Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Why am I a Pokémon?

Starting of my training

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews


Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-09-20 - Updated: 2009-09-20 - 1014 words

Chapter 2: The starting of my training

I heard on this on TV: turns out they tried to revive me a few times… it was then I was considered to be dead and murdered. In fact, I was taken to a hospital where the famous Lucian works, but he didn’t appear to be there.

Forget that…

Anyways, I can swim almost perfectly now. I’m almost perfectly coordinated in all of my movements. Who says a fish gets tired of swimming? I sure as hell don’t – in fact it feels kind of nice. I overheard Rowan say this: that my dorsal fin (fin on my back) prevents me from rolling and it’s also used for sudden stops; the caudal fin (tail fin) is used for propulsion; the anal fin (doesn’t even need to be described, quite obvious) is used to stabilize; and so are the pelvic fins (forward of the anal fin); and the pectoral fins (fins on the side, behind my gills) are used for maneuvering. I’ve learned a lot from him I didn’t even know – I was going to get my degree in architecture until I died. I’ll tell more about this later.

“Hello little guy,” said the person, whose name I don’t know.

“Hi,” I replied.

“I wonder if you have a name?” She said.

“It’s Leon…,” of course she couldn’t understand me.

“Oh well, I’ll call you Cutie, I guess.”

“Fair enough,” I blew some bubbles. I swam under the filter mainly because it felt nice… like if you’re caressed by a soft breeze in the late spring.

“Hello little one,” Rowan said, taking a peek at me.

“Hello,” I replied, blowing some bubbles. “This is fun,” I thought.

“It’s time to put you outside, in our pond with our really old Relicanth. He’s at least 60 years old… oh well. He won’t hurt you. Would you like to come outside?” He asked.

“Umm… sure…!” I grinned, the best I could.

“I take that as a ‘yes’, so come along,” he put me into a poke ball.

“Whoa… I’ve always wondered what a poke ball was like…,” I mumbled. It’s not the normal greyness you see when someone opens one. It’s like… a paradise or a heaven. Too interesting to describe clearly… oh well... I had no sense of time, but I’m guessing it took him about 10 minutes to get to this “pond” he was talking about.

“Come on out,” he said, letting me out. Brr… the water was fairly cool… it didn’t feel like my tank, my tank is nice and warm… despite having little tiny teeth, I could hear them chattering.

“Heh… hello pipsqueak,” said the Relicanth.

“Ah there he is,” Rowan said. “Good to see you Relic.”

“Great to see you too,” Relic said in a craggy voice.

“I’m Leon…,” I spoke up.

“Relic will teach you how to behave in the wild,” Rowan said. “He’ll teach you how to feed, look out for predators, etc. I must go now. Goodbye…,” he walked off.

“Bye!” We both said.

“So… what are you going to teach me?” I asked.

He grumbled slightly. “Follow me,” he dove underwater and I followed him. The plants on the bottom swayed like flags in the wind. The water was warm and cool in some places, making it a lake. The water had an odd scent, I have no idea what it was. The water was also a nice, cool shade of blue. He began to swim lower and I followed him; brushing up against the hornwort. It tickled so much that I jumped.

“Umm…, what are we going to do?” I asked again, hesitantly.

“I will show you, please follow me,” he blew some bubbles that popped in my face. I wanted to say ow, but he’d think I was a sissy. Sure, I was tough gangster when I was human but I’m very sensitive… even more so now. I wanted to keep asking him questions but he’d probably think I was annoying. It’s best if I left him alone… in fact, I was quite intimidated by him… I mean, he’s old and wise and smarter than me, I bet… I was also getting tired of following him… where the hell is he taking me?! “We’re here,” he said in his gruff voice. We were above a rock covered in some kind of plant.

“What is it?” I asked. Whatever it was, it sure didn’t look appetizing.

“It’s algae,” he replied.

“Hmm…,” I mumbled. I knew what it was, but I didn’t know much about it. How did it taste? Was it even “edible”? I’d rather dine on other fish than just stupid plants, or whatever it is…

“You sure do act weird,” he said gruffly.


“Is there something wrong?”

“No… but you wouldn’t believe me…”

“Ah. I’m gullible! Tell me anything!”

“I – used… to be human…”

“What?!?!” He just dropped his jaw and chuckled. I blushed even though I couldn’t really. I felt humiliated… I turned around without talking. “Look I’m sorry,” he spoke up. “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard about this.”

“Oh… I’m glad you’re sorry.”

“Listen… I’ll be your friend until he lets you go into the wild.”

“I thought this was ‘the wild’?”

“Sort of… but not quite – he’ll let you go out into a larger pond with more food.”

“Hmm…,” I mumbled. He turned around and had a huge scar on him. I dared not to ask… but I was nosey! He could see that I was looking at his scar. It was huge and gashing… I could see why Rowan kept him. He could probably never survive in the wild with that scar. “What… what… happened?” I tensed up, trying not to sound rude.

“I was experimented on… it was horrible…,” he broke down.

“Oh…,” ever since that day I never asked again…
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