Categories > Original > Romance

Flight 429

by KissedByANerd 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-02-11 - Updated: 2010-02-11 - 1150 words

‘Flight 429 will be boarding in five minutes at Gate 32.’
My light green almond shaped eyes scanned over Kaleb as he nervously glanced around the crowded airport.

“You will be okay.” I gently reassured him sensing the anxiety in which was quickly building up inside of him.

After a few beats his eyes landed on me. A small smile broke out onto his round, tan face and he took a step towards me. “I don’t want to leave you.”
I took a hold of his rough hand and grinned. “It will only be for a week, and just think of how much you will learn in England.”
Kaleb didn’t look totally sold on that statement but he nodded like he was anyway. “But even that’s to long for me.”
He folded me into his muscular arms and the cushion from his American Eagle jacket comforted me. There had been many great memories with that jacket.

I glanced up from my band music at Mr. McKean, our band director. He was in a deep conversation with this boy and all I could see was the back of him.
His dark brown shaggy hair lay flat against the back of his neck and his torso was covered with a fitting blue band t-shirt I couldn’t quite identify while his muscular legs were fitted with black skinny jeans. Mr. McKean smiled and motioned towards the empty chair in the Saxophone section. The boy nodded his head and turned to the class.
My breath caught in my chest as I studied his face. His eyes were a chocolate shade of brown and they were framed with Converse glasses. His face had a round shape to it but his chin was chiseled.
“Go ahead and take your seat Kaleb and we will get started.” Mr. Mckean instructed while searching through his music on the stand placed in front of him.
My eyes followed Kaleb as he made his way back to his seat. He slid easily into the uncomfortable chair and his eyes met mine for only a second but that second seemed to last a lifetime.

I took in his familiar scent that consisted of his cologne and the sweet smell of his house. His arms tightened around my small body before he gently released me.
“I better get going before I miss my plane.” His voice sounded unsure but I brushed it off, he would be fine.
I nodded slowly and watched as he bent down to pick up his bags. It felt as though my heart was in my throat and I swallowed down the urge to cry.
I didn’t trust my voice so I stayed quiet.
Kaleb smiled gently at me before quickly kissing my forehead with his soft lips. “Don’t forget me.”
I smiled weakly and shook my head. “Never.”
Our fingers touched for one last time before he headed off in the direction of Gate 32.
‘Will passenger Kaleb White please report to Gate 32, your plane is boarding.’
The sound of his name sent a peace through out my being. Things were going to be alright, he would be back in a week and everything would be back to how it should be.
I turned and slowly made my way towards the entrance. I wasn’t going to look back, it would only bring myself to want to run to Kaleb and plead for him to stay. I couldn’t do that to him, he need this break from everything here in New Jersey. Kaleb had gotten accepted into the preforming arts school in England for a month of classes for guitar.
I remember how excited he was but then he thought about having to leave me and he decided against it. I told him that this was an opportunity of a life time and I would be here when he got back. Even though he wasn’t totally convinced, he decided to go because he knew that I wouldn’t let him live it down if he didn’t. I knew that apart of him wanted to go, he needed to go.

“Are you Vanessa Vreeland?” A deep voice asked from behind me. I turned around in my chair and sucked in a breath. It was Kaleb.
“I might be, who’s asking?”
Kaleb smiled and stuck out his hand I was assuming I was supposed to shake. “I’m Kaleb White and I couldn’t help but notice you are extremely beautiful.”
I slid my hand into his and blushed. “Like I haven’t heard that one before.”
Kalebs smile faded a little and he shook his head. “I wasn’t only talking about the way you look..”
My eyes widened a little and I dropped my hand from his. “Yeah, im Vanessa.” I turned back around in my seat and flipped through my clarinet music trying to preoccupy myself.
I turned my head so I could see everything behind me and my heart sank. The place where Kaleb had once been standing was now occupied by Ronnie, our first Trumpet player.

I staggered in my step as the whole airport shook and rumbled. Screams were heard from down the hall and sirens blared. My heart raced in my chest and my legs felt as though they were jell-O.
“Mommy! Did you see that plane?!” A little boy about seven gushed while pointing out the window at the runway. His mother scooped him up in her thin arms and quickly made her way to the exit with tears spewing from her squinted eyes.
‘We need everyone to exit the building as quickly as possible!” A security guard shouted into a megaphone.
My feet moved as fast as they possibly could towards the window that displayed the scene.
I watched as the flames from the explosion grew larger and higher as the firefighters attempted to put it out with gallons upon gallons of water.
Tears filled my eyes as scorched passengers were pulled from the burning plane and placed on stretchers.
I scanned the side of the plane and my eyes landed on a writing barely visible through the thick dark smoke. The numbers 429.
A scream caught in my throat as a young boy about seventeen was pulled from the plane. His body was covered in dark red and orange flames and a glimmer of something small fell from his ashy face.
A pair of blue converse glasses shattered into a million tiny pieces onto the dark, wet pavement.
My legs went numb and I feel to the rough carpeted ground in agony.
“No.” I mumbled under the chaos that had become of the airport.


A pair of strong hands lifted me up off of the ground and the security guard from earlier carried me out into the lobby. “It’s going to be alright miss, we will make sure everyone is safe.”
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