Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh Baby!

Not The Brightest Baby In The Crib..

by shehadtheworld12 8 reviews

Grocery store, and more bitching (: Reviews please!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-07-03 - Updated: 2009-07-04 - 1360 words - Complete

A/N: Thank you so much for the feedback, i'm happy to continue!

3rd person POV.

After a night's long rest, the fathers were currently at the grocery store, getting food with the wives for the babies, and for themselves. Luckily the store was not crowded, so they got around rather fast, considering how slow the fathers could be.

"Scooore! Oreos are half off." Bob said excitedly. As he was putting two containers in the cart, Belle put her hand out, blocking him from doing so. Bob looked up at Belle who gave him a half glare.

"Robert Bryar! How many times are we going to go over this? You cannot have Oreos constantly, it's not good for the baby." She huffed. Bob put his hand on his hips and scoffed.

"Look here miss, the baby is the one who suggested I get oreos today. Quite frankly, I do believe I deserve it. My body is on fire, my stomach is bubbling like there's no tomorrow, and umm..oh yeah I'm pregnant!" He hissed. Belle stood back from his tone and huffed. He was so stubborn and this resulted in many arguements between the besties who first united in high school. Belle could take it, but it drove her crazy that Bob acted this way.

"Fine. But don't blame me when our child comes out black and white!" Bob shrugged then proceeded to put the oreos back in the cart. Belle folded her arms across her chest as they moved on the next aisle. - Never test a pregnant man's patience.

"What do you mean, you don't have tofu wraps today?!" Frank shouted at Mr.Webber, the deli person or whatever you call them. Mr.Webber just sighed and rolled his eyes. This occured once a week, Frank always had something to bitch about. Wether there was no more wraps, or they were out of wheatgrass. He was never satisfied, and it was taking it's toll on poor Mr. Webber.

"Frank. We went over this for the tenth time. You are not the only vegan in Newark, many people enjoy wraps just as much as you do. Like I always tell you, there will be some more wraps on friday." He said firmly. Frank huffed, knowing that he was right then pouted.

"Ja-MIA!" Frank whined to Jamia who was in the process of bagging up organic pears. She looked at Frank and sighed.

"What Frank?"

"Mr.Webber is being a douche!" She looked at Mr.Webber who just looked at her expressionless.

"Frank! Come on let's go, will some pears make you feel better?" She said softly.

"No..but it's a start." He mumbled under his breath. Jamia smiled then dragged Frank back to the cart where, Frank gave Mr.Webber one more glare before walking off.

"That poor baby. Even 'it' will have to deal with his bitchiness 24/7." Mr.Webber mumbled. He shook his head and went back to slicing the soft fresh wheat bread.

"Lindsey you don't understand how hard it is! I eat one cupcake and I expand! I have lovehandles for crying out loud!" Lindsey pulled on her pigtail to relieve some stress she was undergoing. She had to admit, he was getting bigger, than what he was, when he was a lush.

"Then don't have a cupcake Gerard." She said simply. Gerard gasped.

"That's the hard part Lindsey! They're addicting." He snapped.

"Then get the 100 calorie pack then."

"They're small! I have to eat two, which basically is equivalent to one regular cupcake! So what's the difference?!" He shrieked. Whoremones, I mean hormones were alive and ready to ruin the day. Not the brightest baby in the crib...

"Uhh heck yeah, there's California rolls on stock today. Aren't you stoked little Jax?" Mikey said happily, as he filled the cart with the little food. Alicia was dying inside as he managed to pick up beans, taco meat, rice, and salsa. Things that are heavy on Mikey's stomach. Alicia managed to sneak in glade candles, and some more febreeze.

"Aliciaaaaaa did you get me my caffeine free green tea?" Mikey looked at her and she nodded.

"Good. Cause my stomach is rumblin'." He began to rub his belly, while Alicia cringed from the thought.

"Hey have you seen that fish over there, it" He trailed off. His eyes widened then he gasped.

"Oh my god i'm gonna be sick!" He cried then ran to the bathroom where Alicia stood awkwardly. Two minutes later and he went back to normal his position.

"So as I was saying that fish looked pretty tasty."

"Ray, we're at a grocery store, not a paint store. They don't have everlasting emerald." Christa sighed as Ray now wanted the baby's room to be emeraldish green. Only one stripe of yellow was on the wall at they're house.

"Duh, Christa, I was only saying that looking at the salad, brought up and interesting color of choice."

"What about the yellow?"

"Don't know." He put a finger to his chin.

"When are we supposed to find out what were having anyway?" Christa mumbled. Ray smiled.

"Friday! Two more days!" He clapped his hands.

"Well let's finish shopping, Jack needs his food too."

After everyone put the food away and Frank finally stopped bitching after Jamia bought him non-dairy ice cream, the group made their way to the neighborhood park where they watched other little kids play. Ray stood up and put a hand to his forehead.

"Whew! I'm hotter than July." He said fanning himself.

"OW Gerard! That's my foot!" Frank cried.

"Stop crying you pansy! It's hard to see my feet as it is!" He said pointing to his belly.

"My throat feels like a volcano!" Bob whined. Belle grabbed a water bottle and put in Bob's hands who gulped down the liquid in less than .5 seconds.

"Thankies." He mumbled to Belle, who nodded in understanding.

"So, anyone have any potential names in mind?" Mikey said casually. The guys shrugged and nodded.

"Hmm either, River, or Shanna." Belle chimed in.

"Captain Skittles!" Frank called.

"Captain Skittles?" Bob looked at Frank with his 'are you bleepin' kidding me' looks.

"Yeah! Or if it's a girl, it's gonna be Skittles Iero." He clapped his hands. He was completely serious about this too. Jamia shook her head at everyone while they stared.

"Well personally I was thinking of Bandit for a girl or a boy." Gerard said cooly. Lindsey nodded and smiled.

"Good. Very good." Ray nodded.

"Jax of course for a boy, and maybe Allison for a girl." Mikey put in.

"Anyone hungry?" Mikey said.

"Not again, Mikey!" Everyone shouted.


After sitting on the grass, swings, yelling over weight issues, obsessively sweating, indigestion eruption, and sore feet, The group were currently watching the stars as they began to sprinkle the sky. Bob and Belle were playing a hand game, well Belle was playing, Bob just held his hands out. Frank was suprisingly not bitching, Ray bored Christa with color talking, Mikey was half asleep mumbling 'sushi'. Gerard was explaining to Lindsey how bad it is to lie to someone, when they ask you if they are fat, Lindsey rolled her eyes and just nodded in an effort to shut him up. And Jamia was thinking silently to herself, while Alicia kept her distance from Mikey, incase he decided to release his gas while sleeping. Mikey yawned and pretty soon everyone starting yawning. Frank rubbed his blister infested feet ( xD ), while everyone else just chilled. Then they heard screaming.

"OH MY GOD GUYS!" Frank shouted.

"Huh?! Who dead?" Mikey woke up from his slumber.

"What the fuck Frank?" Gerard hissed.

"Guys guess what!!!" He clapped his hands.

"What?!" Bob shouted annoyed.

"The baby kicked!" He beamed. Jamia was over there in an instant putting her hands on his belly. When they finished, everyone was getting ready to leave when Gerard sighed.

"Ah, Christ on a cracker." He mumbled.

"What?" Frank asked.

"Guys I just remembered, we have Lamaze class tomorrow."

A/N: Hope everyone had an awesome fourth! I didn't get to do fireworks, cause they're illegal where I live..oh well.:/
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