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more than you ever thought possible

by zackseawolf 1 review

‘I doubt you can understand all that this entails, or the difficulty of this that you wish to do, but I know that if you are willing to push yourself, you will learn more than you ever thought po...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2009-07-02 - Updated: 2009-07-03 - 749 words


I don't own anything, and no I'm not bitter about it either

Well I'm willing to bet that everyone who has read the full series has some issues with the story, pairings, ending, etc. So I am going to do what everyone else has also done and create my own AU of how I think things should have gone down. First Fic so don't slam me for my dialogue for at least 4 or 5 chapters or at least till I get everything together...

I feel that without changing Harry as a person, (which I'm not planning on doing) year 1 could not have changed all that much because of his lack of experience in any form of magic, and his lack of real reason to excel, that of course ended with the tasks to find and save the sorcerers stone from Voldy...



Laying in the hospital wing was by no means something new to Harry, trying to drift back off to sleep with his friends watching over him, he realized one thing. If not for some serious luck, they would not be here. Those obstacles were meant for adults, with adult consequences for failure. If the queen would have struck Ron any harder, he would have had more than a concussion, likely a cracked head. If Hermione had chosen the wrong potion, either of them would have died, Professor Snape was of course, sure to be completely unforgiving in any way to failure. With these thoughts cart wheeling around his head, he lay awake for some serious thoughts about what to do.

Albus Dumbledore chose that moment to quietly slip into the hospital wing for a quick visit. Shooing Ron and Hermione off, he sat down and contemplated the wizard-in-training in front of him. As Harry sensed the magically imposing, if somewhat frail looking man sitting next to him, he finally decided on a course of action.

Without opening his eyes, Harry decided to map out the territory before making his request "Professor Dumbledore, how are you sir?"

Dumbledore, completely unsurprised as usual, reply's "Ah, young Harry, between the trials that were set up to be impenetrable to full grown wizards, and defeating Voldemort for the second time. I believe it is I who should be asking you that question."

Deciding to seize the moment while he apparently had some sort of pity, Harry blurts out "Professorwouldyoutrainmeplease"

Smiling, Dumbledore asks " My apologies Harry, in my advanced years my hearing is not quite what it once was, can you repeat that for me?"

Taking a deep breath, "Professor, would you please train me? I realize that if not for dumb luck and the help of my friends and being underestimated I would not have prevented Voldemort from taking the stone. I refuse to be that guy anymore, I will not let things be decided by luck and the mistakes of others." Taking another breath, Harry continues, "people say that you are the only person that Voldemort ever feared, with your teaching I could protect my friends and hopefully not be the pawn that he apparently expects me to be"

This /did /surprise Dumbledore, thinking for a moment, he realized that he had been given his second chance by this completely unknowing young man laying in front of him. In his mind, had he but taken a chance like this with young Tom Riddle, things today might be different. Caught up in his musings, he did not see the hopeful face of the last Potter, not knowing that his cause was won, slowly turning despondent with every passing second and emotion subtly showing on the Headmasters face.

"Forgive me yet again Harry" seeing the look on the young mans face " It seems that my reaction has led you to believe that I am turning you down. You will find that as you get older, some things hit you that are remarkably similar to things in the past and the mind refuses to let go of them without some serious thinking." seeing Harry's face suddenly brightening as he spoke, he continued " In fact I would love to train you, I will repeat what my mentor Nicolas Flamel said to me when I approached him in a similar manner albeit after my completion of Hogwarts. 'I doubt you can understand all that this entails, or the difficulty of this that you wish to do, but I know that if you are willing to push yourself, you will learn more than you ever thought possible.' "
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