "Patrick's checking on the other two" Said Max. "How is the one that was bitted even alive?" I questioned. "Well Patrick managed to stop the bleeding, but is won't heal completely" said Pete. "We don't no if it will last though normally those who get the disease just die.." added Joe. "Erm excuse me, can someone tell me whats going on?" Well all turned to the girl at the stairs and traded uncomfortable looks. How do you tell someone you don't know how long they have left?

Sorry for the long wait! My Internet was down! Thanks for your patience and the reviews I plan to up date thursday or friday
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