Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're My Best Nightmare


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-24 - Updated: 2009-10-24 - 1390 words - Complete

Three weeks later...

Everything was shit. Daniel was still beating me when I refuse to sleep with him.

It was because I wasn't ready, but to be honest, I'll never be ready, not with him. He was my first boyfriend after everything that's happened and now he's hurting me as well.

Why does everything in my life keep going bad?

It was after a long day at work, Ali never came in and neither did Gerard. It was me all by myself.

When I got home, I saw that no lights were on, but many scented candles, and I could also smell that someone was cooking something. It smelled good to say the least.

"Hello?" I asked, hoping that a certain someone would answer.

"Hey, babe." Daniel said as he came out the kitchen and kissed me breifly. "How was your day?"

Right so he's trying to play nice to get me into bed...I see.

"Boring, Ali and Gerard never came today, so I was by myself."

"Oh, you could have called me."

I saw a little bit of anger appear in his eyes.

"Yeah...I never thought of that, I'm so silly. I'm sorry." His expression softened when he thought that I meant it, but actaully didn't.

"Don't worry about it." He kissed me again.

After dinner, we sat together on the sofa watching random crap on TV, it was nice...until I felt Daniel's hands start wandering.

"Daniel, stop please. I'm not ready."

From that, I got a slap causing my cheek to throb with pain.

"I've had enough of this Jenny! If you don't have sex with me tonight...then...I'll force you."

That scared the shit out of me! If I didn't do this, I would be raped...again! How unfair can you get!?

"Fine do what you want! But if you do that then we are over!" I yelled.

"If you say we're over, then I'll kill you." He spat.

Next thing I knew he dragged me to my bedroom and ripped my clothes off.

I heard him unzip his jeans and put on a condom before pulling my legs open and slammed into me.

I screamed at the pain, it hurt so much, yet he took no notice and got faster, in, out, in, out, harder and harder, each time I was screaming and crying.

He started slowing down a bit, but not that much and he turned my face to him.

"How's that for you kitten?" And with that I screamed louder I had ever screamed before!

"GET OFF ME, GET OFF ME GERARD!" Daniel fell off the bed.

I shook with fear and couldn't stop the tears from falling. I huddled myself into a ball, so he wouldn't hurt me any further.

"WHAT THE FUCK JEN! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SAY HIS NAME!?" He yelled, pulling my hair.

"I didn't mean to I swear!"

He started beating my naked body, but it wasn't as painful as what he just did.

I took every punch, every kick without screaming, crying or speaking. I took it all from him, until I eventually passed out.

Two months on and everything was still the same.

Daniel would continue to rape me, and knock me out afterwards.

He never asked why I called him Gerard the first time, but I know he doesn't like him anymore.

I was sat in Hot Topic waiting for someone to come in, other than Daniel, my bangs hiding a bruise on my right cheek. I was wearing a thick hoodie so no-one could see the bruises, and the cuts.

Yes, I had gone back to cutting, although I didn't like it, it made me feel a little bit better.

I heard the door open and saw two men walk in, one quite tall and the other quite short, maybe just a little taller than me.

The taller one had long-ish black hair, although I could tell it had been dyed, and he also looked like the type of man who would wear glasses, but wasn't wearing any at this time.

He looked cool, and then turned my attention to the other guy.

He too had black hair, but not long, it was short, but went down over his right eye.

These guys look very familiar, but I don't remember ever seeing them in here before.

The next thing I knew, they were coming towards me with stuff they wanted to buy.

"Hi." They both said, and I returned them with a 'hello'.

"That's $56.75 please sir." The shorter guy handed me the money and I noticed he had a lot of tattoos. On his knuckels was the word 'Halloween' which I thought was really cool.

"Nice tattoo." I said.

He seemed to go quite then, "Thanks, my best friend suggested I get it done like five years ago." He laughed a little, but also by his voice, I knew he wanted to cry.

"Aw, please don't cry, what happened? I know it must seem odd me asking, but you can talk to me."

He looked at me with sad eyes before replying, "My best friend, other than him," He pointed at the tall guy, "she was great, I, we both loved her so much. But...she went away five years ago...she said she would come back, she hasn't yet. Me and him are wating for her return and we would kick her British ass for leaving," he laughed.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I'll see you around...Jenny?" I nodded.

"Bye guys."

They left the store and I wanted to cry so much.

I never thought I would see them again, and they don't even recognise me.

As I thought I was going to break down, someone else came into the store.

"Katie? What's wrong?" Gerard asked.

"Mikey and Frank just came in."

"Are you serious?" Gerard asked, a moment after I told him I saw my two best friends in here!

I nodded, "Dead serious, but...they didn't know it was me..." I sighed, I guess I saw it coming, I mean, I did change nearly everything about me.

Gerard was really quiet about the whole thing, I was guessing that he hadn't talked to them since before the trial.

"I'll be back later!" Gerard said and ran out of Hot Topic, leaving me very confused.

Gerard P.O.V
I ran and ran and ran to my car, which by the way was the same car as I had before, a black SUV.

Once I was in, I turned the keys and was driving to a place I didn't know if I was welcome in, a place I once called home.

It took about fifteen minutes to get there, I remember it so clearly, obviously, I mean, who forgets where they grew up in.

I stopped about five houses before the one I intended on going to.

Slowly walking towards the dark blue front door, I was thinking about what I should say, and wondering who would answer the door.

Before I knew it, I was standing at the door, and nervously knocked twice.

Seconds later, the door swung open.

Their eyes studied me a minute. Do I really look that different?


I looked into the hazel eyes of...

"Hi mom."

Her confused look soon turned into a huge...grin?

"Oh my god Gerard, I never thought I would see you again!" She said emracing me in warming hug.

I started to feel tears run, "I missed you m-mom." I choked.

"Oh, I missed you too sweetheart."

"I-I'm s-so sorry."

"It's okay honey, you wanna come in, your dad, Mikey and Frank are here." I slowly nodded, not sure if Mikey or Frank wanted to see me.

Mom went to the living room and I went after her but walking much slower and saw dad, Mikey and Frank.

Mikey stood up. "Gerard?"

I nodded. I didn't want to say anything, incase he got angry or upset with me, and who could blame me, I deserve everything I get for hurting his best friend next to Frank.

The last thing I expected was a hug...but that's what I got.

"Oh my god, Gerard you have no idea how much I've missed you." I finally hugged back.

"I've missed you too little brother."
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