Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Dad I Never Knew ('till now)

Ch.14: Kitty Gee?

by Fuck-Is-A-Funny-Word 2 reviews

Phobias and a new nickname?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-04-10 - Updated: 2010-04-11 - 241 words

"Frank, stop touching that!" screamed Gerard.

"No! It's not like it's bothering her or anything," Frank said. He continued to play with Elena's IV. Elena watched him in amusment.

"Just shut up already, Gerard. We all know the only reason you want him to stop is because of your phobia," Mikey snickered, leaning on the door frame. Gerard blushed and glared.

"So? It's weird and gross...needles...ew."

"Quiet, Way," said Ray, throwing a McDonald's fry at him. Gerard turned his glare at him. "And quit glaring. You're not scary. You're more like a..."

"Kitten?" contributed Bob. Soda squirted out of Frank's nose and onto his pants. Poor Frank was laughing too hard.

"A kitten?!" yelled Gerard.

"Nice one, Bob. It's perfect. 'Kitty Gee'," laughed Ray. Frank fell off of Elena's bed and onto the floor. Mikey slid down the door frame, head thrown back, laughing at his brother's new nickname. Gerard crossed his arms and pouted.

"Stupid Bob..." Bob stuck his tongue out at Kitty Gee and bit into his burger. Elena yawned and blinked a few times, trying to not fall asleep.

"Guys, I think we should let Elena sleep," said Ember. They all turned to Elena and saw her heavy eyelids waiting to close.

"Alright kids, time to go!" Frank said. He kissed Elena's forehead. "Well be back for dinner." They all headed out.

"I love you guys..." Elena said as the darkness of sleep took her over.
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