Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.

VS Roark!

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-10-02 - Updated: 2009-10-03 - 1392 words

A/N: I watched the episode of Pokemon with Aaron… oh my God! He’s sooo cute!! I just love his voice! :D Cute little baby Aaron is even cuter! SQUEE!!! I JUST WANNA HUG HIM... or do him. ;) (JK, but it is true, he is so cute! And I will make a story about him falling in love with Liza, just so you know. Oooh... I could pretend to be Liza! XD)


Chapter 92

“What is it?” I blinked.

“I have no idea; and besides, I don’t see it…,” Cynthia scratched her head.

“Ele… cros! I just love saying that, ya know what I mean?” Whatever it was, just jumped out of the bushes and growled deeply at us.

“Elecros, get back over here!” Its trainer (which happens to be Roark!) popped out of the bushed. He then noticed us. “…Lucian…? Cynthia…? Rowan…? Why are you here?”

“What are you doing here?!” We all said.

“Well… I was digging underground, looking for fossils and I happened to have dug all way here… where ever I am…,” he replied.

“Roark… get back over here! I can’t get out!” Maylene called. She grunted a little and obviously got out of the hole Roark made. “Never mind…!” She walked over, and smiled cutely, as ever. “Hey guys!” She didn’t see Rowan at first. “Oh hi, Rowan…!” She bowed, on her knees.

“Dear,” said Rowan. “No need to bow; I already know you well enough,” he did however, hold out his hand. She smiled and shook it. Roark did the same.

“Great to see you,” Roark said. “How are you?”

“I’m great, thank you for asking!” I smiled.

“Same here,” Cynthia nodded.

“I’m good, thank you Roark,” Rowan said.

“No problem!” He smiled. “So... why are you here?”

“We’re here helping Rowan out with his Summer school thing,” I replied.

“Where are your kids?!” Maylene blinked.

“I know! They’re usually with you!” Roark cocked his head.

“Garrr!!! HEY!!! UP HERE!!!” We all looked up and saw a Garchomp... Chomp? Yes... it has to be because he still has his Umbreon tail and yellow ring on his forehead.

“Hey Dad! Look what happens when you’re gone!” Rex said.

“Yeah, Dad!” Lexi said sarcastically.

“Exactly!” Crina nodded.

“Chomp evolved!” Rex smiled. I had no idea what to say!

“Garr!!! I LOVE BITING YOU!!!” He landed right in front of me and bit my arm... hard enough for it to bleed.

“OW OW OW!! CHOMP NO!” My eyes started to water... damn it hurt, but not enough to actually break my arm. “Bad Chomp! I thought you were going to break my arm!” He just sat down on his arse and looked up at me with his stupid doe-eyes. Oh God... it was too cute... “OK, I give in... you’re too cute...,” I sighed and shrugged. The others couldn’t help snickering and giggling. I looked over at Elecros, I hadn’t seen it since I was stranded on Glass Island...

“Lucian, you should check out my new Pokémon!” Roark grinned.

“Oh? What is it?” I said curiously. The others looked at him.

“Go!” He said.

“Rawk!!!” The thing squawked... it looked strange to me. It looked like a bird skeleton, incrusted in rock... with no eyes or organs of any sort... it looked as if it were made from bones of some sort... I was indeed curious about it. (A/N: Looks like this: http://en. ).

“BAHHH!!! WHAT IS IT?!?!” Rowan shrieked. (We all had to plug our ears...)

Roark sighed. “I call it Aviloss. I found it as a fossil while digging with Dad in Oriss.”

“So... what does it know?” Crina looked at it curiously.

“It knows Bone Club for some odd reason, it also knows Bonemerang, Peck, Drill Peck, and probably the best attack - Close Combat,” he replied.

“Close Combat?!” Cynthia and I said in unison. “Psych!” We both grinned.

“Yes,” he grinned. “Lucian, I challenge you to a battle... with your Garchomp!”

