Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom hearts III Masters of the Keyblades

The Keyblade master

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-22 - Updated: 2010-04-22 - 2051 words

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix and Disney. OCs and plot belong to me
AN: The last chapter was kind of boring, I know. Now we're going to get into the good shit (Well as good as I can make it). I'm glad to see so many people reading this story and I even got a Review! I enjoy reviews so please keep them coming. Boss battle coming up (If it were a game)

The Keyblade master

"Laguna you bastard!" Sam screamed, his hair covering his left side of his face, "You're the most incompetent pilot I've ever met!"

"It's not my fault" Laguna whined, "I didn't see it"

"Didn't see it?! It was a damn mountain, how the hell can you not see it?!"

"It was the same colour as the sky"

"Same colour. Same colour! The sky was blue and the mountain was black!" Sam yelled, "And now because of your stupidity my mother's missing!"

"Okay I'm sorry" Laguna apologised, "So, now what"

Sam thought for a moment, calming himself, "Loo for my mother in the outskirts, I'll check in town"

"What about the Ragnarok?" Laguna asked

"I'll find Cid" Sam replied

"Cid, who's that?"

"He's the best mechanic I know in all the worlds; this will be a breeze for him"


The Shera landed just in the outskirts of town, as it did all aboard excluding Shera jumped to the ground

"So, where are we going" Sora asked, his arms stretched behind his head

"Merlin's house" Cid replied

Suddenly two figures jumped out of the shadows

"Sora!" The two familiar voices shouted as they hit Sora, pushing him over and showering him with affection

"Donald, Goofy. It's good to see you too" The two got off and allowed Sora to get onto his feet

"Are you here to see Leon too?" Goofy asked

"Probably" Sora replied

"Hey" Riku called, "Lets go"

"Alright" Sora replied, suddenly a barrier appeared, separating Sora and Riku, "What?!" Riku turned and approached the barrier; this wasn't the fist time this kind of barrier appeared. Generally it was a sing that Heartless or Nobodies were near, luckily Donald and Goofy were with Sora still

"Behind you!" Kairi yelled

"The three looked behind them, there stood a raven haired young woman with white angel wings, strangely walking in their direction, it wasn't like a person walking, more like a puppet with its strings being pulled by same unknowing puppet master.

"Hey, are you alright" Sora asked running towards her, "You better be carful, there might be some trouble on the way" The woman looked up, her eyes were glowing green, suddenly Sora was sent flying and landed before the barrier

"Sora!" Both Goofy and Donald yelled at once concerned

"What was that" Sora asked as he got up, rubbing his head

"You idiot" Cid yelled, "She is the trouble!" as he said this, Shadow Heartless appeared in the tens, surrounding the three"

"Watch out!" Donald yelled as he summoned his staff, Goofy readied his Shield and Sora Summoned the Kingdom Key

The Heartless jumped forward towards the three, Sora intercepted several of them and slashed down on them, The Shadow Heartless that got struck by Sora's Keyblade vanished in black smoke. Thunder rained down from the sky and demolished shadows that appeared around Donald, one of them survived and jumped at him however Goofy pounded it away with his shield. The Heartless were dropping rapidly though one of them managed to get under the ground and behind Sora, as he arose, Sora spun around and slashed its head, dematerializing it.

"That's all of them" Sora stated tuning his attention to the raven haired woman, "So is she a Heartless too" Sora wasn't given time for an answer as the woman rose her hand and formed a ball of green magic before throwing it at Sora, Donald and Goofy. Sora rolled out of the way however it struck Donald and Goofy and sent them flying, "Donald, Goofy!" The woman appeared behind Sora suddenly, he spun around and slashed at the woman, she parried it with her arm, which lighted up with power before throwing Sora to the side; he spun in midair and landed on his feet

"Sora!" Goofy shouted as he came spinning towards the woman and pummelled her several times before she rose into the air and formed balls of magic around her, as they were formed, the woman launched them all over the place

"Waaaak!" Donald screeched as he was struck by one of them

"Donald!" Sora called, however he got up

"Cure!" Donald shouted blood dripping down his head, as he did he was covered in a green force that closed his wounds and turned them to scars

"Behind you Sora!" Goofy called

"Huh" Sora looked behind him, there the woman was floating, she struck Sora in the chest and hard. He was sent flying away

"Sora!" Kairi shouted on the other side of the Barrier

"Don't worry, I've seen him take harder hits then that" Riku reassured her

Sora got back onto his feet and charged at the woman who was in midair and had Donald (Who was still pounding her on the head with his staff) by the throat. As she saw Sora approach, she threw Donald at him. Sora caught him however the sudden impact pushed him to the ground. Donald got up and let out an aggressive 'Waaak' before summoning a thunder bolt that struck the woman and brought her down to earth

"Come on!" Sora called as the three swarmed the woman, pounding away at her for half a minute until a dark barrier pushed them away and the woman became air born once again, "Hey Donald, could you do that again?" Sora asked

"Sure" Donald replied as he summoned another lightning bolt however the woman dodged this strike before charging. She looked like a blur as she launched them away individually before stopping and charging a powerful ball of magic above her

