Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > Growing


by honkycabbit 2 reviews

After being distraught with the ending of Teen Titans, I decided to make a fan fiction that comes right after "Things Change". Since that episode ended with Beast Boy, the first few chapters of my ...

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Aqualad, Beast Boy, Blackfire, Cyborg, Gizmo, Jinx, Kid Flash, Mammoth, Raven, Robin, Starfire - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-04-18 - Updated: 2006-04-19 - 8142 words

After being distraught with the ending of Teen Titans, I decided to make a fan fiction that comes right after "Things Change" There are several things that have inspired me and many that I'll borrow to make it. Anyways the show Teen Titans borrows from all kinds of stuff. So if anyone gets mad at and says I copied off this and that should also get mad at Teen Titans because they copied after soooooooo much other stuff.

Don't bother suing me because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? I don't know maybe one of those video game cheat books can help me because people are too lazy to play the game without cheating!


[Chapter One]

"Green Wanderer"

I do not own Teen Titans, nor do I own any business products, associates, people and anything I use that somebody else owns in this fic. But this story and made up characters and stuff are MINE!


6:45 Jump City

The sun set against the orange sky as a breeze began to move the leaves swiftly about the sidewalks of Jump City. Its inhabitants browsed through newly built shops while others set forth of heading home from long hours of mind bending labor. The city's skyscrapers extended toward the heavens and began to light up the night. Inside most of the tall buildings, movement was taking place, mostly of people preparing to leave their work places.

Things have really changed in the past, trivial things such as, an anonymous child losing his baby tooth, a teen age girl being kicked off the cheerleading squad for lude behavior, to a man finally able to make a payment on his first car with his first paycheck then immediately wrecks it soon after. Other changes were things being rebuilt and the city's politicians doing their share to maintain them. (Which was a rare thing) Yes this city bustled about with life, life that could be care and nurtured by those who feel its value, life that is punctually sound, life that has to be protected from the evils of criminals by none other than the Teen Titans.

A far distance from the river, the ten story tower stood, permanently anchored in the concrete foundation, its lights reflecting off of the smooth but clear river. Life also bustled about inside the tower, Robin, Starfire, Raven and Cyborg inhabited the tower since that late afternoon after the usual kicking of 'butt'. Unfortunately one other inhabitant was absent from the hang-out. The moods on the four titan's disposition clearly showed that they still did not want their friend around at the moment.

6:47 Jump City; Downtown

Although the terrible deeds of the Brother-Hood of evil reacted terrible atrocities to many business, still many more have retained their normal functions. "Burgers" was still cooking hot patties, with tasty condiments and white bread with delectable sesame seeds, and "Pizza" was still serving hot mouth watering Italian pies with all the toppings a customer desired. Other business illuminated by the newly installed street lights were closed for the night after a good days work. The traffic of working class adults subsided, making way for the all-nighter punks and their so called pimped out shit machines.

Further downtown though, all was not quite well with the world. Reconstruction seemed to grind to halt as other areas were left untouched at Maple Ridge Avenue. Projects were in shambles, a vendors cart was lying on its side rusting away. Bottles and cans littered the ground. A couple of dumpsters were overturned, its contents scattered this way and that. Less than half of the street lights were out so it was fairly difficult to see the wrecked cars and many holes in the concrete. At the end of the darkness, Jump City Cathedral stood in all of it's supplant gothic-ness and cracked sidewalk glory. Although it made a good place to sit and think, or say to prayers to whom or what you believed in, not any of the titans participated in the religious services that used to be executed during Sundays. So now it seemed the only purpose for the abandoned church is casting lonely shadows at the nearest buildings.

A sign tacked on the cracked wood doors read: "Relocated at Red Leap Corplex. Church services at 7, 9 and 11 a.m" Scraped at the bottom right hand corner was an inscription: "For a gay old time call Brother Perv. At 1-5 D-E-F-R-O-C-K-E-D" and for a bump and grind call Sister Cherry 1-555- T-O-U-C-H-M-E."

At the top of the Cathedral a green bird perched on the head of a grotesque gargoyle surveyed the consolidated bustle of city life. Downward from his perch a young juvenile in the latest thug-ware was literally trying to be the next "Tony Hawk" wannabe with his puke-green skateboard. As the delinquent prepared to skate the dilapidated guard rails he misjudged his timing upon leaping and fell to his knees.

"AW FUCK!" The clumsy imbecile shouted, struggling to his feet. "Ugh shit this fucking hurts!" He picked up the skate board quivering with fury. "That's the fifth time! How long is it going to take for me to master this freakin ollie without busting my nutz?!" Exasperated he tossed the skate board in the air, in turn gravity attracting it back down to the guard rail followed by a 'metallic' CLANG!

"Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!" The green bird crowed.

"Aw shadd up!" The kid grabbed the nearest broken debris and flung it at the direction of the crowing.

SMASH! The flying debris shattered the head of St. John in the stained glass window. The kid ducked from the raining fragments tinkering onto the cracked concrete.

