Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > An Affair to Forget

Lost to the white

by Krickitat 3 reviews

While on mission Sakura is lost in an Avalanche and found by the one person no one wants to meet alone in the snow. Now she is caught up in a plot so intricate she might never find a way out

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Itachi, Sakura - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2006-04-09 - Updated: 2006-04-09 - 2479 words


Quick steps followed behind him as she made a hurried effort to catch up with him, anger explicit in every snap of twigs and bracken beneath her. She was making no effort to be as quiet as he knew she could be, and since they were on a mission this could be a potential problem.

" Look Sakura lets talk about this later, you know right now is not the time or the place," he whispered trying to pacify her with that in the hopes that it would keep her from doing something drastic.

"No I wanna talk about it now! How could you say something like that to me? What happened to 'I don't want be ignored anymore'?? Huh? Well I'm not ignoring you now so DAMNIT TALK!" her words had slowly gotten louder and louder and finally ended on a shout.

Cold silence hung between them, everything hushed by the quiet slush of falling snow and the angry heaving of her breath.

"Look I am just saying don't do anything that you might regret later.... I know you didn't mean what you said and you know how important this is to me." He reached out his hand to touch her face only to have her turn away from him.

Tears started to pour from her eyes making silvery tracks as they were caught by the what little moonlight there was, She turned her face up to the sky in hopes that some answer to her dilemma might be written there.

"Was it all just some trick? Why now? Why this way? Why would you use me for something like that? Couldn't it ha...have." Her voice broke as the words she tried to speak would not let themselves free from the confines of her soul, some things I guess are just too hard to say. She was too lost, too hurt, and in a way strangely flattered that he would have thought to make it her. But in the end it was just another way for him to use her, it was just another way for him to get the thing he wanted and then think nothing more about it, as if it wouldn't tear her apart, and he did it all with no regrets and no apologies.

It was tragic...she was tragic. She guessed that the three of them all thrived on their tragedies in one way or another, but she had too much to lose now, if she let him do this to her everything would be lost.../but it would have been so sweet/ her inner voice sought to tell her Going on with the litany that had been singing through her head the moment she had learned of her condition. If for just a moment it would have been the sweetest thing in the world.

But it was no secret that a Kunoichi who got pregnant at her age never went back. You could either be a mother or you could be a ninja, not both. That's what made this so harsh, the fact that he had taken the decision out of her hands lying to her to force her into it. It was just more then she could take, and she didn't have to if she really thought about it....if she was really willing to go that far and take that final step. Other kunoichi did it all the time....would anyone really take notice if she did too?

She looked up at him a new determination in her eyes as she set in her mind the word she would say, the denial of the thing she had dreamt of since she was twelve in order to make herself strong enough to stand up to him, or any of them for that matter. Without that he'd never respect her for it to mean anything other then the achievement of one more goal for him.

As the words started from her mouth a large groaning came from higher up in the mountain, the snapping of trees and earth loud in their ears as a ocean of snow cleared a path for itself down the side of the hill destroying anything intent to get in its way ......and right between the arguing lovers.


Sasuke watched as the avalanche broke between him and Sakura, and where moments before a young woman had stood with anger blazing in her eyes, there was a now a river of snow. And just that quickly she was gone. Sasuke felt panic burst awake in his head and a heart felt shout rose clear from his belly as he screamed his anguish into the now silent clearing.

"Sakuraaaaaaa!" he screamed her name as he rushed into the debris filled snow bank, calling her name over and over and uselessly looking for a sign of pink hair an arm or a leg he might grab to pull her from the concrete hard snow but all he found were broken branches and boulders carelessly tossed down the side of the mountain by the cruel hand of God.

And just that quickly she was gone...

Her mind drifted on a haze of semi-consciousness, unable to even comprehend the pain that wracked her body, she opened her eyes and through blurred tunnel vision saw the ghostly visages of trees shrouded in blue by early morning fog. The edges of her vision blurred but even that was blocked out as a shadow rose to block the early morning light.'m so sorr...I'm......why like this Sausuke? Why....? It's gone and I don't know why I mi-miss it b-but its go-gone...its all gone.

Sakura was aware enough to feel another warm gush of blood flow from her body as her movement opened old wounds partially clogged by drying blood as her body made attempt after attempt to stanch the flow of life from her body.

It....would ....have been....s-so ............sweet

She sighed up into the dark face above her as she again lost consciousness


Itachi looked down at the pink haired girl lying at his feet, it was obvious that the avalanche had carried her quite a long way in order for her to be brought here. Her presence littered the snow as her blood continued to stain the pristine whiteness. He hated that, it just really pissed him off for some unknown reason. He looked on content to watch as her life drained from her he'd always been fascinated with watching people die, it wasn't something most people got to watch every day. But then her eyes looked up at him glazed and unfocused and a small scratchy voice whispered a name he knew very well.

" so-sorry..." the rest was an indistinct blur to him, not that he really gave a damn any ways. But this, yes this was interesting and it piqued his interest. He not so gently grabbed her hip and rolled her onto her back, one leg lay at an awkward angle where it had been smashed up against the tree, but at first he could see no reason for the large amounts of blood staining the snow, that is until he moved her. Large amounts of dark old blood stained her inner thighs and continued to sluggishly pulse from her womb as a small life was pushed from her wrecked body.

