Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Ring The Bell!

Ring The Bell!

by CherryBlossom1210 0 reviews

A girl who has lived a horrible life one day becomes a famous fighter by the age of 12.When she turns 16,her manager and orphan mother says she should stop for a while and live a normal life with n...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-08-14 - Updated: 2009-08-14 - 1819 words

It was Christmas,the day I was born,and I was turning 5 years old.I was outside on sitting in the middle of our huge lawn.It was snowing,and I was looking up at the sky wondering how snow was made in the sky.
I suddenly heard my dad yelling and throwing things and had stood up and walked towards the house.I stood at the backdoor and my father had throw the tree,making our family picutre fall...and glass break everywhere.
A woman was trying to calm him down,but he wouldn't listen.He just continued to yell and soon,he had kicked the woman our.He came back into the room and had begun to throw stuff again.I just stared wondering what was happening.
"Your mother died!It was you!You killed her!",he yelled at me.I stayed silent and just stared at him.
He started to walk up to me,and suddenly grabbed me.I squrimed and kicked,screaming with all my might.He threw me in my room and locked me in.I went under the bed and cried there,feeling so alone.I hadn't understood what happened,and why he did that.But it soon started to get worse.
He had started to drink every day and just lay there on the couch.I would clean and try and cook,but I just burned myself and things.
Then he had started hitting me,telling me I was such a waste.That I was crap,and less.Every night I would just cry to myself in the room wanting to know what went wrong in my life.......

Six years had passed,I wa snow 11,and I was still living with him.He continued being an alcoholic and I was always beaten by him.
My cooking had gotten slightly better,but nothing that he had liked.I tried my best to keep myself by getting hit,but everything I did upsetted him.
Soon he had lost it,and just began beating everything out of me when I had come back from buying groceries.
He had throw me to the floor and started punching and slapping me.He pulled my hair making me stand up,but to just throw me back on the floor and smack me into the wall.I cried and screamed.He threw me and I crashed into a table hitting my head.He started kicking me on the stomach.
Police came in a couple minutes later,and had started to arrest him.I had become unconcious and woke up in a hospital on a bed all bandaged and wrapped up.I still couldn't move and the slightest move,my head would start ringing.
A woman came in,I had remembered her.The woman my father kicked out that Christmas.She had told me of how my father was to be locked away for many years,and I was to go to an orphanage once I come out from the hospital.
I came out a month later,and moved to a huge orphanage.There were lots of kids,but they adopted very quickly in about four months.I was alone bt the end of those four months,but I made great friends with the orphan keeper.She soon had adopted me and I became her new daughter.She treated me well and things.
I started to watch alot of fighting shows and people fighting in the rings.It had gotten me interested and I built some dummy I can practice on.I had learned how to kick and punch,and I was great at it.I was practicing one day,and a man came up to me explaining of how he was trying to find a new fighter and how I was very great.It got me excited and I begged for my adoptive mother to let me fight.She soon agreed but told me only if she becomes my manager.I told her yeah,and soon I began fighting and training.It only took me three weeks,and soon I was famous fighting with other famous fighters.
A year had passed,and I was the greatest and youngest girl fighter to ever beat every person that had gone against me,even adults.None lasted one round against me,and all fell in the first two minutes.
I loved fighting,and made a career our of it.I was the best fighter anyone had ever known.And I loved that,and wanted to keep it that way....

