Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Did They Save YOU- Onto the stories


by lostmyfearoffalling 2 reviews

......... story number one

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2009-08-18 - Updated: 2009-08-19 - 893 words

Ok, first off, I want to thank all of you for your participation! It made me so happy to get such a great response. I'm really excited to write this, and put myself in all your situations. I couldn't have done it without you, so give yourselves a hugeass round of applause.

Second of all, here's how this is gonna go down. I'm gonna have each chapter be a different person's story, and I'll title it with the person's username. That way I can give you all the recognition you deserve, as well as make it a lot simpler for me to write. Plus, I think it might be easier to read with each individual's story as a chapter, rather than them all be lumped into one huge thing separated by dotted lines XD.

Lastly- PLEASE DO NOT COME STAB ME IF I DON'T USE YOURS! I love you all, and like I said I was very greatful that you all took the time to respond to this, but obviously I can't use everyone's. Some of them were just too similar. I'm sorry!

You all must be annoyed with my huge note. I'll let you read.

I gripped the railing tighter with shaking hands as I listened to my mother’s screams from the kitchen.

“What are you thinking Nicholas? I don’t understand you! Tell me what was going through your head! What could possibly make you think it’s ok to do pot?”

“You don’t get it Mom!” I heard my brother shout.

“I know I don’t! That’s why I want you to talk to me!”

“But you won’t listen! You never listen to me! Nobody does!”

“Well if that’s how you feel than maybe I’ll just leave godammit!”

There was a loud crash as my brother struck the wall with either his fist or his foot. I heard his quick footsteps as he bolted, barreling towards his room as my mother shouted his name.

He sprinted up the steps as I stared at him, mouth open. He gave me one hateful glance and ran to his room slamming the door shut. I stared at the door in awe as I heard him sobbing. He was crying. Nick, my fearless, independent, wild brother was crying.

I threw myself onto my bed after slamming my door as well. I couldn’t take this. I couldn’t listen to him cry. And I couldn’t keep watching this happen every night. My mind couldn’t take it. But I couldn’t do anything to change it.

Desperately, I grabbed my Ipod from the table next to me bed, setting it to shuffle as I jammed the headphones into my ears.

They’re gonna clean up your looks, with all the lies and the books, to make a citizen out of you. Because they sleep with a gun, and keep an eye on you son, so they can watch all the things you do

Even though the music had been an attempt to lose myself, and forget about everything, the song immediately brought my mind back to my brother. The words I heard now seemed to be exactly what he wanted to say. There was such honesty in the lyrics.

Because the drugs never work, they’re gonna give you a smirk, ‘cause they’ve got methods of keeping you clean. They’re gonna rip off your head, your aspirations to shreds, another cog in the murder machine

I laughed bitterly at the line about drugs. They’d worked on Nick. That was the problem.

They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me. They could care less, as long as someone will bleed. So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose. Maybe they’ll leave you alone, but not me.

There it was again; the truth, biting its’ way boldly through the melody and into my mind. My mother was afraid of my brother. Of what he could do. But she wanted so much to help him. But Nick didn’t see it that way.

The song wasn’t telling me anything new. I’d figured it out a long time ago. It was just confirming everything I’d thought of. And it was comforting. Because listening to the words weaving through the song, it was clear I wasn’t alone with these problems. While it didn’t change anything, it made me feel like I wasn’t so alone.

That happened every time I listened to My Chemical Romance. I felt accepted. I felt safer somehow. Because I could listen to my life through headphones. All my troubles, all my fears, all my dreams could be found directly in the songs. And as much as I found my pain in the music, I also found hope. Because I could look at the people who made the music, and get proof that I would survive. They’d had it rougher than me. Look what they’d become.

My Chemical Romance helped me see the truth. They gave me a view of the world that was accurate. They helped me find people like me. And more than anything, they gave me hope.

I hope you guys liked it, especially you darlin' ;]. I'll try and post them as soon as I can. Thanks again to everybody!
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