Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh Baby!

Gerard's Bright Idea.

by shehadtheworld12 9 reviews

Gerard tries to make a preggo pms profit. Just read! (:

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-07-24 - Updated: 2010-07-03 - 1004 words - Complete

When the paper incident had blown over, the fathers were back to their normal lives. Although, Bob was in the process of being sued for 4 broken cameras and a tape recorder, that had his angry shouts on it.

"Die camera. DIE!" Could most likely be heard from the small speakers inside.

Gerard had alittle occurence of his own, the girl from the school had indeed delivered 100 boxes of chocolate, despite Gerard's protest. He was never upset in his life, besides the time Mikey pantsed him in front of the gay guys at his school, though Gerard did receive four new numbers that day and a coupon for a free makeout session, it was still embarassing. Not to mention the time, when Mikey also switched Gerard's tuna and whipped cream sandwhich, with umm well...Mikey's own cream.

Now back to the chocolate, Gerard stood there with his hands on hips shaking his head, as the boxes piled into the wall. A bunny as the logo, taunting him with it's pink eyes.

"What the hell am I supposed to do with all this damn chocolate?!" He voice was irritated, and whiny. He supposed there was hot chocolate, chocolate pancakes, chocolate soup, chocolate coffee, chocolate cupcakes, and chocolate chicken.

Now it may sound awesome, but having chocolate 24/7 was just not that great as it sounds. Gerard huffed, when he smiled like a mad man.

"Eureka! I'll give a box of chocolate to every girl who is on the rag!" He clapped his hands together. He would indeed post an ad on Craigslist of chocolate to PMSing females...


"You're a cheater!" Mikey shouted. Him and Frank were playing Halo on Mikey's Xbox 360. Frank had an Xbox, but it mysteriously broke. Everyone has concluded it died due to Frank's bitching, and just couldn't take it anymore...

"I'm not! It's cause you suck at this game." Frank said simply.

"Oh really? I'm in the most hidden spot, and yet you still found me. Don't try me Iero, I see your google eyes looking at my screen."

"Whatevs Michael. You still suck."

"I beat you three times already!"

"And I captured the flag 5 times! You can't even catch one."

"Atleast I can reach the warthog, I don't need a stool to get in one."

"You're a Laguna Biotch."

"And you're short!"

"You know what? You're jokes are uncalled for, Michael! Me and Captain Skittles are leaving! Good day sir!" Frank huffed and struggled to get up, but eventually did and stormed out.

"Frank come back." Mikey said trying not to laugh.

"I said good day!" Frank called from the across the street, and slammed his front door shut.

"Jax, why are short people so stubborn?" Mikey said softly.

"Where the hell is Alicia with our burrito?!" Mikey pouted.


"No more breaking cameras!" Belle sighed.

"Why not?!" Bob demanded.

"Because you're being sued Robert! You broke 4 cameras in less than a minute!"

"I was proving a point. Don't push me with cameras."

"You could've hurt the baby." Belle frowned at the thought.

"That's a big bowl of crap. My baby was cheering me on."


"Mmhmm. Somewhere in my mind, I heard 'Go daddy. Go daddy. Go daddy. Cameras are evil!' It was clearly egging me on." Belle raised her eyebrow and stood there speechless. Great. It was already inheriting Bob's genes of violence, and encouragement of violence.

"You know what? I'm not even gonna say anything. All I know is that you're helping me put away the baby's bottles, clothes, and it's accessories away. Let's go."

"yeeeeah, you know my wrist has been hurting alot, and I don't think I should do any lift-"

"Shake a leg Bob!"


"I got it!"

"Got what?"

"The color for the room!"

"Oh great. What is it Ray?"

"Applesauce yellow."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah! Applesauce yellow."

"Where did you come up with that idea?!" Christa said completely shocked.

"Well I was browsing on this site that suggested some colors and viola! I found it."

"Applesauce yellow. You want to paint the baby's room applesauce yellow." Christa muttered, not fully believing he said that.

"It's gonna be fantasmic! I'm so excited!"

"Uh-huh." Christa said awkwardly.

"Well I gotta go plan my baby's room! It's gonna be epic!" Ray said happily, almost skipping to the room, while Christa shook her head.

"Why me?"


"I'm all finished!" Gerard called from the street pole. He had bought some poster paper and taped it to the corners of every street within the neighborhood about his chocolate giveaway. Lindsey had protested, but Gerard secretly did it anyway.

Are you a lady or dude in desperate need of chocolate? I gotcha covered!
We're giving away 80 boxes of chocolate away for 5.00 each!
No excuse needed!

You want it, I got it!

Call Gerard Way. 555-FROS.

"Perfect!" Gerard beamed.

He would sell 80 boxes, give a box to each of the guys, give one to the old fart across the way, leave 4 boxes randomly in a park or on the freeway, give one to Billie Joe Armstrong, Adam Lazzara, and maybe Bert McCracken, keep the rest for himself or give it the neighborhood kids, or possibly the bum that sleeps on Heaven Street.

"Gerard?" Mikey called to him. Gerard turned to see Mikey walking towards him, while holding his back.

"Why are there posters everywhere, including my windows?" Mikey held out the red and black glittered poster.

"Oh, I'm selling my chocolate, brother dearest."

"Why?" Mikey said shocked.

"Cause it's getting in the way, and plus chocolate is a good profit. Especially for PMSing girls or dudes with the munchies."

"Where'd you hear that? Though, that's a good point."

"I googled it."

"Yeah? well don't google yourself too hard alright?"

A/N:I have concluded that there will be 2 or 3 more chapters left. I didn't plan on it being a rather large chaptered story, but I have a good feeling it will end with a bang. Hope you stick around for it (:

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