Categories > Original > Romance

Keep Me Sane

by JAY_MAYHEM_2326 0 reviews

1st of a Trilogy. Dalton leads a rather confusing life...then Jessi comes....and it's all the more confusing!!

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-07-25 - Updated: 2009-07-25 - 1122 words

Dalton sat on the side of the bridge with Jenna.

“You’re sure it’s mine?” Dalton asked.

“Mm-hm.” She nodded.

“Jenna…I’m not…”

“I know. It’s okay.” Jenna smiled at him. “We’re just friends.”

“I wish…I wish I could be, I mean…what are you going to tell him when he asks why we’re not together?”

“I don’t know. I’ll figure that out when he asks.”

They fell silent. It was like that for a while, until three guys came walking towards them laughing loudly. They were passing them when one dropped something, apparently he didn’t notice because he pushed on the boys next to him and kept walking. Dalton jumped down from his place on the rail and picked up the car keys.

“Hey! You forgot something.” He said just loud enough that the boy heard him. He turned back and went towards Dalton.

“Thanks, dude.” He stared at Dalton for a minute and then smiled. “You’re pretty cute.”

Dalton blinked, “W-What?”

“Do you do drugs?”

“N-No.” Dalton stuttered.


“Sometimes…” He said slowly. The boy chuckled.

“Are you straight?” Dalton hesitated and the boy took it as a no.

“Want to go out on a date with me?” This boy seemed so sure of himself, so confident.

“I don’t even know your name.” Dalton said suspiciously.

“Jessi. What’s yours?”


“Dalton…” He repeated with a grin. “I like it.” Jessi took out his phone. “Got a cell?”

“Um…yeah.” Dalton said. He didn’t understand what this boy was doing!

“What’s your number?”

Dalton gave him his number, but he wasn’t sure if he really wanted to. The boy, Jessi, smiled at him. “I’ll call you, yeah?”

“Um…yeah, okay.”

Dalton turned back to Jenna who was suppressing a giggle.

“What was that all about?” She asked when he sat next to her. He shook his head.

“He’s going to call me, I guess.”

“Wow.” She said smiling at him.

Suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and answered.


“You still have my keys.”


“Bring them over to me.” This Jessi boy was awfully arrogant.

“Yeah, okay.” Dalton jumped off the rail again. “I have his keys still, I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t leave me here alone!!” Jenna protested. “I’m coming with you.”


“Besides, I want to meet your new boyfriend.” She teased.

“He’s not my boyfriend!!” Dalton pouted.

They walked to the end of the bridge where Jessi was waiting alone by his car. He smiled at Dalton.

“Thanks!” He praised, and Jenna smiled at Dalton.

“He’s really hot.” She said to him.


Jenna laughed.

Dalton handed Jessi his keys and turned to walk away but Jessi turned him back.

“Come with me.” Jessi said.

“Come with you where?” Dalton tried to figure this boy out, but he couldn’t.

“I don’t know…anywhere. Where do you want to go?”

“I want to go home. Besides, I got to take Jenna home.”

Jessi looked over at Jenna who waved at him. He thought a moment and Dalton tried to pull away again but Jessi pull him back.

“I’ll drive her home.” Jessi insisted. Dalton rolled his head over to look at Jenna and insist for help.

“I don’t think it’s a bad idea. Come on Dalton.” Jenna smiled and got in the back seat. Jessi stared into Dalton’s eyes pleading him. When had Jessi taken hold of his hands? He looked down at Jessi’s hand gently keeping his own captive.

“Come on.” Jessi said pleading.

“Whatever.” Dalton said. Jessi went around to other side of the car and got in. Dalton hesitated but eventually got in.

They dropped Jenna off who told them like any good mother would, “No sex on the first date boys.” Dalton glared at her; he didn’t even know the guy!

They went to Jessi’s apartment. Dalton started to feel uneasy.

Jessi sat across from Dalton at the table. They were quiet; Dalton refused to meet Jessi’s eyes.

“I don’t even know you.” Dalton mumbled.

“This is the perfect chance to get to know me.” Jessi smiled.

“You’re so fucking arrogant!” Dalton snapped.

Jessi sighed, “Sorry…I’m just kind of excited, I guess.”

“About what?” Dalton demanded.

“I want to know you. I can’t believe I’ve never seen you at school or anything.”

“I go to the public school, that’s why.”

“And how do you know that I don’t go to the public school too!” Jessi teased.

“You have a bumper sticker from the private school.” Dalton pointed out.

“You saw that did you…well then, tell me about yourself.”

“I hate you.” Dalton growled. “I’m going home.” He stood and made way for the door. Jessi just sat and watched him go.

The weeks went by and Dalton didn’t see Jessi or his friends anywhere. He went to school everyday; only because Jenna made him promise he would graduate and help support her and the baby. And he, being her best friend, would do anything Jenna asked him to.

It was a Thursday, Dalton sat in his last class begging for the bell to ring, he hated school. It was full of people who whispered and pointed at him when they thought he wasn’t watching. When the bell finally did ring Dalton moved along with the crowd outside. He looked for Jenna where they usually met, but she wasn’t there. He went over to their meeting spot and waited a moment, but then he saw her talking to a guy. He sighed, flirting again!!! He walked her way and after a few steps he realized whom she was talking to. She noticed the boy she was talking to looking over her shoulder. She smiled at Dalton and trotted his way.

“You’re boyfriend’s awesome!” She said.

“He’s not my boyfriend, Jenna. He never was, never will be.”

She frowned, “But…”

“He’s an asshole okay, I don’t want to see him again.”

“I don’t know…he seems nice enough.” Dalton rolled his eyes.

“I’m going home. See you later.”

Jessi watched him walk away and sighed. This boy would fall for him, he would make sure of it. He shrugged to Jenna but then ran after Dalton.

“Hey, Dalton!” He said running up behind him.

“Leave me alone.” Dalton growled.

“Give me another chance!” Jessi yelled.

“No. Now leave me the fuck alone.”

Jessi walked back to the school, more determined than ever. This boy was going to be his.
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