Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.

VS Rowan!

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-10-02 - Updated: 2009-10-03 - 1722 words

A/N: OMG I made a really stupid mistake in chapter 84. I completely forgot that Cynthia broke her arm. XD


Chapter 86

“Wonder when Rowan is supposed to be here?” I shrugged.

“I have no idea…,” Cynthia replied.

“GABB!!!” Chomp said. I’m still not sure what he said.

“Don’t look at me…,” Crina responded.

“Ha… she’s right…,” Rex kicked some sand.

“Yeah…,” Lexi agreed.

“Wonder how I’m supposed to help out with a broken arm?” Cynthia said sarcastically.

“Ah… well… just do the best you can,” I replied. Chomp was so bored that he decided to chase his own Umbreon tail. We all chuckled at this and he looked at us, humiliated.

“GABBB…,” he muttered.

“Aww… cheer up Chomp,” Rex patted him on the back. He looked at Rex and bit him in the arm. “OWWW – Chomp why!!!”

“Gabbb…,” he felt stupid for biting Rex.

“Ah! Good, you’re here!” Siôr said in his usual gruff voice.

“Hey! Siôr! There you are!” I smiled. I got up and shook his hand. Cynthia tried to despite her right arm being broken; and my kids did the same as me.

“So… maybe the children that are coming could use our Pokémon? I mean they’re in perfect condition,” Cynthia suggested.

“Hmmm… I suppose we could…,” he rubbed his chin. “Fine, since you two are a part of the Elite Four… may I see them?”

“Yes!” We all said and let out all of our Pokemon. Along the way, Rex told me his Prinplup finally evolved; Lexi’s Eevee evolved into an Umbreon; even Crina’s Ponyta evolved into a Rapidash. They were indeed beautiful Pokemon, I observed them with ease. Leon and Clarke swam around in a kid’s pool… why it was there, I have no idea.

“Wow. Very impressive Pokemon,” he said. “It’s like they just came out of a Christmas package.”

Lorichat (still doesn’t has a name just yet, but we’re planning on it) landed on Cynthia’s shoulder. “Rawk, let’s have sex!” She squawked.

“Shut up, bird!” Cynthia put her hand around its beak, slightly blushing. I, too, was a bit shocked that the bird said that. “Sorry…, she somehow picked up on what we said once…,” she was a bit flustered.

“Hey, that’s alright. I have a few Chatots that have picked up some cuss words on TV,” he replied. “But say… that’s not a Chatot… what is it?”

“It’s called a Lorichat,” Cynthia replied. “Isn’t she a beauty?” She smiled proudly.

“Ah… I’ve heard of those but never actually seen one. May I?” He said.

“Sure,” she smiled and put Lorichat on her hand. He carefully picked it up and looked at it.

“Wow… what a beautiful Pokemon…,” he smiled. “Here,” he let Lorichat fly around.

“Rawk!!!” She squawked while flying around.

“Gabb…,” Chomp watched her intently while wagging his tail.

“My, my, what do we have here?” Rowan walked up to Chomp and looked at him. Chomp cocked his head. Cynthia and I tried not to blush… “Sure is unusual…,” he commented. He looked carefully at everything. “How on Earth was he created?” He was struggling to find words.

“Umm…,” we both said while blushing. He noticed us blushing.

“I’ll tell you in private…,” I replied. “I tried to explain to my kids and they couldn’t really understand…”

“Alright then,” he replied. I looked at my kids, whom were riding Crina’s Rapidash. I looked back at him.

“So what are we going to do?” I asked. Leon started to flap up into the air… it seemed to have caught Rowan’s attention.

“Oh sorry… I was looking at that Lumineon… looks familiar…,” he blinked. “What we’re going to do? Well, we’re going to let the children get to know their Pokemon; see how they react to ghost types; study the water types around here and last but not least, there’s a triathlon.”

“Wow… sounds fun! I haven’t ran in a long time!” I replied.

“Me neither… it hurts my knees… I used to get bursitis. Thanks to the help of Lucian, I found out what it was,” Cynthia said. “Ah well, I’m babbling on about stupid stuff…”

“Ah well…,” I shrugged. “So when are the kids supposed to be here?”

“Anytime soon, not completely sure when though,” he replied. “They come whenever they can.”

“Haha I beat you!” A kid said to someone.

“Oh yeah! Whatever!” The other kid said to him.

“QUIET!!!” Rowan said.

“Yes sir!!” The two kids said, itimidated by him. I chuckled at this. I like how he gets kids’ attentions. “Lucian?! The Champion?!” The two said, bowing.

“Uhh...,” this was sort of an awkward moment. “Yeah, that’s me! I’m one of your guides... or something... I dunno...”

“It’s nice to meet you Lucian, I’m Luna,” said the girl.

“Nice to meet you too, I’m Jarek,” said the boy. They both shook my hand.