"Oh Shit, I'm gonna get busted." His voice muttered in a lower register. "I'm outta here!" The vandal reached for his skateboard and disappeared into the night.

The green bird watched him run down the street and made a sharp right onto the sidewalk at the first intersection. Rustling its feathers it fluttered down from the high roof and transformed into Beast Boy. With a dejected sigh the changeling felt the glass crunch beneath his ex-doom patrol sneakers as he made his way opposite down the sidewalk back to the better part of town.

"I kinda wish that the dummy could've stuck around so I'd have some one to talk to." Beast Boy muttered as his elfish ears hung low. (Why even bother hunting down the little punk and reprimanding him when the church was already slated for demolition in a matter of months. Heck it was already abandoned during Raven's birthday. Then again most of everything was condemned in the past seven blocks.)

"This sucks." He said to himself, looking down at his sneakers. "I did it." Beast Boy sauntered down the sidewalk passing various business and pedestrians. "I really did it this time." The changeling shoved his hands in his pockets.

(They are so mad at me right now.)

He passed a vegan restaurant, smelling the faint aroma of veggie burgers. Through the window the customers were laughing and cutting up with their girlfriends.

Beast Boy was in the mood to chat and socialize. Yet his appetite wasn't up to it.

(I'll get one later)

Beast Boy walked near a store of game stations on sell. A sign on the window with stereotypical anime characters and a different game consol caught his eye, "Playstation vs Gamestation" his ears lit up. He stopped to read the flamboyant poster.

"Hi Cabbages customer! If you have the experiences of an expert couch potato then come have the ultimate opportunity of dueling against our gaming champion, with one fee of 20.95."

Beast Boy kicked off his shoes and started shaking them vigorously. A small piece of paper with a cheat code scribbled with numbers, three pennies, a crumpled five dollar bill fell out of one shoe and four I. O. U.s from Cyborg and five nickels fell out of the other. He then found a quarter and a dime from between his toes. After adding up the currency in his hand Beast Boy returned to reading the ad.

"If you beat him you get to take home both consoles and our ten latest games for free!? and........." his voice slowed to a crawl. "share........ them........... with ....your...... friends." Beast Boy sighed. "If I had the dough on me, I'd kick that guys butt and have the biggest all-nighter video game marathon in the history of all-nighter video game marathons."

For a moment he stared longingly at the poster then a light bulb went off in his head. "Maybe Cyborg could lend me the money."

He dug into his pocket for his Titans communicator. The communicator was updated towards reaching individual ones instead of alerting them at the same time. Flipping open the cover and pressing a few buttons Beast Boy waited for the reply.

"Yo this is Cyborg, anyone callin to reach me, feel free to leave a message"

"Alright Cyborg!"

Suddenly Cyborg's voice turned cold. "Anyone except that stupid grass stain, I'll talk to it whenever I feel like it." Then the communicator shut down.

"Cyborg." He whimpered.

Beast Boy pressed some more buttons. "Maybe I can get Starfire to meet me down here."

"Greetings to my friends" Came a jovial female Tamaranean voice. "I Starfire am quite busy at the moment but I will be joyous to take your message."

Beast Boy's ears lit up. "Alright! Hey Star I was wo" He got interrupted by Starfire's voice which changed to sardonic tone. "However Beast Boy I would rather converse with you some other time."

His ears drooped. "Starfire."

Beast Boy pushed more buttons. "I could try Raven I guess?"

"Hi this is Raven, I wish not to be disturbed so just leave your message or rambling and I might call you back."

Beast Boy chuckled "Heh-heh That's Raven for ya"

"But you might be luckier than that green idiotic moron, whom I'm not currently speaking to at all."

Beast Boy looked hurt. "Raven" A lump started to fill his throat.

"Only one more left." With a heavy sigh, he pressed different buttons.

"Hey, this Robin of the Teen Titans, if this a distress call, or a friendly call go right ahead and inform me about your current situation. If you're Beast Boy then don't say anything period."

"Robin." His voice cracked. Beast Boy closed his Titans communicator and placed it back in his pocket.

So many people in this city including his four friends but yet he still felt alone. After placing his shoes back on, Beast Boy morphed into a green hawk and flew quickly away from the welcoming game store. Not caring that some citizens of "Jump City" noticed. Soaring through the night he passed a new billboard sign which read GOD BLESS THE TEEN TITANS OUR HEROS! which was soon erected after Robin and company returned from fighting the Brother-Hood of evil. As he flew past several areas and buildings he spied a familiar iron fence with its dotted shrubbery. He landed on the square brick column and changed back to his regular self. His eyes met the substantial building, Murakami High School.

Only one person came to mind when he saw the new school facility.


Beast Boy walked up the path leading to the heavy doors that were chained up during the night and sat down at the steps. He noticed that it was a very well kept school with healthy cyan grass and strong oak trees, similar to the few he saw in the park. By counting the windows he noticed that it was four stories tall.

