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Card 07

by Mikari 0 reviews

Card 07: Unspoken Agreement (Mysterious Ways)

Category: Yu-Gi-Oh! - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Seto Kaiba - Published: 2009-08-30 - Updated: 2009-08-31 - 1306 words - Complete

Side Deck

Card 07: Unspoken Agreement (Mysterious Ways)

"Mr. Kaiba," Roland stood in front of the desk as Seto typed. "Mr. Sanderson was found this morning in the apartment building's elevator nearly dead."

"It serves him right for not returning to work yesterday. I assume he was already removed from the elevator? People may want to use it." Seto showed no concern over the news.

"He had a bite mark on his neck and was missing a considerable amount of blood," Roland continued.

"Was he removed?" Seto repeated.

"Yes, sir," Roland finally answered.

"Then why are you here?" Seto stopping his typing for just a moment.

Roland knew he better have a good answer to his question. "The rumors about there being a vampire living in the apartment on the last floor may be true."

"Does this vampire pay the rent?" Seto inquired.

"Yes, sir," Roland was feeling quite uncomfortable with the ice gaze and wished Seto continued his typing.

His wish was miraculously granted as Seto resumed his typing and Roland calmed down. "Then it's none of my concern. It could be the Dark Magician living in that apartment, as long as the rent is paid, I don't care."

There was a brief moment of silence before Roland spoke again. "Mr. Sanderson is alive in the hospital. He will probably recover soon, but he grew fangs and they think he turned into a vampire." Roland mentally kicked himself for that. He should have simply left the office during that moment of silence.

"Mr. Sanderson is fired as of right now. What happens to him is none of my business," Seto decided.

xoxox xox xoxox

That night, Seto left the office late as he always did, but instead of going home, he instructed the limousine driver to take him to the apartment building.

It was still early night and people could be found in the lobby. They gazed at the CEO curiously, wondering if this building would continue to be an apartment building for much longer, yet no one dared to ask. His icy glare told them that he did not wish to answer any questions from anyone at the moment.

As he walked around the building, Seto heard a few people talking about the incident with the nearly dead man. They were not as surprised or alarmed as he expected them to be, though they sounded like they believed it was the work of a vampire. Apparently it wasn't the first time something like this happened. Everyone there knew not to go to the last floor. If they stayed away, the vampire would live peacefully with everyone else.

Seto took the elevator to the final floor without hesitation. The lights were off, creating an eerie atmosphere. The door leading to the apartment that took up the entire last floor was half open. It was as if the one who lived there was too certain that no one would dare come up to even bother to close the door. Seto made his way closer to the door, his footsteps being heard in the silence of the final floor of the building.

"Is that you again kid?" A woman's voice was heard. "If you want me to have another taste, I gladly will."

"I am Seto Kaiba, I own this building."

A woman emerged from the apartment. Seto reached for the light switch and turned on the lights. The woman looked annoyed but otherwise indifferent. "Hello," she grinned, showing her fangs, six long fans, two at the bottom and four on top in pairs. She was dressed in black, her skin was pale, her short hair was black and her eyes were black as well, but they seemed to glow red at random.

"I don't believe in vampires," Seto stated.

The vampire woman approached. "If I prove you wrong that will get the attention of many. Why are you here?"

"I want to know what's really going on," Seto insisted.

"Quite simple, I am a vampire and drink the blood of whoever comes into my floor of the building," she replied.

"Your floor of the building?" Seto let out a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes, my floor, I pay for it. Do you have a problem with having a vampire here?" Cleary she didn't care if he did, but she asked anyway.

"Not really," Seto admitted. "That is, if you really were a vampire," he added.

"I am, believe it or not." She walked away back into the apartment. "You're too famous, they'll notice if you go missing."

"And if I wasn't?" That was probably not the smartest thing to ask, but Seto was not one to back down.

The vampire grinned mischievously. "You don't want to know, trust me, you don't. Let's just say I wouldn't only bite you." She entered the apartment and closed the door.

Seto felt a cold chill run down his spine and he left. Once in the elevator, Seto shook his head. She was probably just a crazy woman who looked like a vampire and nothing more. Then again, with all the strange things he had seen, it might not be so unusual to actually find a real vampire. As an idea formed in his mind, he decided there and then that the building would continue to be an apartment building.

xoxox xox xoxox

A week had passed and a young man, whose name would be forgotten so quickly after his death it is not worth being mentioned, presented some plans to Mr. Kaiba against the wise advice of his coworkers. He was new to Kaiba Corporation and didn't know how things worked. "I thought that they could be Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl and Summon Skull instead of three Blue Eyes White Dragons." He had insisted on showing Seto the plans for a design to a Kaiba Land that was soon to open in Europe.

All the other Kaiba Land theme parks had statues of Blue Eyes White Dragons around them. "Do you think these three duel monsters would look better?" Seto was surprisingly calm.

"Yes, much better than boring old Blue Eyes White Dragons." If he was doomed before, now he had secured a painful death.

"I must attend a business meeting. Let's discuss the plans this afternoon at two thirty, in my other office. Do you know where the Kaiba apartment building is? My office there is on the top floor," Seto explained.

"Yes, I'll be there," The man was overconfident to think his offense would be tolerated. He went missing that afternoon and never came back.

xoxox xox xoxox

There once was a legend about a vampire known as Queen Blood. She ruled a human kingdom with her vampire knights. The land around her castle was full of tomb stones of the young men whose blood she drank completely. Her evil rule continued until one day she killed the grandson of a powerful witch. He could not use magic due to a curse, but his grandmother and older sisters were very strong. They woke the souls of Queen Blood's past lovers and victims from their graves around her castle and the army of zombies brought her kingdom to an end. Legend tells that both the vampire and the witches died in the battle.

The vampire was defeated but in a way she was also victorious, the witches died and she did not. Many years had passed since then and Gresa, known in the past as Queen Blood, still lived, hidden among a world of humans as a mysterious curse keeps her from going back to her old ways. One day the curse may break and then she would become Queen Blood again.


Gresa, aka Queen Blood is my original character for the Mysterious Ways RPG, which was made by Snow. Disclaimer, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or Mysterious Ways.
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