Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Is this too soon? ( standalone)

by ThisHelpsMeToThink 0 reviews

Set in Chicago. What happens when mikey and louisa meet for the first time? Rated PG- 13 for language!!! Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this story apart from Louisa-Jayne and the order o...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-03-08 - Updated: 2010-03-10 - 1027 words - Complete

Please rate and review. It means the world as this is my first solo fic! Ta! :)

"Beth..." Raven was asleep. It was the only time she ever used my real name. I thought it safe not to answer. "Beth, wake up" Yeah,she was asleep.
"Beth... Get your arse down here now!" Ah shit! I was in trouble. She only ever used my real name when she was high or drunk or asleep or I had majorly pissed her off.
I dragged myself from the safe haven I called my bed and crept onto the landing. A tall looming figure appeared in front of me. "For fucks sake Raven. Don't do that."
"Get dressed." She pushed her long black fringe from her eyes.
"Why it's only... What The Fuck! It's 7 in the morning and your waking me up!"
she giggled "just get dressed and look presentable for our guests." Oh dear God.
I settled for a quick shower before changing into black skinnies and a low cut black top. You see when Raven says'look presentable' she means 'dress up'. I plastered on the eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick before making my way downstairs. As I stood on the bottom step I checked my face in the compact. Yep, I looked like a two-dollar whore.
"Coffee no sugar and milk please." I knew that voice... It couldn't be. I walked into the front
room and was greeted by 4 people waving and saying hi. Oh, and another wolf whistling his head off and eyeing me up and down. I went to sit by someone who looked as though he wasn't associated with the guy. "Hi" He said passing me a burning mug of hot strong coffee. I took a sip letting the liquid burn my throat before I put the mug on the table. "I see you and Gerard will get on well judging by your eyeliner." I looked over at the guy sat opposite me, the one with long black hair and hazel eyes framed in thick black liner.
"God it's been ages since we've seen each other!" Oh my god. Bob! I launched myself at the man
sat next to Gerard. Unfortunately the chair he was sat on fell back with the force and I landed on top of him. Hands suddenly appeared on my waist, pulling me off my long time friend. They turned me so I was face-to-face with a tall black haired angel. I couldn't help it. His
deepbrown eyes smouldered against my own dull blue ones. " erm thanks...?" I waited for his name. "Mikey." he looked away at the coffee-stained diary entries from years ago. "Pancakes or Waffles?" Raven stumbled into the room, oblivious to the dealings in her own front room. "Waffles!" came the reply for four people. She looked over at me and Mikey. "Im not hungry." I left the room and stomped up the stairs and went into my room. I collapsed onto my bed, forgetting to close my door. I heard a sigh behind me. "Leave me alone Raven." I blindly threw my pillow behind me. It thudded onto the floor as the figure moved to sit on the end of my bed. "I would if I was Raven..." Mikey picked up the pillow from the floor, passing it back to me.
I shouldn't love him like this, I've only just met him. But he's so perfect, so beautiful- dare I say it- so sexy! I hadn't realised that I was crying until I felt his arm circle my waist. "Whats the matter?" his voice was soft and light and tickled my ear. "I'm a sopping sentimental bitch who gets dragged to parties and just sits in the corner with OJ and I hate the fact that you could never lo..." I broke off. Oh god I had almost told him. "You can tell me anything you know that right?" I nodded. "I love you." I turned so I was no longer face
down on the bed. His gentle fingertips brushed away the smudgy black stripes, his face closing in on mine. "Louisa" he said, using my name for the first time. "Being a soppy sentimental bitch, as you put it, means you're caring and thoughtful. You are beautiful the way you are no matter what." he lowered his voice, "I love you." his lips met mine with such a softness I hardly felt them. We broke at the sound of a plate crashing downstairs. "Frank!!!" gerard screamed from downstairs. "I think we had better go downstairs." he held out his hand and as I interlaced our fingers he pulled me to stand next to him.
We all sat in the room with Saw VI filling the screen. Everyone else was engrossed with the film as Mikey's lips crashed into mine and as his tongue traced my lips slowly awaiting permission, I parted my lips allowing him entrance- when he broke away. He looked away as I meant over his chest to search his eyes. "What's the matter, sugar?" his eyes fell to our entwined fingers. "Is this too soon?" his voice was filled with longing, worry and innocence.
"It could never be too soon." I replied planting a soft kiss on his parted lips. "Ewww!" frank had turned to ask for the popcorn and had watched the whole thing. "Get a fucking room guys!" everyone pissed themselves laughing at the look of horror on Franks face- the guy who could watch a Saw marathon but couldn't handle a chick flick. "Fuck you!" me and Mikey said at the exact same time. They all turned back to the tv, whilst Mikey and I returned to hiding behind each other (neither of us could handle horror films and we didn't think spending the night in my room would go unnoticed.) Once everyone had fallen asleep, Mikey quietly sang me to sleep, and- as my eyelids drooped- I felt there was no other place on earth I would rather be.
Authors note: Louisa and Raven are characters based on me and my friend. I just thought o this during science so it's really no good but please rate and review!!!!!!
Thanks! :)
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