"I should have been there with them" He uttered dismally. "I should have gone and fought that monster. That.... That.... That....... awwww.... whatever the fuck it was. But I chose to fight the lonely monster in me, the monster that chases after nameless blonde girls." He wiped his gloved hand across his nose. "Especially girls who won't admit their names."

He remained silent and scratched at his crotch momentarily fearing jock itch until, his voice found his self pity.

"But I swear to God that that girl was Terra. I mean she looked liked Terra, felt like Terra, talked like Terra and even smelled like Terra" He swallowed. "But why in the hell is she denying that she is who she is? I just don't get it."

Beast Boy smacked the door angrily, making the chain on the door handle jingle.

"I wished, I just wished there was some way that I could be able to prove to her that she was and still is a Teen Titan."

He looked up and saw the lights of the T-tower glowing off of the river.

"No use in going back home yet. They're probably still pissed at me."

He changed into the cute cat aka the face and trotted off the steps and into the grass. After nibbling on a long blade, he climbed the nearest tree and sat on the highest branch. Gazing at the darkening sky, made him think about the times when Terra had her powers.

(Gee Her powers were able to let her be flying on rocks, throwing rocks, and especially breaking rocks, the times where her and me sneaked out and went to eat and play and then having to deal with the horrible truth that she was actually working for Slade. Yet she turned back to good at the last minute and gave her life for the titans and the whole city. But now she's denied everything and won't have anything to do with any of us.)

"She knows I've protected her from Slade and damn it I'll do it again." He said loudly.

He only got a response from the crickets in the yard. Beast Boy morphed back into his self. Feeling a chill on his ears he dug into his pocket and pulled out his Ex-doom Patrol mask and placed it over his rotund face. (They thought my mask was goofy but now they're not here to say it.) "Heh-heh" He chuckled.

(Yea I've worn the thing in my Doom-Patrol days. Ah brings back the crappy memories. The times when Mento treated me like his slave, then again he treated every body like a slave.)

Beside his hand a shadow was moving; it danced on the tree branch and moved to the reflection of the street lights. The shadow was in the shape of a human.

"Huh?" (Somebody's up on the roof) He thought after taking noticed of the moving somber object. Beast Boy looked up at the grey flat roof of the school building and sure enough there was a human like figure shifting about the concrete surface.

Morphing into the green bird he flew upwards to the roof of the school. Beast Boy landed on an air-conditioner compressor and morphed back into normal. (They may be casing the place! Well I'll put a stop to that.)

He flipped open his titan communicator and began to dial for Robin but paused.

(Why even bother, him and the rest would just say something crappy about me. God I hate being crapped on)

"I'll deal with this doofus myself." Beast Boy said inaudibly, shoving his communicator back into his pocket.


"YAAAA!" Beast Boy jumped two feet in the air at the sound of the air conditioner compressor starting up.

"Grrrrrr! Stupid air conditioner!" He said loudly kicking its side. "You almost made me pee my pants!"

He changed into a cobra and slithered from the noisy machine. Following the shadow he moved across the roof. As the shadows came closer he morphed to normal and hid behind another A.C compressor that was already running. Poking his head up Beastboy could see that that figure of not a burglar but a teen girl. She was about Starfire's height, with long red curly hair and freckles. She also had on the standard Murakami High School uniform on except, her white shirt and black neck tie hung around a vent pipe. She went about with grace and promulgate like movements.

Beast boy changed into a mouse and scampered on top of the A.C compressor to get a better look. There he watched this red head balance carefully on her tippy toes in her brown shoes, blue skirt and short sleeve undershirt. She then leapt onto a metallic fan duct and stood one leg and with her arms in the air, did a somersault backwards and landed on the roof top half turning in the process.

"Whoa." Beast Boy murmured

The red head girl bent her knees and then did a front somersault, passing the fan duct and landing forward standing up with both feet on the roof. In the manner of a gymnast, she raised her arms in the air and did a handstand and held it for five minutes.

"She's good."

Plopping down the girl bent over and stretched. Then she sat down and started stretching her arm to her leg and vice-versa. Then standing on her own two hands she wrapped her legs over her neck.

Beast Boy morphed into a quail and whistled. (She must be made out of rubber or something.)

The red head girl then untangled herself. Sitting down on the roof she cleared her throat and gazed at the new coming moonlight. With a sigh she began to sing.

"It seems you finally had to choose." She hesitated then continued. "I guess there was no other way."

She stood back up. "Between my love and satin shoes" She cleared her throat again. "I knew the words you'd have to say"

She began walking backwards as if attempting to moonwalk "It all began so long ago. That the memory's hardly clear, But....." She paused and looked at the moon again. When I seen you dance I know, Half your love I'll always share."

She stood on her tip toes and her voice changed to a dramatic tone. "Ballerina when you dance there's music. Colored lights illuminate your movement. Crowded halls anticipated your gentle smile."

She spun around twice. "Ballerina from the first I knew that You would always have to dance I knew that There would surely come a day when you would go
Baby I know..."

