Categories > Anime/Manga > Bleach > High School Love

Okay I have this crush....

by Kitsuneko 0 reviews

Momo, Nemu, Nanao, Tatsuki, Orihime, and Rukia are going to the mall and they all invited friends. Nemu wants to confess something but couldn't so she decided to tell Momo her secet. What is Nemu's...

Category: Bleach - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Arisawa Tasuki,Inoue Orihime,Kuchiki Rukia,Kurosaki Ichigo - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-05-10 - Updated: 2010-05-11 - 480 words

"Hey Momo!!On saturday lets go to the mall."said Rukia and Orihime "Okay are we inviting the others?"said Momo "Of course!and if you want you can bring other people."said Rukia "Ohh cool thanks Rukia and Orihime."
Hmmm who should I invite...I want to invite Toshiro but I'll be to nervous...I can bring Luppi but I can't choose! thought Momo "I guess I will have to go ask Rukia."
Moments later Momo found Rukia. "Hey Rukia one question about Saturday."said Momo "Yeah what is it?"said Rukia "Can I invite two people?"asked Momo "Sure invite whoever you like." "Thanks again Rukia." Momo went looking for Toshiro. She went inside the library and the librarian wasn't here then she heard a sound coming from the corner.
"Beauty Queen of only eightteen she had some trouble with herself, He was always there to help her, she always belong to someone else."sang Toshiro "What do you think of that Kurosaki?"asked Toshiro "I like it so far but do you think Momo will like it?"said Ichigo "Yeah I guess your right even if I sang this song to her she will still like the same person."said Toshiro "Huh, Momo likes someone else I thought she liked you." said Ichigo "No she doesn't like me, she likes that guy from my group in art class, Luppi."said Toshiro
Momo heard the whole thing she stood in shock then ran away she was searching for Nemu, finally she found her on the bench talking to Tatsuki and Nanao. "Nemu!"said Momo "Ohh hi Momo-chan whats up?"said Nemu "Nemu, I have to talk to you."said Momo "Uhh okay whats wrong?"said Nemu
"Remember how I told you I had a crush on Toshiro?"said Momo "Yeah what happened?Did he ask you out?"said Nemu "No I was gonna ask him if he wants to go to the mall with us but I heard him sing and said the song was for me!" said Momo "OMG!!NO way!"said Nemu "It's true okay thats all I have to search for Luppi I'm gonna ask if he wants to go to the mall too."said Momo "Ohh um Momo I have to tell you something"said Nemu "Yeah what is it?"asked Momo
Okay Momo-chan like you I have a crush on someone and I've been holding it in since the first day I saw him in class. Nemu said It's Luppi, I really like him and his personality do you think I should ask him out? Yeah of course and I will help you with this one and he is staying at my place since his parents died when he was young and I know Mayuri-san died so you can stay over at my place with Luppi and I! Okay thanks Momo-chan!said Nemu
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