Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sobriety Diaries.

Step Into My Hell

by KylaMonster87 3 reviews

To me, everything was just one big ongoing party. Everyday even more booze and definitely more pills. It was getting to where I couldn’t function through my day without them...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-01-26 - Updated: 2010-01-31 - 322 words

To me, everything was just one big ongoing party. Everyday even more booze and definitely more pills. It was getting to where I couldn’t function through my day without them. Hell, I couldn’t perform unless I was damn near shitfaced. It was getting out of control, even I will admit that. It was killing my bandmates seeing me spiral downward, more importantly it was killing my baby brother, Mikey…
We were preparing for a trip to Japan in less than a month. The band was thinking about cancelling it to help myself, but drunk or not, I couldn’t let down our fans. Three cheers was doing amazing sale wise. We were on the top of our game. I just hope I make it through alive…

It was 6:30 in the morning, I was the only one awake right nowon the bus. I crept out of my bunk and headed towards the bathroom. I found my hiding spot and washed down a few xanax with some beer. Then I found my new addiction, cocaine. A little of it on top of this shouldn’t hurt right? A few minutes later I was fucked out of my mind and I loved it. I loved escaping reality. It was what kept me sane at times. Sure my depression had increased a lot, but as long as I self medicated I could handle it.

“Gee? What are you doing up already?” asked a sleepy Frank.
“I was just taking a piss” I reply. Sniffling and wiping my nose.

Frank looks at me questioningly. I can tell he is suspicious. Oh well.

“Gee, c’mon. its me, you can talk to me and I wont judge you. I just want to help you dude.”
“I’m fine Frank. Really, don’t worry.”
“okay Gee.” Frank replies defeated.

I don’t know why they worry. I don’t need help. I know what I’m doing…
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