She then did one more somersault, backwards. "Dance for me, I beg of you dance for me! Dance for me! Ballerina dance for me!" With a smile she began leaping with long strides around the rooftop.

"La La La La La La La La La Laaaaaaa! La La La La La La La La La Laaaaaaa! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhhhhhhhh! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhhhhhhhh! La La La La La La La La Laaaaaaa! La La La La La La La La Laaaaaaa! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhhhhhhhh! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhhhhhhhh!"

She stopped suddenly, to catch her breath. Sweat beaded her forehead. She rolled up her sleeves and once again gazed at the moon. ""Ballerina when you pant dance there's music! Colored lights pant illuminate your movement! Crowded halls anticipated pant pant your gentle smile!" pant Oh Oh Ohhhh Whoaaaa!" She began her leaping laps once again jumping over everything in her path including various cracks in the floor.

"La La La La La La La La La Laaaaaaa! La La La La La La La La La Laaaaaaa! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhhhhhhhh! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhhhhhhhh! La La La La La La La La Laaaaaaa! La La La La La La La La Laaaaaaa! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhhhhhhhh! Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Ohhhhhhhhh!"

(Her singing is way off but she is a good dancer) Beastboy thought quietly. (But her dancing is awesome. I wonder if she's in a ballet class.)

Watching her legs leap about started to bring back the memories moments ago. Beast Boy grimaced. The dancers whose legs were agitating the floor at the party where that monster thing struck. It started the whole incident of which was why his friends are so mad at him.

As the young ballet danced around Beast Boy noticed that she was nearing the edge of the roof.

"La La La La La La La La La Laaaaaaa!

(She'd better not get to close to edge. Other wise she'll be flatter than the funny pages)

The redheaded girl took one more leap into the air getting ready to do another somersault, as she proceeded her hands hit the roof but as she tried to balance herself her wrist got scratched against an air duct which knocked her into the wrong direction, right over the roof!


"DUDE!" Beast Boy yelled horrified. Immediately he changed into a hawk and dove as fast as he could to the screaming redhead. Using his talons he hooked into her T-shirt and flapped furiously and lifted her back up the roof.

(Don't worry I got you!)

He set the scared girl on her knees on the concrete floor and morphed back.

"Oh, oh my G God!" The redhead girl sobbed clutching her injured wrist. "You you saved m, m, me! I could've been creamed! I I I"

"Creamed!? You could've been killed!" Beast Boy exclaimed. You could've been flatter than the funny pages! You would've"

"Yes yes I know I know!" She interrupted sobbing into his shoulder. "Thank You! Thank You so much!"

"You were like this close to being really hurt!" He motioned with his fingers.

"Yes! I (hiccup!) I could've been so hurt I'd have to quit ballet!" She shuddered, clutching her arms around his waist.

"You'd be so hurt you'd have to quit living!" He said sternly.

"I , I I I awwww!" The girl continued to cry against Beast Boy's shoulder, saturating it with tears.

For a short moment Beast Boy let her have a good cry. But then he started to feel bad though. It reminded him when he made Timid Raven cry after yelling at her as if she were shopping for robes. Also he hasn't had a girl in his arms besides Terra, and Raven. (Here I am holding an unknown girl and I don't have any girl skills.) He looked at the ballerina student and noticed her bleeding wrist.

(Dude she's bleeding!)

Franticly he dug into his pockets, digging out whatever thing he could find; after pulling out a yo-yo, jacks, Pokemon cards, house keys, coins, coupons for peanut butter squares, he found a crumpled 'Burgers' napkin.

"Here let me see it."

The girl whimpered and extended her wrist to him. Beast Boy placed the napkin over the wound. Blood started to soak in the top of the napkin.

"Now press a little hard and that should stop the bleeding." He said in a reassuring voice. "If not I'll go find some more napkins."

"Aww Thanks." The girl choked back her sobs. "I am such an idiot."

"Well I wouldn't say that but." He began sympathetically holding her wrist gently. He looked into her face. "By the way I'm Beast Boy."

"Beast who?" She sniffed, looking bewildered.

"I'm Beast Boy, you know the teen that can change into animals and.....other creatures." He said in a self-gloating voice.

"Wait you're one of them you're one of the titans?"

"Yep and I'm Beast Boy of the Teen Titans!" He pointed to his chest.

"So what's your name?" Beast Boy asked as he sat down.

"Oh my name?" She cradled her hurt wrist. "My name is"


Beast Boy and Samantha turned their heads as the door leading to the stairs burst open. A tall middle brown hair aged woman with glasses dressed in a business suit and tall high heels stormed toward them.

"Samantha! How many times have I told you not to be here?" The woman shouted.

"But Miss Tort I was just practicing my ballet." She whimpered.

"I don't care what you were doing. You know that you're not allowed to be on the roof after school hours!"

"Miss Tort this boy, he saved me, he saved my life." Samantha stammered.

"Yes I know. I saw the whole thing. I can tell he is one of them, a Teen Titan." Miss Tort spoke crisply.

