Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Christmas Dreams and New Year's Wishes

Author's Note

by kittnami 0 reviews

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-22 - Updated: 2009-09-23 - 280 words

Ok, since this is the first fic I've posted I hope I did this right. About the I just didn't know what to rate it. There's a little bit of violence and some strong language and suggested adult themes but hell what do I know about what all of that should be rated...there isn't anything explicit. shrugs If anyone feels like helping me out here I would love some guidance on this whole rating thing.

As for the story may notice things happen fairly quickly and without much detail. There's a reason for that. This started out as a one shot I wrote while bored at a friend's house. Somehow when typing it up I felt the need to flesh it out more and can see how long it ended up being. I didn't think it really needed a lot more detail. I'm sorry to say that with my horrible writer's block this ended up taking almost a year for me to write involving months of it just sitting on my computer. I finally lit a fire under my butt and finished it. First thing I ever finished writing wise that wasn't for school. Horrible horrible writer's block. Anyway, I had this posted on but was unsatisfied with thier site. It seems very restricting...what if I had wanted to write something explicit ya know? Anyway, yay ramble, I just want to say that reviews and flames alike are extrememly welcome. They seem to help the writer's block thing. If anyone has any ideas how else I can get rid of this curse someone PLEASE tell me.

Thanks for reading.
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