Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 10 Theorems of Calculus and Relationships

Theorem 10: T.L.=R/S

by XxTragic_Poet 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-07-25 - Updated: 2009-07-25 - 636 words - Complete

"You owe me 20 bucks," Frank announced as Mae pulled out her test results.

"What?!" Mae exclaimed. "I left like half of the problems blank. There's no way I could've passed."

"The official AP grade sheet says different," Frank pointed out.

"You must've paid them off," Mae accused.

"If I had the money to pay them off, then I wouldn't have bet you $20 now would I?" Frank countered.

"Smart aleck," Mae grumbled as she dropped a folded twenty dollar bill into his palm.

"I am smart, thank you," Frank teased.

"Can you two go a single day without bickering?" Lydia joked.

"I hear it's healthy to fight now and then in relationships," Bob shrugged.

"Don't tell me you got that off my issue of Seventeen," Lydia rolled her eyes.

"Nope. He only reads People," Frank smirked.

"Better than your J-14's," Bob replied causing a bunch of "Oooooh's" from the girls.

"Funny," Frank said, heavy with sarcasm.

It was their last week of summer vacation before they would be headed separate ways. Frank was going back to a college back in his old town. Mae was going to university three cities away. Lydia and Bob were going to the local junior college. They decided to get together before Frank and Mae moved out.

"Oh I have a present for you!" Mae just remembered as she pulled out a page from her sketchbook.

"Wow," Frank gasped as he studied the image closer.

"What's that for?" Lydia asked, looking over Frank's shoulder.

"My tattoo," Frank answered as he marveled at the cartoon Jack-O-Lantern in front of him.

"It's still a little rough," Mae warned. "I'm gonna get Gerard to help me refine it some more."

"As if we hadn't refined it enough," Gerard cut in, entering the room with his new girlfriend, Katherine. "You should have heard her yesterday. She kept complaining about every little detail."

"I just wanted it to be perfect," Mae blushed.

"It is," Frank assured her, still in awe of the picture. "You're amazing."

Those eyes never failed to take her breath away. She spent all night sketching and erasing relentlessly just so she could do the same to him. By the looks of it, she thought they were pretty even now.

"I love you," she laced her fingers around his.

"Love you, too," Frank kissed her forehead as he carefully set her drawing down in a safe place.

They had the most incredible summer together and it all went by too fast. They were leaving soon and they promised to stay committed to each other. There was no one else Mae could see herself loving but him. Who else could correct her calculus mistakes the second she made them or write and perform songs based on her favorite movies? And there was no one else Frank could see himself loving but her. Who else could divide by zero or create such lively drawings so effortlessly?

"So do you think your relationship will stand the test of time and distance?" Bob asked them both.

Frank and Mae didn't need to answer that question. They exchanged smiles and knew that they were ready for anything. Frank once told Mae that True Love was equal to the quotient of Reality and Standards. The reality was that Frank was going to a different college and she was moving away for school, too. Her standards? Well, Mae had learned that with true love there didn't need to be any standards. Because your true love had no need to meet expectations-they already had everything you could ever want. She trusted Frank wholeheartedly and she was willing to accept whatever was in store for them--the High's and the Low's. And with their zero standards, their relationship was ready to take off. Into the unlimited possibilities of infinity.


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