She shook Beast Boy's gloved hand. "Indeed you are Beast Boy the changeling of the Teen Titans, are you not?"

Beast Boy looked at Miss Tort's brown eyes behind the rimless glasses.

"Yes mam I am. So um, what's your name?" He asked prodding his fingertips.

"I'm Principle Amy Tort of Murakami High." She stood upright as an arrow and looked down at the short teen. "I run this establishment and what I say around here goes."

"Yea right out the window." Beast Boy snickered, making Samantha giggle loudly.

"Hmmm, Oh a comedian. Right?" The stern woman asked with a glare.

"Yep, that's me for sure!" He chuckled as a huge sweat drop trickled down his forehead.

"I see." She made a face showing skepticism. "Well come along the both of you. We got to see what to do about Miss Samantha's injury........along with her punishment."

Samantha gulped nervously as the three headed down the stairs.

7:35 Murakami High;Principal Tort's Office

"Have a seat." The prestigious woman instructed as they stepped into the large office. The two teenagers sat down in the leather chairs in front of her desk. as she closed the door. The office was filled with numerous objects showing the tremendous power and authority that a faculty member had. Book shelves lined one wall with books of any subject that existed. Paintings of dark buildings and violet roses hung on the other, along with several framed degrees. The lighting was dimmed with candles and the grandiose fixtures on the ceiling. The massive gothic desk near the window with heavy curtains was as clean as a museum except for the dragon paper weights and a couple of documents plus two iron twin lamps with burgundy shades. The desk had dragon claws for feet and wood carvings all around the sides.

"Hey is your wrist okay?" Beast Boy asked the student next to him.

"Oh it's fine if you don't count the pain." Samantha chuckled slightly.

After closing the door Principal Tort made her way to the desk, her heels clacking the dark tiled floor. She shrugged her jacket off and laid it on a small table near to her desk. Beast Boy noticed that she wore a blue skirt white shirt and long black neck tie like Terra and the rest of the students wore.

"You forgot these." She handed Samantha her tie and crumpled shirt. She then deposited her self in the leather armed chair, which looked more like a throne.

"My God Samantha Turquoise, what am I going to do with you? You were such a behaved student, good grades, nice personality, and very intelligent also first place winner in our ballet contest and gymnastics for three years running." Miss Tort turned on the desk side lamps.

"Wow was she?" Beast Boy asked.

"Yes her trophies are in the case down stairs; feel free to look at them later. Miss Turquoise is one of our proudest students." She adjusted her glasses. "Anyway you were all of these things but now you have gone and done this. Don't you realize what kind of dangerous predicament you've put yourself in?"

"I know now Miss Tort." Samantha said quietly. "I'm very sorry. I've should've listened to you."

"You were very fortunately for this person to come save you although his outfit and incognito ways are a bit unorthodox." Miss Tort turned toward Beast Boy and surveyed him for a moment.

(He looks very peculiar in that odd purple and black spandex suit. His green mask with pointy ears, his grey gloves and purple shoes reminds me of a quaint comic I read in the newspaper yesterday evening.)

Sitting up in her chair she asked in a calm voice. "Could you possibly please remove your make up and costume? I would like to see what you really look like."

"Um okay." Beast Boy scratched his head. "Uh what do you mean?"

"Well for starters you could take off your green mask."

"Huh? Well my mask isn't green but my ears are feeling a little hot." He grabbed at his mask and pulled it over his head, revealing his green elfish ears and green hair.

"Good heavens." Miss Tort remarked staring at him.

"Whoa. He's green all over." Samantha murmured.

"Uh duh! Yea I'm green all over so what about it?" He began feeling annoyed.

"No need to be agitated young man. I was just smitten by your appearance." Miss Tort replied calmly.

"Um how did you get to be so green? Are you like seasick for life?" Samantha queried.

"Dude no way. Its well...........because....of uh." Beast Boy faltered to reply.

"You should not have asked him that. It appeared to be a very personal question."

"Oh no no it's not that." Beast Boy waved his hands in defense. "Its just I don't want to talk about it." He forced a toothy grin.

"Oh maybe later?"


"Okay Miss Tort I'll stop."

"Due to the fact that I left a favorite book of mine in my office I returned to the school to retrieve it. As I made my way down the sidewalk I heard a scream and then I saw a green hawk carry you over the roof. I made my way up the fire escape and through my office to the roof top to find you here Samantha Turquoise on the roof after school hours. Quite frankly I was more worried than mad. We could've had a terrible accident on our hands have we not?"

"Yes mam." Samantha replied.

"So now I must decide what I'm going to do with you." Miss Tort took out a pen and began writing on a blank document.

"Aw come on Principal Tort." Beast Boy protested. "Samantha almost got hurt. I mean she could've broken every bone in her body. Isn't having a scratched wrist punishment enough?"

"Perhaps" Miss Tort pondered "But she did break the rules."

"Aw come on. The Titans have to break some rules in order to fight crime."

"Still she broke the rules."

