Categories > Original > Poetry

Just Listen

by fobXmcrXpatdX 0 reviews


Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-05 - Updated: 2010-02-06 - 192 words - Complete

These innocents
So well deserving of their fate
Don’t try to save them
You can’t
It's way too late

They couldn’t listen.
They remind me of you
But unlike them
You have someone to tell you just what to do

You need to listen to me
Without my words
You’ll live in lifelong misery
But you’re so persistent
Get over yourself
You’re so resistant
Just listen to me!

Broken hearts
And loveless lives
Bring tears to
These innocent eyes

Why won’t you listen?
I’m trying to save you
Instead you act like
I’m trying to enslave you

You need to listen to me
Without my words
You’ll live in lifelong misery
But you’re so persistent
Get over yourself
You’re so resistant
Just listen to me!

You keep ignoring
I won’t complain
Just get on going
Before I can’t contain
My anger and flame

You need to listen to me
Without my words
You’ll live in lifelong misery
But you’re so persistent
Get over yourself
You’re so resistant
Just listen to me!
Listen to me…
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