Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Crawling Towards the Sun

To Be or Not to Be

by adalae 0 reviews

Juliette runs to William, but will she tell him what she has done?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Published: 2010-04-13 - Updated: 2010-04-14 - 816 words - Complete

Chapter Thirteen: To Be or Not to Be

“Juliette!” Lidia yelled as Juliette entered the mansion’s grounds from the woods, “Is that really you?!”

“Yes I was…. Gone..” Juliette said, unsure of what to tell anyone.

“That’s understandable sweetie,” Lidia said putting an arm around her, “You should have seen me when I first turned, at least you stayed in the area, I switched continents! Australia’s really nice this time of year, in case you are interested.”

Juliette forced a smile, she had no idea what she was doing. Should she tell her to run, to visit Australia? She didn’t even know what side she was on anymore. She should hate William and everyone at the house, and she was all for the purge of the area that the guys were planning but without her sister, Juliette had to wonder what she was supposed to do with her life. With Pete’s motivations made clear she found herself unable to trust him – would he just go back to killing people in masses when he finished off William and Brendon? Juliette couldn’t have that on her mind.

Lidia had continued to talk and Juliette shook her head confused for a moment, she had blanked on everything that Lidia had been saying. “Sorry, it’s been a crazy couple of days,” Juliette said apologetically.

Lidia smiled, “I understand,” she ushered the two of them into the house, “There’s someone that’s been wanting to see you.”

“Juliette,” William said from the end of the table. Everyone was finishing eating dinner and they paused and stared up at her. “Please, excuse me,” William said as he stepped from the table nodding to Lidia to leave. Instantly his hand was at Juliette’s cheek, “Where have you been, pet? I tried tracking you but…it’s like you vanished.”

Everyone continued to stare at them and Juliette removed his hand from her cheek, “Not here,” Juliette said, “Could we please go somewhere more private to talk?”

“Of course,” he said softly.

As they arrived into his bedroom, Juliette shut the door behind them. Her mind had been reeling nonstop since she ran from Pete’s. Her mind and heart were both torn, if she left things alone William, Lidia, and most likely herself would all be killed. On the other hand if she were to tell William, she may be killed for betraying him – he wasn’t one for forgiveness and then Patrick, Andy, and Joe would be killed – not to mention the people from the town that would continue to disappear whenever the house hunted. There was no winning. She just wanted to run away, far from everything and start over.

“So where have you been?” William asked while cocking his head to the side. For a moment Juliette thought she could see true concern in his eyes.

“Just…. Out,” she replied, “I had to clear my head after…you know… everything.”

“It’s fine,” he said stepping closer, wrapping his hands around her waist, “I was just worried. You left so suddenly and without a word. I was worried about you.”

“You don’t have to. I’m fine now… I just…” Juliette trailed off into nothingness. She was going to be the cause of a giant massacre no matter what she did so she decided since she was going to hell anyways, and she had nothing else to live for, that she should be selfish. “Let’s get away,” she said pleadingly, looking up into William’s eyes, “please?”

“Why, love?” William questioned. He chuckled a little, “you only just got back!”

“You, me, far from here,” Juliette draped her arms over his shoulders, her fingers playing with the hair that hung just above his neck, “Anywhere in the world, I hear Australia’s nice this time of year.” She kissed him, not rough or violent like the last time, more sweet and gentle – and that surprised him.

“Are you okay?” He asked, “I mean, don’t get me wrong – sounds like a plan. Maybe in a while, there’s things that need to get done here first and –“

“No,” Juliette said a little too harshly. Quickly she composed herself and smiled, “I mean I just have so many questions and I think if we take a little vacation we could figure things out and… just be together…” For the first time in a year, Juliette felt like she was doing things right. No matter what happened she knew, in that moment, that she wanted to be by William’s side. “Let’s leave… tomorrow.”

“We’ll see,” William said kissing her forehead, “I’ll see what I can do.” He pulled Juliette closer against him and kissed her, moving his down her back hesitantly. He pulled back, asking for permission and Juliette replied by gently pushing him towards the bed.
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