Beast Boy stood up from the chair like an offended politician. "Robin dressed up as Red X and we didn't kick him off the team. Cyborg fought us during his plan against Brother Blood, and he didn't get in trouble. Starfire well actually Starfire didn't do anything wrong. But Raven almost hurt a little girl while fighting Cardiac and she didn't get any heat. And I"

"And your point is?" She asked.

"My point is that well.........Aw come on. Kids will be kids and uh I say you should go easy on her. I mean your were a kid once."

"Yes I was but"

"But" Beast Boy interrupted, pounding his fist into his hand. "I say that you ought to go easy on her. I mean even the fuzz goes easy on some dudes when they say their sorry and show that they are sorry and"

"Young man I've studied many laws in my years of college. It was a requirement for me to give a dissertation in the topic of why this nation should not let those who commit misdemeanors off so easily. And if you would like to rise up to challenge my ways of directing disciplinary action to my students then I will meet your challenge with a dire filibuster which will possibly persist into the hours of the morning."

Beast Boy felt defeated and sat back into the chair. "I don't want a fili fili what was that word?"

"Filibuster." Miss Tort cocked an eyebrow

"Right, a filibuster I just want you to go easy on her because" He looked at Samantha clutching her napkined wrist. "she is a student and another person needs to back her up on"

"True that may be, but rules are not meant to be broken." She interrupted clearing her throat. "So now I have no choice but to put her in detention."

"Detention!?" Samantha and Beast Boy exclaimed together.

"That's right. Instead of being in homeroom you'll be in detention for five days." She winked at Samantha and handed her the document.

Samantha read the paper and her eyes went wide.

"Now please go down the nurse's office. The nurse should be able to attend to your wounded wrist." She finished with a warm grin.

"Yes mam." Samantha breathed a sigh of relief. She rose up clutching her shirt and tie eagerly. Beast Boy motioned to her.

"Hey I'm sorry that you got put in detention. I wished that I've got you out." He said sympathetically.

"Hey don't worry about it. You did. Homeroom lasts thirty minutes and detention will be in the library. I'll be reading books and comics all week!" She smiled and hugged him.

Samantha turned and walked out the large office, leaving a dazed and confused Beast Boy with the school principal.

"I decided to take your advice and go easy on her." Miss Tort allowed.

She sat down and pulled out some more documents from the desk drawer.

"Easy on her, oh. I thought you were going to kick her out." Beast Boy sounded relieved.

"Heavens no, that infraction was not close to reaching expulsion. I was going to put her in detention during the afternoon which would make Miss Turquoise be without her ballet classes but to this date of hearing your plea to my student I decided to let up my firm grip of tyranny." She placed one of the dragon paper weights on the first document and began writing on second one.

"Being in true identity with my students I may appear and sound very uptight and curt but I'm actually incredibly laid-back and full of patience and stamina. As long as the student is nice and put forth the effort to apologize and or prove me wrong, then I'm willing to be more merciful to student than what is the standard prescribed. Yes as I said I'm very laid back and I'm willing to do all I can with a student to receive an education in our fair city."

"Well I'm very laid back." Beast Boy grinned feeling comfortable. "I'm also lazy too."

"Being laid back is not the same definition as lazy. That is a major problem with students and they must overcome that spiritism, other wise it will be their own undoing. It is usually confined within their selves but they are the ones who must work it out. "

She finished writing the document and selected a red pen from the drawer and began to write on the third document. From Beast Boy's view it had many blank lines and empty squares.

"Now for your reward." She put down the pen and started shuffling the three documents into a stack. "Mr. Beast Boy have you ever been to a school before?"


"No? I see." Miss Tort pulled out a gold pen and began writing on the first document that was under the dragon paperweight. "Have you had any form of schooling?"

"Um well actually, I've learned a few things when I was with the Doom Patrol and then some more things since I've been with the Titans. But most of them I've learned the hard way." He replied sheepishly.

"Indeed we all do." She continued to write.

Beast Boy's eyes observed Miss Tort's office. The candles flickered against the quiet blowing of the air-conditioner vents. The chandeliers rocked slightly making a slight creaking sound. The office wasn't well lit and along with the dark furniture pictures and bookshelves made the interior appear, gothic.

"Got a thing for gothic stuff huh?"

"Yes sir, I do. They represent my inner self as being in my own state of peace tranquility and concentration. The dark colors also signal my small ways of showing atmosphere. That gothic stuff as you call it came from various places and people including my parents whom are deceased. For instance the desk I'm sitting at was my father's and all of the paintings on the wall were my mother's. "

"Oh, well my parents are dead too." Beast Boy replied quietly.

"Oh my, I offer my apologies for their misfortune." Miss Tort said in the same manner. "So you've lived with the rest of the Teen Titans I presume?"

"Yea ever since I got kicked out of the Doom Patrol, I've been staying with them." He finished in a melancholy tone then added.

"My friend Raven would love your office."

He forced a small grin.

"She would? Oh I see. So what is your age?"