"Very interesting," Itachi mused to himself as he continued to look on. Had it been His brothers' child that had died here? This had some odd implications for Itachi that he needed more time to think on. But unfortunately she didn't have more time, unable to avoid it any longer Itachi picked the Shinobi up and slung her carelessly over his shoulder as he made his way through the snow and back to his camp. Close to his ear he heard the final whisper she made as she finally lost consciousness.

"It would have been so...sweet," she sighed the words into his ear, making him pause and gaze into the early morning horizon. Maybe...but things are different now.


Three months ago

The boards creaked beneath her feet as she walked to her room, they had been training up here in the mountains in the snow for more then a week now. It had been Kakashis' idea, but for some reason Sakura didn't find the idea of standing in the snow half naked and being told not to move for hours on end to be her idea of entertainment. The point of the exercise was to gain inner Chakra control and use it to keep blood flowing to your limbs and stave off frostbite and hypothermia. It was easy for her but that didn't mean she had to like it and the constant bickering between Naruto and Sasuke had given her a killer headache...Sasuke now that was one problem she just wasn't ready to deal with right now, she had come to the sad conclusion that things between them were going nowhere and where destined to go no where. She was stronger now and he just didn't care, she worked so hard under Tsunade and she made every effort to be a strong well-respected medical Nin, and he just didn't give a damn. So she had spent these last weeks ignoring him as well as he deserved.

The little cottage was one the village maintained for anyone who might need it, every once and a while teams were encouraged to come up here and train, in order to keep the place up a bit. All they asked was that you fixed anything that needed repair and you left as much food and firewood for the next person. She walked around the corner and there he was, waiting for her. He had been slumped against the wall and when he saw her he straightened to his full height, which was now much taller then her. He seemed to have sprung up to a well-proportioned 6'0 ft while she seemed to hardly have gotten taller at all. That kinda pissed her off but it wasn't like she could train or will herself into getting taller, but if she could she would just to prove her point.

"Yo," seemed to be the only word he could muster to say to her. That was fine she didn't give a damn if that was the only word he could think to say after all this time. She chose right then to ignore him and she made to move past him into her room with no acknowledgement of his presence.

Sasuke's face twitched and he suddenly burned with anger, he didn't like it when people ignored him and pretended he didn't exist and he found he was especially annoyed when Sakura did it. His hand flew out and he grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.

"What the hell is the matter with you?! I just wanted to talk to you, you didn't have to act like such a bitch!" he said right in her face with all the anger that had been building in him all this time. Sakura turned her face away from his angry expression, its not like she knew why she was doing it. She was just compelled to act this way. She decided not to answer, plus she knew the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat was going to make talk a risky proposition. She refused to cry in front of him.... she was sick of herself crying around him and wanting and longing for things she might never get.

"Well? Are you just gunna stand there and say nothing? You know, why the hell do I bother with you?" Sasuke turned away disgusted with himself for breaking down and yelling at her. Sakura looked at him and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out "I..." and still the words refused to come out.

He turned back around to face her seeing the panic enter her eyes as the slowly filled up with moisture. He slowly walked towards her and Sakura had the sudden image of being stalked by a large hungry predator.

"Sakura," he whispered her name as his hand came up to softly caress the side of her face, "Sakura what's the matter?"

That lump in her throat seemed to be growing by the moment and the damn burst without and conscious will of her own.

" I hate you!" she screamed in his face, forcing him to back up with the vehemence of her words. "I Hate you, you self righteous basterd! I hate you cause you don't even know HOW to give me what I want." She sobbed and seemed to lose her ability to stand up right, she fisted her hand in his shirts to hold her self up as real tears started to course down her face. Not the pretty kind like he had seen before but the kind that make you cry so hard you cant breath or stand only wail and cry, and not being able to breathe or control yourself just makes it harder to stop. She stood there crying and gasped out what she had meant to say.

" I love you.... and I don't WANT to hate you. I hate that you cant love me back...and I hate that you think nothing of me.... but I don't want to. I don't want to hate you.... so I ignore you cause it's the only thing I can do.... Sasuke." the final word was a wail as she again broke down into sobs. Sasuke did the only thing he could think of, he lifted her face up by her hair and he kissed her with all the passion he could muster.

Sakura felt Sasuke's lips on her and she kissed him back with all the intensity she had used for crying. She felt him press her into the rough grain of the wall behind her. His lips left hers to trail a wet path down her neck as she lifted her legs to cradle his body between her thighs. His mouth lingered there on her collarbone as he pulled sweet flesh into his mouth finally biting down, being sure to leave his mark. He leaned back to look into her face and they were both gasping for breath, he suddenly pumped his lower body urgently into hers grinding his hips into the warm sweet juncture of her thighs.

"Sasuke!" she squeaked his name as her core came into contact with his full erection. Unable to wait any longer Sasuke pushed open the door to her room and with her legs still wrapped around him fell with her onto the bed.

She lay beneath him thinking as he forced his tongue past her lips yet again Yes...yes THIS is what I wanted...this is what I always wanted
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