"Sora" Goofy called as he ran towards him, Sora knew what he wanted and nodded his head to confirm it. Goofy raised his shield and Sora jumped towards it, pushing against it with his foot, this sent him away into the air, as he began to fall Donald and Goofy grabbed his feet and pushed him back into the air. Sora was now speeding towards the woman; unfortunately she had already launched her attack

"No you don't!" Sora outstretched his Keyblade as he struck the ball of Magic, slicing it in half and in turn destroying it. Sora spun his Keyblade around several times as he drew close to the woman, she began to surround herself with a magic aura however it was too late Sora slashed her making her lose the built up magic, Sora was now behind her. He spun around and slashed the woman again, this time the two came back down to the ground, as they did, the barrier keeping the rest of the group out disappeared.

"That was amazing!" Kairi shouted as she ran at Sora and embraced him. Suddenly she realized her mistake and quickly let go, a blush covering her face

"Kid, watch out! You aren't finished yet!" Cid shouted, Sora turned around, as he did he saw the raven haired woman standing, if only slightly

"It's time to finish it off" Sora jumped into the air, the Kingdom Key risen above his head. He came down on her, slashing the Keyblade down however as it should have slain her, a blade intercepted it, not just any blade, a Gunblade, "Leon?" Sora asked puzzled as he jumped back

"She's not a Heartless" Leon replied before turning to the woman, "Rinoa, calm down. It's me" The woman let out a screech, Suddenly Leon jumped forward and caught the woman in an embrace, "It's me, it's your Knight. I'm sorry"

"S-Squall?" The woman questioned

"I wont leave you again, I promise" As he said this, the woman's eyes stopped glowing and her wings disappeared, as they did she fell but luckily she was still in Leon's arms so he caught her

"Is she going to be okay" Sora asked

"Yeah" Leon replied, "She just fainted. I don't think she's used to using her power for so long"

"Let's head to the town" Riku suggested, "We can talk about it there"

"Good idea" Leon replied

"We'll head to Merlin's house for now" Cid added as the group began to walk away, not noticing the two cloaked figures standing on the cliff just above them

"I wonder" The first figure began, "Why were the Heartless drawn to her" His voice was deep and loud, his hood was pulled up over his head concealing his face

"I believe it was because she was emitting the same power as Ultimecia, the beasts probably thought them the same person" The other one replied. This one had a mellow voice; he wore his hood down to revel blue eyes and a shaven head

"Perhaps your right" The first man stated

"It doesn't mater anymore why they were drawn here" the two turned around as another, small figure dressed in a white cloak, "You should be more concerned about the fact that he is here"

"What?!" The shaved man shouted as his eyes widened, "Are you sure?!"

"Of course I am sure, I can smell his filth! Besides, where the witch treads, so dose that demon"

"So shall we find him?"

"No, we are yet to finish our preparations" The boy in the cloak replied, let us return to Ultimecia for now"


"Put her down on the bed" The old man said stroking his long white beard

"Alright" Leon replied as he carried the unconscious woman and gently placed her on the bed, "Merlin, do you think she could stay here until she recovers?"

"Of course she can" The old man replied, "Still, I wonder what the Sorceress is doing here?"

"The who" Sora asked confused

"The story is too long to tell you right now. Perhaps another time but for now, we have more important things to worry about" As Merlin said this he began to dig about his table, he then picked a letter that was underneath several potions before walking towards Sora and handing it to him, "That is from the king to the three of you" By three, Sora assumed he meant him, Riku and Kairi

"What's it say" Kairi asked curiously. As she asked Sora began to read the letter out loud

Dear Sora, Riku, Kairi

If you are reading this then you probably already know About the Heartless activity. What you may not know however is how serious this crisis is. The darkness is striking at those loyal to the light; someone out there is trying to destroy it. The Keyblades may be our only hope. Now there are people scattered through the worlds called the Puroguramu there hearts are locked by darkness, I need you all to unlock there hearts. It shouldn't be too hard once you find them, they may not be physically locked but it's pretty much the same thing.

Sora this part is for you. I'm not sure if you realize this but none of you are Keyblade masters yet. There are four stages of Keyblade that you must know before you are a Keyblade master. These stages are Neutral which you all already have mastered; this is the most basic state which doesn't require mastery. The other three are Kihonteki Youshiki, Tekido Youshiki and Shukun Youshiki. You must find a Keyblade master who can teach you these stages. I'm sorry I can't help, by the time you read this I will have already left, I'll see what other information I can dig up as well as try and keep the darkness back while you fellahs round up and free the Puroguramu

Yours truly, King Mickey

"So, were not Keyblade masters" Sora asked

"It appears not" Riku replied

"So, what should we do now?" Kairi asked

"I'll tell ya what you can do!" Cid shouted, "Go and get out there because you sure as hell aren't gonna find no damn Puroguramu or a Keyblade master in here!"

"Your right!" a grin grew on Sora's face, "Kairi, Riku, Donald, Goofy, lets go. Lets get out there!"
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