"My what? Oh I'm fourteen and a half. I'll be fifteen in a couple of months."

"Okay what's your birthday?"

"Uh...November 19, 1991"

"What's your true name?"

Beast Boy looked at her deadpanned.

"Dude! I can't give that out. Robin says that has to be confidential."

"You can trust me. Besides these papers are for you so nobody will see unless you reveal it to them."

"Well.........but my identity" He protested.

"Mr. Beast Boy, I can't give you your reward until you tell me your first name."

"Alright......But.......... don't laugh........okay?"

"I won't."

"Okay my" He placed his mask over his head.

"Hmmmm. That is an unique name." Miss Tort replied.

"Really?" He looked bewildered at her.

"Why of course. Trust me I've heard much peculiar names before. But this one is well thought out. It suits you, just fine. You look like a Garfield. You know that?"


"Yes your pointy canines show it. It distributes character."


"Yes character, a comprehensive definition of yourself." She adjusted her glasses. Alright now in order for your reward to reach its full state of enhancement you must do some writing on these documents."

Miss Tort stamped the school seal in the left corner of the papers and folded them letter style. She held the papers out to his hand.

"Would you like to guess what these are?"

"Um is this a certificate to something?" He asked eagerly

"You could say that." Miss Tort grinned

"Is it free food? I love tofu and veggies and fruit and cookies."

"Actually yes, but much more."

Beast Boy was ecstatic.

"Wow what could it be? What is it called?"

"You may call it whatever you want, I call it opportunity." Miss Tort's eyes twinkling.

The door to Miss Tort's office opened.

"But first you must take a test also known as the exam." Miss Tort grinned wickedly

"Oh no not the exam!" Came a girl's cry.

"Ah Miss Turquoise, Nurse Oates" You've decided to join us." Miss Tort called jovially "Do come in. Mr. Beast Boy is about to take the exam to get his reward."

Nurse Oates made her way with Samantha in tow. Samantha had a fresh bandage over her wrist.

"How is Miss Turquoise nurse?"

"Samantha is just fine. She'll be much better tomorrow. I doubt she'll be dancing on roofs for while." The nurse replied.

"Beast Boy you're taking the exam?" Samantha asked.

"Yep. I want to get my reward." Beast Boy said boldly with a smile.

"Be careful with that, I've flunked it several times." She warned.

"Mr. Beast Boy this is Mrs. Beverly Oates. She is the school nurse." Miss Tort introduced to him.

"Hi." Greeted Beast Boy.

"The pleasure is all mine." Nurse Oates shook his gloved hand.

"Okay here are the rules Mr. Beast Boy. You can not receive help from any body, you have one question to answer, and it has to be orally. You get one chance, if you get the answer incorrect you will not receive the reward. However this it not a timed test so you may answer whenever you can."

Miss Tort stared at his face. "Are you ready?"

Beast Boy smirked. "Yea I'm ready. Give me your best shot."

"Mr. Beast Boy if I give you my quoted 'best shot'" She motioned with her fingers. "I can assure you will flunk. But if you want it then it can be arranged."

"Nah I'll just take the question." Beast Boy said sheepishly

"A much better choice, it is good you've made it a tad bit easier. Here is your question."

Miss Tort looked at him deadpanned. "What is the sole purpose of the fraction bar."

The smirk fell off the changeling's face. His green eyes went wide and sweat started to bead his forehead.

"Uh............." He scratched his head.

"Oh my God I know this one!" Screeched Samantha excitedly.

"Mr. Beast Boy, speak only if you're going to answer. Miss Turquoise you may not assist him in any form."

Beast Boy swallowed and began to ponder nervously. (Oh man. I'm so going to lose this one. Where's Cyborg when I need them?)

His fingers clutched her desk top. His mouth felt dry, prompting him to run his tongue over his sharp teeth. His bare toes tightened against the soles of his sneakers. His face felt extremely hot under his mask.

(Dude chill! I need to chill! But it's so hard. So hard to do especially with everyone in the room, I need to calm down and relax.)

Beast Boy looked up at the ceiling.

(But I totally stink at math. The Titans even said so themselves. Even Starfire could beat me when it came to using math in a board game.)

He looked at Miss Tort for a moment. She sat at her desk with her fingers intertwining.

Suddenly a light bulb went off above his head.

(I'll know what I'll do. I'll think about the cool times I've had with the Titans)

Beast Boy took a deep breath and sat back letting his body droop.

(Yea the coolest times I've had with Robin, Cyborg, Starfire and Raven. Film strips appeared in his mind. There were the times when we defeated Mad Mod, Slade, and all the Brother Hood of evil. We dealt with that retarded Mother May eye witch. Robin became a bad guy for a while with Red X. Starfire made us eat her nasty food and gave all of us the shits and barfs.......... Okay well that wasn't cool. But it was when I went and lit everybody's farts after they ate that nasty fungus junk. Who knew that Raven had a fake boyfriend inside a book? We had a time fighting that evil dragon. I can never forget the look on Raven's face when she came out of me when I was a whale. Priceless. Now Cyborg oh wow Cyborg for my best friend although I didn't really mean it the coolest thing that's ever happened to him is when I infected him with that crazy virus and got him sick. Best of all was that I saved him by making him sick. Even Raven and Starfire couldn't stop talking about it. Raven said she was quite amazed that I could not only make myself into an ameba but also make several fractions of myself to take on Cyborg. And Starfire said that it was intriguing that I divided myself into several little creatures to save the city)

Beast Boy's ears perked from inside his mask.

