Categories > Original > Drama

Can't Stop Me

by JAY_MAYHEM_2326 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Parody - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-07-25 - Updated: 2009-07-25 - 695 words

She just needed to take a step. Move another inch to be that much closer to the edge. She was so tired of the lies, so tired of trying to figure out what mattered anymore. She blinked, how did she get here? She used to know them all so well. The smiles never once felt like lies, now they were masks to protect her from the hurt. It was like being in a padded white room with people always looking through the window laughing, pointing and whispering, but no matter how hard she threw her punches, she couldn't feel and they never hurt. She wanted to hurt them though, she wanted to just freak out for once, but if she slipped they would all know. She couldn't slip. Because she had to prove she was going to be okay.

Black eyeliner that used to look so perfect began to smear from her eyes to her cheeks, the tears tinted black as they took the mask down with them. She glanced around wishing she wasn't so alone, because she never planned to die alone. She brushed her chipped nail polished fingers through her red hair despising the color of it. Despising the thing it represented. Despising the stains of blood she could still see on her arms from hours before. She looked down at her converse shoes, ratty and old, but her favorite over all. Her favorite outfit wrapped around her body, holding close to her skin like a lover would the morning after. Like true love would hold people together in a desperate attempt to save some part of humanity. Her hands were shaking but it didn't matter because she just kept telling herself she wasn't scared, she was cold, through and through.

Sitting on the edge, waiting for the sunrise to come, so she could see the hope of day one more time before she closed her eyes for the final time. She dreamed of home, and how they would pretend to miss her, and they would pretend to hold back tears when the cops told them how they found her looking up at the sky, eyes closed, head cracked,.... heart broken. She dreamed of friends, the ones she never had. The friends that would forget she was there. She dreamed of the boyfriend, the one that hurt her but she couldn't let leave. She dreamed of life she wished she had gotten the chance to live. But she had never lived, too busy trying to please everyone.

She let a smile creep upon her lips, the smile she only made when no one could see. The smile that everyone thought was broken and torn apart, that was never really a smile at all.

"Would you jump with me if I asked you to?" She whispered as though maybe someone was there.

And she let herself see the face that they all told her was never real. The face that meant more to her than ever would. "I would do anything you wanted me to."

They stood on the edge, staring down at the pavement laced with the tears of a thousand heartbroken heavens from hours before. "You don't have to do this."

"I want to."

In a distant world the horizon lined with light, the sun was coming. The bright colors that used to reflect her love of life, were now scattering across the dark sky in an attempt to save her from herself. But the blackness of the clouds hanging heavy over her threatening to let the tears of angels fall again pushed all the hopeful colors aside.

He took her hand and she smiled and let herself slip off the edge. Him holding her hand all the way down. She couldn't feel him, and once she closed her eyes she wouldn't be able to see him, but he was there she knew. She believed he wouldn't leave her to fall alone. So She closed her eyes feeling the cold air brushing all around her, her favorite outfit clinging to her as though saying goodbye in a rushed desperate way. And when she hit the ground, it only hurt for a moment.
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