Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fall Out Boy Trail

Got Us A Battle, Leave It Up To Me

by charliexbrown 2 reviews

The showdown begins. Ding ding.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Crossover - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-09-08 - Updated: 2009-09-08 - 1339 words - Complete

‘No, Bulbasaur evolves into Ivysaur, not Venusaur! That one comes after.’
‘No! It’s Bulbasaur, then Venusaur.’
‘You just wait, man! One more level and this thing will evolve, and then you’ll–’


The door clunked against the wall as Pete stormed in, stumbling slightly but absolutely furious. His hair was ruffled, his eyes slightly bloodshot and he was breathing heavily.

William frowned at him.
‘Pete, what the hell?!’
‘You – you shut up. I’ve had enough of you. Just shut up and get off the bus.’
William blinked, confused. ‘But – it’s my bus, Pete… hey, you’re drunk!’
‘I KNOW!’ Pete was truly angry now. ‘Who are you to tell me what to do? You don’t know anything.’

William and Patrick gave each other a look… and William dared to smirk.

There was a loud thud as Pete grabbed him by the collar and slammed him hard into the wall of the bus, William coughing and desperately trying to breathe.

‘You think something’s funny, huh? Go ahead and laugh!’

Patrick was now behind Pete, trying to loosen the grip he had on William’s shirt and neck. Eventually, after quite a bit of struggling, he managed to prise Pete’s hands apart. William fell to the floor, coughing and gasping for breath.

‘Pete, explain yourself! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!’ Patrick yelled.
‘I need to talk to you. Come on, we’re going outside.’
‘Woah, woah, woah. I’m not going anywhere. You nearly strangled a close friend of mine, and I’m not just gonna leave him in a crumpled heap on the floor! Look, go and sober up somehow and we’ll talk. Just what you need to talk about that got you so mad I’ll never know.’

Pete inhaled sharply, not regretting what he’d done. Neither Patrick nor William had expected him to be so… brutal. And he knew come the morning there would be no sympathy, as well as it being completely the wrong way to win someone over. But, as he saw William sitting up and drinking a glass of water Patrick had brought him, he felt no remorse. He grabbed Patrick’s wrist and started to pull, so insistently that Patrick felt he’d better go along with it. He gave William a worried, apologetic look before stumbling out of the bus.

‘Pete! What is your problem?!’ he hissed, trying to keep the noise down as it was so late.
‘No, what’s your problem, Trick? You don’t talk to me any more. No, these days you’re following Bill around like Mary’s little freaking lamb.’
Patrick laughed sarcastically. ‘Is that why you strangled him? Woah, guess I’d better not talk to anyone else, you could kill them!’
‘Hey! I had some real bad news! My marriage is probably over for good! And when I need someone to get me through it, where are you? Sat on the bus with him playing Pokémon. Well, guess what! If you’re not gonna be there for me any more, then don’t come crying to me when you guys fall out!’
‘Pete, can’t you hear yourself?’ Patrick sighed. ‘It’s not all about you! When will you realise that?!’
‘Yeah, it’s not all about you either.’
‘That doesn’t even make sense.’

Pete snarled, and grabbed Patrick’s wrist again, pulling him back to their own bus. Patrick was a little disturbed at the cans cluttering the floor as they entered the lounge, but on seeing Pete throwing papers around angrily, he realised which was the bigger concern.

Eventually Pete found the crumpled magazine, and shoved the page into Patrick’s hand.
‘Look! There you are! Out drinking with him, getting papped for the magazines! You never do anything like that!’
‘Pete, will you stop it? You sound like my mom or something! You don’t own me! And while we’re on the subject of drinking…’
Patrick cast his eyes meaningfully to the littered floor for a moment, then back up to Pete.
‘So what if that’s me in the papers? What, am I not allowed to go out now?’
‘Not with him, no! You’re my best friend! No one else’s!’

Patrick stared at him, incredulous as Pete carried on his rant. Suddenly, he knew what he wanted to do. Watching him in such a stupid state, seeing him strangle William in the bus, hearing about his extreme jealousy… it had pushed him right to the limit, until… he snapped.

‘Pete! Shut up!’
Pete stopped.
‘Is it any wonder I’ve been spending so much time with Bill? You get in moods like this, you go round hurting people, breaking things, drinking. Oh, and you know what else? You remember being so self-obsessed that you took my girlfriend, too?!’
‘B-but I thought we were past that…’
‘We’ll never be past that! That hurt me, Pete, really hurt me. You didn’t care one bit if I got hurt in the process! No, it was all ‘me, me, me! A quick session with Patrick’s slut to make me feel good about myself!’ How can I stay friends with someone who treats me like that?’

Pete stood there, blinking and not saying a word.

‘You know what? You can believe all your stupid accusations. I’m not your best friend, Pete. You wouldn’t have acted like such a prick if you were. So go ahead. Beat Bill up all you want, but I’m not wasting any more time on you.’
He turned to pick up a jacket, carrying on.
‘I’m sick of you, trying to control me all the time. We should never have started the band up again. What was I thinking? The moment I let you back in I regretted it.’
‘Wait, what?’
Patrick turned round. ‘You heard. I was thinking to myself how stupid I’d been. I knew you’d just go back to your old, selfish ways. But I thought, no, I’ll give him a chance to prove himself. But here we are again.’
He zipped up the jacket and glared at Pete. ‘And once again, I feel like an idiot for thinking I knew you at all. You’re a complete stranger to me, and I have nothing more to say to you. See you around.’

Pete watched him leave and slam the door behind him… and then just stared at the door. He was, unsurprisingly, in shock. His usually mild-mannered best friend… ex-best friend had unleashed wave after wave of abuse on his head, even throwing Laura into the mix.

So… if this is how he really, truly feels… the band’s over? Again?
No, that would be too rash. He wouldn’t do that. It was just an outburst, that all, to clear the air a little.
It’s the end. I know it is. He hates me!
Well, if you’re sure… then you hate him.

Pete’s alcohol-addled brain was making sense.

He’s being so superficial, running off to whoever doesn’t cause him any trouble and showers him with compliments. Why be friends with a guy like that? You need someone who’ll spend loads of time appreciating you, someone who knows how lucky they are to have you… and come on, man, find someone better looking!

He smiled to himself weakly, finally moving from his trance and clambering into his bunk. The alcohol was making him drowsy, and the faint argument in his mind was dying down. Sure, Patrick hated him, their friendship was over for good. But he wasn’t going to appear all hurt. He could give as good as he got.

[AN: OK, so there wasn't a delay. Hope you enjoy. Second, the Patrick comment was HARSH, I know. But Pete's drunk, OK?! And third - in my mind, Bill and Patrick were on Game Boy Advances, if anyone wondered. Pokemon Red FTW.]
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