The film strips vanished.

(Divided and fractions)

He looked at Miss Tort sitting still as stone.

(Divided and fractions)

He then pictured the division symbol in his mind.

A projector appeared in his mind with a screen in a small classroom. Beast Boy was sitting on a stool with a dunce hat on his head while Raven sternly pointed at the division figure on the screen with a pointer stick.

(It has a dot on top and a dot on the bottom and!)

Beast Boy grinned anxiously.

(Wait though I need to make sure. Let's see. I do know some math. Um okay if 5 plus 5 equals 10 and 5 minus 5 equals 0 and 5 times 5 equals 25 so that means that 5 divided by 5 equals 1)

He placed his hand on the chair.

(Wait a second! On a computer screen there is no division sign. The math signs are a minus sign, a vertical bar, a plus sign and an asterisk? But when ever I've seen fractions they're written with a vertical bar or a bar laying flat. So that would mean that 5 divided 5 can be written as 5 slash 5)

Suddenly hit him.

(That's it! That's the replacement!)

Back in his mind Beast Boy hopped off the stool and shouted happily. "The purpose of a fraction bar is to divide!" In return Raven smiled and the projector screen flashed 'CORRECT!'

"Divide" Beast Boy spoke up.

The tension was broken immediately. In seconds Miss Tort left her desk and swooped him up in a hug.

"My dear! You've won. You've passed the exam!"

She let go of him and smiled.

"Oh please forgive me for putting you through such stress. But I had to test you to see if you are worthy to earn the reward."

"Nah it's no problem." He said smiling.

"Way to go Beast Boy!" Samantha cheered hugging him also.

"Congratulations young sir." Said Nurse Oates

"Thanks!" He beamed.

"Now are you ready?"

"Yea Miss Tort. Whoo-Hoo! Lay it on me!" He replied excitedly

"Here you are." She handed the papers to the eager changeling. "Now on these you must write a small autobiography about your self. The second document is for your interests in life. And the third is for what you need assistance with. Afterwards sign your name on these documents and hand them back to me."

"Uh, what for?" Beast Boy asked with a puzzled look.

"So I can now make you an official student of Murakami High." Miss Tort replied with a twinkle in her eye.

"Oh. Okay." He hesitated for a moment. Suddenly his pupils dilated.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" He screeched.

8:45 Murakami High; The Study Hall

Inside the large study hall aka the library, two female students were sitting at a table. The table was scattered with markers, posters, glitter and anything that appeared girly. These two girls were spending their time bickering. Generally girls tend to bicker about everything. From their hair, to their looks to their crushes to anything their minds could absorb in the field of loathing one another. This time however it was on a topic that was incredibly important. Since the librarian was gone two hours ago, the students were at liberty to be as loud and distracting as they please.

"I've been working on this for a long time and now the results are blowing apart right in my face!" Bellowed the girl with short red hair.

"Yea I don't blame you. I'm getting tired of dealing with all this meaningless shit!" Exclaimed the other with long black hair. "All that drawing and organizing and planning and busting my ass for that total loser has got me so steamed I could just, Auuhg!" She shoved the stack of papers in front of her to floor, scattering some underneath the table.

"I know Sasha. We got to do something. And it better happen soon before that creep ruins our school years!"

She grabbed a marker and squeezed it hard.

"We need to make a change. And replace the butt-head who is running this thing into the ground!"

Suddenly another student walked towards them.

"I'm back you silly things." She chirruped with a shake of her blue highlighted blonde hair. "How are things coming?"

"Terrible." Replied Sasha. And you Nikita?"

"Well it's terrible but I'm not bitching too much. That drink of water was very refreshing." Nikita set her books down on the table.

"We need to take matters into our own hands. Like make a petition or something." Said Ashley. "We need someone who will listen to us and do what we need them to do."

"We got to find someone who is stupid enough to do it." Sasha declared.

"Well my pretties," Nikita began in a false witch's voice. "I also need to tell you about the stuff I just heard down from the principal's office."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ashley asked.

"I'm saying I may have found just the person who you're looking for." Nikita smiled slyly.


Okay everyone due to the compromised time I have with college I'll have to save the flashback for next chapter. See you Titan fans next time! Keep writing those letters. SAVE THE TEEN TITANS!

Chapter 2 "Empty Pity" is on the way!


This is another disclaimer. I do not own the song that Samantha is singing. I will have the answer on next chapter. Feel free to take a guess the song's name and band.
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