My alarm went off making me jump and fall on the floor.Like every other day.I graned and stood up stretching.I sighed as I went over to her bathroom in my big house.I had became very famous and very rich.
"Hurry up and get dressed,I'm going to tell you something important and we have to get somewhere very quickly.",my adoptive mother,Tsunade,said.
"OK.",I called and washed my face and brushed my mouth.I took a quick cold shower and got dressed in black jeans with a purple to-the-elbow sleeved shirt that had black designs on it.I put on some black converts and placed her favorite bracelet on.
I blinked my jade,green eyes as I brushed down my long pink,soft and silky luscious hair.I had black nail polish and slightly pale skin,that made me look what people say,incredibly beautiful.
My name was Sakura Haruno,I am 16.Long,pink hair with jade,green eyes.My hair and eyes stand out.Nobody had ever seen hair and eyes like that,ever.
I ran downstairs to Tsunade and sat down across from her at the table.
"So,go ahead and tell me.",I said.
"Okay,but I know you won't like it so I'm going to tell you while we are heading there.",Tsunade said.I just shrugged and went upstairs to grab her cell,wallet,and black leather jacket.
We got in her car and drove off somewhere.
"So,you are going to a school today.",she said.
"Okay,are they elementry,middle,or high?",I asked.
"It's not going to involve anything of fighting.",Tsunade said.
"Then what am I going to do at a school?",I asked.
"You are going to attend it.You will attend Konoho High.",Tsunade said.I nodded understanding.....and then broke out yelling.
"You will,and that is final!You ahve lived a very famous life,but I think it's at least fair that you live a normal life,even though it is a rich school.",Tsunade said stopping in front of some huge three story building.
"There is no way.",I said.
"You will,or I'll cancel your next match.",Tsunade said.I sighed disbelieved this was happening.
"Fine,but it's just for today,right?",I asked as I got out of her car and closing the door leaning on the car.
"No,bye.",Tsunade said and drove off.I gasped in disbelief and kicked the floor.I turned and just walked towards the school.Everybody seemed to be in class.

I entered and went into the office.Some cheery lady was at the desk and was happily typing stuff.
"Hey,ummm,I'm Sakura Haruno.",I said.The woman stopped typing and gasped.
"What?!Oh god!Can I have your autograph?",she asked suddenly handing me some paper and pen.I sighed and just signed it.
"Can I have my schedule and thigns now?",I asked.
"Everybody,its Sakura Haruno!",she called out.Everybody in the office gasped and ran up to me asking me for autographs.I sighed just signing and grabbed my paper from the lady.Gosh,what a total geezer.I ask for my schedule,and she calls out my name wasing time for me.I read the paper and sighed in boredom.It said,
1st Per:Kakashi(Homeroom)
2nd Per:Orichimaru(Science)
3rd Per:Anko(Gym)
4th Per:Kakashi(World History)
5th Per:Kurenai(Math)
6th Per:Jiraiya(Reading)
7th Per:Shizune(Language Arts)
I looked around for the first room,until I finally found it.I took a deep breath knowing it might get a little crazy,but their all rich kids,so what's the difference.
I opened the door and entered.All chatting stopped,and bored eyes forming into wide eyes looked at me.I went up to some white haired guy at the desk reading some book with a mask.
"Yo,I'm Sakura Haruno.I was supposed to come here.",I said.Everybody gasped.I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"Yes,Haruno.You may pick any seat and talk all you want.",he said and continued to read.I nodded folding the paper and putting it in my back pocket and looking around the class.People everywhere staring,gosh.
"You can sit here,it's the only seat left.",some blonde boy said.I nodded and made my way over next to him and some girl.
"I'm Naruto.",the blonde boy said as I sat down.He had blonde,wild hair with sapphire blue eyes.He seemed kind of cute.
"Okay.",I said.
"This is Hinata,my girlfriend.",he said poiting to the girl by him.She had long dark purple hair,with wierd washed out eyes making her look blind.
"Hi,I'm Hinata Hyuuga.",she said holding out her hand.I took it and shook it smiling a little.
"Okay.",I said.
"Want me to introduce you to all the other guys?",Naruto asked.
"Sure,why not.",I said.
"We can intriduce ourselves,Naruto.I'm Tenten.",a girl with brown hair in buns and brown eyes said.I nodded.
"I'm Temari.",a girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes said.
"I'm Sai.",a guy with pale skin and dark eyes and flat black hair said.
"I'm Neji.",a guy wth long brown hair and the same washed out eyes as Hinata said,Must be relatives or something.
"That's Shikamaru.",Tenten said pointing to some guy sleeping.He had a high ponytail that looked like a pineapple and brown eyes.
"Ok.",I said smiling at all of them.
"Ino is not here right now,but she'll be here soon.",Hinata said.
"Ok.",I said.The door opened an all girls squealed suddenly.I looked up to see some uy with jet black hair that looked like a chicken and onyx eyes.He wore a black shirt with jeans and normal sneakers.I must admit,he was very hot.
"Yo,Teme!",Naruto called out to him.The guy nodded towards him and walked up.
"That's Sasuke Uchiha.",Tenten said to me.I was slightly surprised.I had heard of the Uchiha family.Very,very wealthy family.
"Hmmmm,I guess life like this might not be so bad after all.",I whispered to myself.
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