“With Chomp?” I blinked. He nodded. “Well... sure thing!” I grinned. The others stepped aside and all of the other kids showed up to watch me... the Champion challenge a normal, everyday Gym leader, but he is one of my best friends though.

“Avilos... attack Chomp with a Bonemerang!” He said.

“What am I supposed to do...?” He had never really battled before... with us really. He was oblivious to the Avilos attacking him.

“Chomp, use a Slash!”

“Right!” He grinned and slashed up the Aviloss. It looked angry...

“Take this Lucian! Use a Peck!”

“No! Use Dragon Rush!” I smirked. He flew up into the air; a blue surrounded his body and he slammed down onto it. It was so beautiful I was a bit distracted by it... the Aviloss got knocked down but got back up.

“Aviloss, use Close Combat!”

“Shadow Claw, Chomp!” The two Pokemon collided and collapsed... but they got back up.

“Close Combat!”

“Brick Break!” Same result...

“Argh... come on! Use a Peck!”

I smirked big time. “Draco Meteor!” Chomp roared and huge meteors smashed into the Aviloss - causing it to faint. Roark blinked and his right eye twitched.

“Wow!! What was that?!” He blinked.

“YAY!! LUCIAN WON!!!” All the kids said...

“It’s called Draco Meteor,” Cynthia said. “One of the best dragon type moves... the legendary Dialga is said to be able to use it...”

“Dialga...,” we all mumbled. She nodded. The other kids began to disappear around the lake, looking at the Pokémon. My kids stayed here probably to bug me... well, not really. Chomp was bored and decided to fly around and swim into the lake. We all watched him fly around as the trees were started felling (to knock down). Then Gabby appeared.... She saw Chomp and began to fly around with him as well. I think the two were in love... I hadn’t seen her kiss Barry in awhile now. They started to kind of do a little dance together in the air. It was quite interesting really.

“...Wow...,” was all I could say. Roark and Maylene both blinked. Cynthia was intent and quiet... though I could tell her knees were in pain though. Stupid bursitis... glad I don’t have it. My kids were watching intently as well... Rowan disappeared for no reason... maybe to get a closer look.

“Damn...,” I sighed. “I think we might have to go home tomorrow...,” I leaned over and my back poppped like crazy. My eyes widened and I twitched. “OW!!”

“My knees hurt...,” she sighed.

“My arms hurt...,” Crina mumbled.

“So do mine!” Rex said.

“My feet hurt...,” Lexi grumbled.

“Maybe we could just all go to the doctor...,” I mumbled. “I would love to have my job back.”

“Ya know... me too,” Cynthia nodded.

“Let’s get our jobs back,” I grinned valliantly.

“Yes!” She nodded.

“Alright Mom and Dad!” All of our kids said.

“Awesome!” Maylene smiled cutely.

“Great!” Roark grinned.

“What were you guys talking about?” Rowan appeared out of no where. We all jumped because he startled us.

“Getting our old job back,” I smiled. She nodded. “And going home tomorrow...”

“Oh...,” was all he could say.

“And Roark and Maylene, you two are invited to come over tomorrow if you would like to,” I smiled.

“Wow! You really mean it?! Thank you!” Roark grinned. Maylene smiled cutely.

“Thanks Lucian! You are too cool,” she smiled again. I blushed. But before we could say anything else, Roark started coughing up blood...

“Change of plans: we have to go the hospital, NOW!” In the blink of an eye, Storic came out of no where and he saw that Roark was in trouble. Chomp and Gabby landed next to us. Cynthia got on Gabby while the three kids got onto Chomp... since Maylene didn’t way too much, I let her get on Storic as well. “Go, to Celestic Town, NOW!” I commanded. Rowan let out his Staraptor and hopped onto her.

“Kids... go HOME!!!” Rowan commanded. The kids just scattered and left. The sun was beginning to set... Roark wasn’t doing too well... I sighed. Wonder why these strange symptoms happened for no apparent reason? Oh, well... he will get the best treatment in all of Sinnoh...

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