“Wow! It’s Cynthia!” They both said, grinning.

“Yes,” she replied. I’m surrpised they recognised her without her handband, short hair and different clothes. Then again, I’m surprised they recognised me, with brown hair and different clothes and shorter hair as well. Maybe it’s our accents? They shook her hand as well.

“My kids are over there if you want to play with them,” I smiled. They nodded and walked up to them. I looked around and saw that Lorichat was perched on Lexi’s shoulder. They all got off of her Rapidash and met the new kids.

“Am I late?” said another kid, he smiled. I turned around.

“Hello,” I said.

“Lucian?!” He blinked and fainted.

“Umm...,” I blinked as well. This was even more awkward that before. “Are you OK?”

“It’s-it’s... him...,” he twitched. I decided to help him up. Cynthia and Rowan weren’t sure what to say. “Oh thanks...,” he said quitely.

“No problem,” I replied. I looked at Rowan. “So many will come?”

“Well, there are three teams, and each team has ten team members,” he replied.

“Whoa... there are thirty kids coming?”

“Well it depends on how many arrive. Usually there are about ten or so.”

“Can we be a part of it?” I grinned. “I haven’t had a break from work, traveling or being in the hospital... my life seems like a continuous hell...”

“Who says you can’t?” He replied. Cynthia, whom was watching everyone turned around and smiled.

“Great!” We both said. I noticed that the other kid was now with the others.

“You know what will pass the time?” I said to Rowan.

“Yes, what?”

“Let’s battle, I’m bored slightly,” I replied.

“Battle?” He chuckled. “Fine, fine. I’ll battle you,” he grinned. “Go Staraptor!” He let out a huge, old Staraptor. The Staraptor grinned.

I turned around. “Hey Boris!”

“Yes?” He floated up next to me.

“Ready for a battle?” I grinned. He nodded. “I guess that means you are. Rowan, you have the honour.”

“Thank you! Staraptor, Close Combat!” He commanded. A few more kids gathered around. Everyone’s Pokemon even watched. Chomp watched intently.

“Iron Defence!” I commanded. Staraptor’s wing and talon attacks were blocked.

“Well done, you’ve learned a lot since I first met you,” he smiled.

“Thank you. Boris, use Extrasensory!” I commanded. He started to glow and the Staraptor was imprisioned right where it was flying. Its body became distorted almost. Rowan smirked.

“You’re a good battler,” said the Staraptor. It was now a she. She was knocked to the ground and fainted.

“Thank you,” Boris said as she fainted.

“Nice job,” Rowan clapped. “Time for my next Pokemon: go Torterra!” He let out an old Torterra.

“Thank you! You’re up Sirius!” I said to my Chimecho.

“Alright!” He smiled and floated out into the field.

“Now you have the honour, Champion,” Rowan said. A few more kids gathered around. There were at least 20 kids. I think they were too shocked to say anything.

“Sirius, use Yawn,” I smirked. He opened his mouth and blew a pinkish bubble that popped in Torterra’s face. It slowly fell asleep...

“Very nice!” said someone in the crowd. I just smiled. Rowan nodded... there was really nothing he could do.

“Now, use Icy Wind!” I smirked. He opened his mouth again and ice crystals formed, bashing into Torterra. It did a flip... causing Rowan to step out of the way.

“Whoa!” He blinked. “Nice one.”

“Thank you,” I smiled. “Finish it with Icy Wind!” I grinned. The Torterra fainted.

“Well, that’s enough battling for now. Seems that all of the kids are here,” he returned Torterra. He walked off and walked onto a wooden stage-like thing. “Now it seems that all of you are here. Is that correct?” He asked. Everyone in the crowd spoke up. We all returned our Pokemon, except Chomp and gave them to him. “Now you will all be divided up in to teams. Lucian will be Green team’s team captain. Cynthia will be Blue team’s team captain. Rex will be Red team’s team captain.” He divided everyone up. I was happy that I was team captain, and that Rex and Cynthia were, too.

“Hey Cynthers,” I stuck my tongue out.

“Hmm?” She replied, doing the same as me.

“I bet ya I can get more points than you,” I said sarcastically.

“Ha ha,” she replied facetiously. “You’re on!”

“I’m on! Alrighty then!” I smirked. I noticed that the sun was alright half-way through the sky... “Wow time flies,” I said while brushing Crina’s Rapidash, Polaris. It was so hot. I wiped some sweat off of my forehead. I looked over and saw that Cynthia was putting oil on Rex’s Empoleon, Paulie... I was going to guess why she did that: to help it swim faster through the water? I wiped some sweat off my upper lip. “Phew..., I guess I’ll ask her later... when it’s bed time...”

“Sure is hot, ain’t it?” Polaris asked.

“Yes it is...,” I sighed. I knew this was going to be a long day... this night, I was going to explain a lot to Rowan.
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