Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Make The Moves, Aim The Spotlight

Give Up On Me

by sasukeluver 2 reviews

Everything's being tied together and a healing prossess got to a point. But this little fattle mistake will make... or break the rest of her time in training.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2010-04-06 - Updated: 2010-04-07 - 1584 words

I scream my head off while no sound comes out. Urie laughs above me as his body covers mine. From my neck down I can not see anything that would mean peace. He lays on top of me and his cold, rock- like torso strokes me up and down. He covers my mouth with one had, and moves his fingers aggressively inside me.
"You're so wet," he said. "You know you want me." I try to scream, but only muffled noise came through his hand. "What's that? You want me to fuck you?" My screams get higher and tried to be louder. Tears rolled down my face as he took off my panties. He uncovers my mouth to only cover it again with duct tape. He gets a better grip on me as he straddles me...

“It wasn’t a big deal.” I was trying to calm Pete down, but it seemed like nothing was working.

“No big deal!” He shrieked. “Katie, Asentio is one of the most brutal vampires here-“

“I know Pete,” I interrupted. He shot me a look. “We were just talking, ok?” He gave a huff. “Besides,” I stood up and started to walk out of his room. “He knows more about the attack on my parents then you do. He knows everything.” I walked out and started for my room down the hall.

“How can he know? He wasn’t there. He’s just a mind reader.” I stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned to him. “He got into Urie’s mind. He sees everything the he sees. He knows what happened.”

“And you’re using him for his mind? That’s a little desperate don’t you think? What’s Alex going to think?” I rolled my eyes. A cracked smile came across his face.

"Wow," was all Alex could say. He sat on my bed while I wrap my body. I've gotten the hang of doing it on my own. Alex laid my diary on my blankets. I walked out of the bathroom and crossed my arms. I leaned against the door frame and looked at my feet. Alex was suddenly in front of me while I look up slowly. He was motionless. I fell forward into his arms. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head. "That will never happen."

"Um..." Pete's stuttering got our attention, but we didn't part. I turned my head on his chest and I could feel Alex turn his head. "I'm sorry to break this up, but Katie, training today..."

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." Pete walked out without a word. I told him about Alex and he's okay with it. If he knew we were hiding a relationship he'd draw the line. He's been more of a brother then ever these past couple days. It's surprising we've only been here a few days, but I guess a lot happens when you're dealing with vampires.

"I guess you have to go," he said. His voice was surprisingly sad. I looked up at him.

"I'll be back, Alex you know that." My voice stayed calm and cool. I didn't want him to know that I was lying. Asentio and I decided that at night would be best. Dark, no humans, Pete hunts with the other vamps, Kain's keeping his mouth shut for now, and Alex... shit.
I haven't thought about what I'm going to do about him. "Oh shot..." I said under my breath.

"What?" Alex said. Disappointment covered his face as he parted us. I quickly recovered.
“Nothing,” I said with a half smile. I didn’t think about what I was going to tell Alex. I stood speechless and scared. If I told him about Asentio he wouldn’t let me go, but I already made it sound like something was going to prevent me from seeing him tonight. Come on Asentio, I thought. I would appreciate it if this one time you were bugging into my thoughts.

“Katie, Pete and the guys are waiting; you have to go.” Kain stood in the door way as I ran out.

“I’ll see you tonight,” I lied. This gives me time to think about what I’m going to tell him. I’ll have to sneak off and talk to Asentio. I went by Pete’s room and took my flail. I heard Kain laugh from the other side of the room. I looked up and cocked my head to this side.

“You won’t be needing that,” he said. I took it anyway. I walked out into the sun and took in a deep breath. Vampires were all over. I never thought I would think of vampires this way, but they looked beautiful. They were fighting, others were using weaponry, and some were just goofing off. I saw a teenage girl laughing while pubescent guy hugged her from behind. They looked so happy and alive. I can’t believe I summed up all vampires on one man.

“Katie!” Andy yelled. I turned and saw him running towards me. I smiled and waved. “How are you feeling? Pete told me about last night and-“

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I smiled at him as he returned it. “Where are the others?” I asked. At that moment a yell caught my attention. I turned toward it and I saw Asentio sparing with a younger vampire.

“What’s going on?” I asked. Andy just sighed and walked away. I slowly walked towards Asentio and his partner. He gave him one last blow and Asentio stood above him. I leaned against a tree and watched him. He was really skilled…

“Hey brother’s little girl,” he said as he walked towards me. I didn’t give him a smile, only a glair.

“What am I going to tell Alex?” I asked. He smiled and showed me his fangs. He leaned against the same tree and crossed his arms, so he was copying me.

“You’re screwed,” he said after a moment of fake thought. I punched his arm, having no effect, but still making him see my point. “I don’t know. Do you still want to?”

“Still want to what?” Pete’s booming voice stood behind me.

“Nothing,” I said. Pete grabbed my arm and tore me away. I grunted and tried to wiggle free. “Let me go!”

“I told you I don’t want you talking to him.”
“You said no such thing!” I shrieked. “You know what, what ever, never- mind.” I walked towards Joe and Patrick. They had blank looks on their face. They were thinking all the same thing. That I was a stupid little girl who doesn’t know what she’s doing. But I just rolled my eyes and got over it. I wasn’t paying attention enough to know that Pete was yelling at me. I came in half way though his tangent.

“-no idea why I don’t want you to talk to him do you?” He was expecting an answer. I turned to him and stared into his eyes. “Are you going to answer me young lady?” I heard a chuckle and little snickers behind my back; coming from Patrick and Joe most likely. I kept my eyes on Pete, not knowing what to say. He never yells at me. He losses his temper sure, but never because of me or because I did wrong. I wasn’t going to cry. Years of dreams taught me how to hold back my tears. I kept calm and a level head, just what I was practicing. “If you don’t answer me right now Kaitlyn I will-“

“You’ll what?” I snapped. “Ground me?” He wasn’t expecting me to have an attitude. I guess years of bossing the band he’s just used to getting his way. “You’re not my dad, or even my brother for that matter. You saved my life and I’m grateful and I thank you. But if you don’t let me live like whom I am, I’ll find somewhere else to live and someone else to train me.” I let my eyes slip to Asentio for a split second. He was watching our fight. Pete didn’t seem to notice. He brought up his hand by his side, palm up. “Hit me Pete.” I said quietly. “I dare you.” His face got red (not literally. But I knew he would’ve if he could) and everything slowed down.

I seemed to blink, and almost miss everything. When my eyes opened I was millimeters away from Pete’s palm. My senses told me to hold up my arms. I quickly brought my hands to cover my face, but there was no need. I wind came by me and I was moved back a couple feet. My heart was at a constant speed. I felt a cold skin being radiated onto mine and my tense body went calm. I was going to be ok. I looked around the body in front of me and smiled. Pete was on the ground. I smiled and hugged my savior. I wrapped my arms around Alex and breathed him in.

I heard a gasp. I turned around, expecting only to see Joe and Patrick, but to my surprise I saw Patrick, Joe, Andy… and Alex. I gasped and quickly and pushed the man out of my arms.

“Well that was cuddly,” Asentio said with a smile.
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