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The Story Of Darkkiller #2

by Airclaw1 1 review

They all ran through the forest faster then ever. “The scream was the sound a kit makes when under attack!” exclaimed Darkpaw with dismay.

Category: Warriors - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-11-21 - Updated: 2009-11-22 - 249 words

The Story Of Darkkiller Book 2

Chapter 1

As Darkpaw and Airpaw looked over the horizon with there new friend Rootpaw, they all where ready for training with there mentor’s. Airpaw’s was quicktail, Darkpaw’s was lightnose, and Rootpaw’s was Ashstar. [not suprising]
“something isn’t right……” Said Rootpaw cautiously.
At that moment Darkpaw heard a scream.

Chapter 2

They all ran through the forest faster then ever.
“The scream was the sound a kit makes when under attack!” exclaimed Darkpaw with dismay.
They all knew it wasn’t going to be good.
“Their it is!”
They fallowed Rootpaw’s view to see a young kit. And standing over the kit was a badger.

Chapter 3

Airpaw just could stare. He never really saw a badger, he always imagined they would be like a mountain lion. Then he noticed a rustle in the bushes.
“Ashstar!” The young apprentices exclaimed.
“you should go back to the clearing I’ll be fine…… Just go!”
Then they looked at each other and nodded.


They all waited for Ashstar to come back but he never did. They all assumed that he had died for good….. Until the next day. That day everyone’s worries about him vanished. Airpaw was then promoted to a warrior. Now known as Airclaw. Rootpaw is now Roottail. And the main hero is now Darkkiller. But a dark feeling haunts the three. A new evil is in them….. And one of them may betray Skyclan and their friends…….
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