Categories > Original > Fantasy

Dream Catcher

by SlinkySlinkers 2 reviews

The key to escaping such a darkness.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-12-23 - Updated: 2010-04-02 - 282 words

Ink. It was everywhere.
The red-haired girl wiped her hand on a nearby sheet of paper, standing up to avoid the black liquid trickling down the edge of the desk. She sighed, turning the ink bottle upright. She groaned at the realization the ink had stained the carpet and several books, all of which belonged to her master. She stared at the desk, annoyed at her carelessness. Usually she was so careful.....

Her mind had been uneasy as of late, but then again, hadn't everyone been nervous lately? Word had been spreading from Nocturne that the Dark King's children had been attacked several times, and now entry is forbidden into the Castle of Night. She looked down at the ink stained books. Why was she so nervous? Was it perhaps that there had been no word from inside the Castle since the attempts on the children? It was so quiet now, as if there was no royal family at all. Even still, you couldn't blame Vesperin for hiding away his children. Not after what happened to his wife........
There was a sudden knocking. She gazed sadly at the mess and turned for the door.
"M...Maiku!", she cried. The King's heir, at her door? Why?
He strode past her without a word. She looked after him before shutting the door.
" you want some tea?"
He nodded.
She brought him a cup and he quietly accepted it. She waited, and after a long silence he spoke.
"I'm leaving."
She blinked twice. "...what...?"
"I'm taking my brother and sister. And we're leaving."
She looked dazed. "T-to where?"
"....the human realm."
Her eyes widened.
"No....No, you can't!"
Ugh, write more later.
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