Categories > Original > Romance > Far From Over

Chapter Nine

by suzinixx 0 reviews

Chapter Nine: The Morning After. or-What do you mean it's only been 24 hours? Some stolen kisses, a discussion, and once again it is proven that Ari is NOT a morning person.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2010-05-17 - Updated: 2010-05-17 - 2403 words

Several long, lingering mind-blowing kisses later, we lay there on the dune watching the stars come out in the ever-darkening sky. I see a shooting star, and say “Make a wish.”

Vin replies, “I already did, and it’s coming true now. You are simply amazing, you know that?”

I sit up and look over at him. “What do you mean, simply amazing?”

As he sits up himself, he takes my hands in his.”Here you are, a thousand miles away from home and your little girl, and all you can think about is your best friends and how their son is doing. Leeni filled me in a bit about what you’ve been through lately, and I must say, I’m floored. I would’ve probably gone nuts and gone after him with a really big knife, or something, myself. But here you are, all confident and strong.”

“I’m really not that strong. I have just learned to not get stepped on by anyone anymore. I have to, for Suzi’s sake. And, to tell you the truth, if you ever see me doing laps in the pool, that’s when I’m freaking out about something, and trying to get myself back together.”

“Point taken and duly noted. I go running myself, so I know what you’re talking about. I’ve been married once or twice before. The first time, we were both too young and naïve to make it work. This last time was fubared from the get go, but I told myself ‘what the hell.’ She blindsided me, and I have sworn to never go thru that again. Never had kids with either of them, tho, so it’s a bit different there. Hey, are you alright?” He took his finger, and lifted my face up by my chin to see the beginnings of tears in my eyes. “Christ. I didn’t mean to make you cry. What’s the matter?

“No, no. I wasn’t anything you said or did. I think the past few days have finally caught up to me, and it’s finally hit that we could’ve lost George. He’s like the son I never had; I’ve watched him grow up since he was in diapers. And, now, and I can’t believe I’m gonna say this out loud to you, but here it goes, I’m sitting on a beach with the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever met, who just kissed me silly, and I’m thinking to myself what did I do to deserve his attention?” I shrug, and try to smile as I wipe away the tears from my cheeks.

“Well, first off, George is very lucky to have you as an ‘Aunt’. Secondly, I have wanted to kiss you since I first saw you sitting right in this very spot, not even 24 hours ago. You are drop-dead beautiful, if you don’t know it, and I was struck full-force by that stupid little arrow. I would ask you to do more than just kiss, but I’m actually afraid you’d smack me and run away. So, for now, let’s just see where this goes on its own, ok?” With that, he takes me by the hands, and pulls me up to stand in front of him. After wrapping me up in his arms, I noticed that we fit perfectly together, in all the right places. I put my arms around his waist, and we stand there like that for a few minutes. Then, without another word, he walks me back to the cottages.

When we’re at the porch steps, he gives me another mind-blowing kiss goodnight, and yes, my leg DOES pop up. Laughing, he says,” Did I just see you pop your leg?”

My cheeks go red, and I nod. “Yeah, well, you do that to me. Take it as a good thing. Good nite. Sweet dreams, Vin,” I say as I head inside.

“All of you, baby. All of you.” His reply melted me, and was the last thing I thought of as I fell asleep that night.

The sun was doing its best to penetrate the curtains of my bedroom the next morning, and I just laid there under the covers, wondering why Leeni hadn’t taken it upon herself to be my very own ray of sunshine. After yawning and stretching a few times, I dragged myself out of the bed, and stumbled out into the kitchen / living room area. There, propped up against the coffeemaker, which was full (thank the gods) was a note from Leeni.
Ari –
Roy and I took the cookies and pies to the hospital and to visit with George for a bit. Thought you’d like a sleep-in, seeing as we’ve all been going nonstop the past few days. We’ll grab something for lunch, so you’re on your own til dinner. Have fun…..
Love yas – L & R

Well great, I thought to myself. I poured a big mug of coffee (gotta remember to ask Pinky where she got these big mugs, I could fit half a pot in it, which is awesome) and went out to the porch. I was contemplating whether to get a shower or just go for a swim, when Vin saunters up.

“So, even first thing in the afternoon, you still look as beautiful as ever.”

“Haha, very funny.” I reply, as I look at the clock right inside the door to the cottage. It did say 12:05, so I guess I DID sleep in a bit after all. “Ooops- my bad. I hadn’t realized it was that late. So, what’s on your agenda for the afternoon?”

“I was taking a break from helping Pinky move her stuff out of her cottage to the one next door. I’m starting demo soon, and the redo. She’s been putting me off, but it’s time. The other ones won’t take too long, but I’m basically gutting to the framework, and redoing the whole thing.” He smiled and continued “now that you’re up, I thought I could kidnap you and have you help her get settled into the temporary place, while I get rid of some of the junk that’s left behind. If she’s there hovering, I won’t be able to dispose of half of what’s left. Paul wants me to put all new furniture in to do a total makeover type thing. Or I can just blow the rest of the afternoon off and we could go swimming, or whatever tickles your fancy.”

He smiled at me, and I just melted. If he only KNEW what would tickle my fancy right now, he would NOT have said that. Just then, he tilted his head at me, and said, “But, by the look on your face, I don’t know if I want to find out what that would be just now.”

“You just may, if you play your cards right. But, in the meantime, I’m gonna go get a quick shower and get dressed. Give me fifteen minutes?” I realized only then that I was sitting there in the cutoff flannel bottoms I normally sleep in, and my “Camp NorthStar” tee shirt. Yeah, really beautiful, my Aunt Fanny!

“I’ll be waiting.” Vin takes a seat in the palm tree chair, the one I’m still trying to figure out how I’m gonna smuggle it home, as I dash into the house and start my shower.

What am I doing? I must be clinically insane, thinking I could have a chance with this guy! I stand under the hot water of the shower and start to ponder what exactly I was getting myself into. Lather, rinse, repeat. Scrub the body, and do a little touch-up shaving from yesterday. Nothing worse than day-old stubble. Oh, who am I kidding? Nothing’s gonna happen. You’re never that lucky, Ari. At the most, maybe some more kissing, but that’s as far as it’ll go. I finish in record time, for me, and throw on a pair of jeans, tee-shirt, and my old Penn State sweatshirt that I stole from an old roommate of mine from before my now-defunct marriage. Hey, comfort before style on Saturdays.

Making my way back out to the porch where Vin was still ensconced in MY palm tree chair, I plop down at the table with a fresh cuppa. “So, what’s on the adgenda for the day again? Now that I’ve had my shower and at least two cups of coffee, I think I’ll be able to retain any information you may shoot my way.” I smile my most dazzling ‘come and get it’ smile his direction, and almost melt right then and there.

Vin’s just staring at me, and shakes his head.“Do you have any idea how amazingly gorgeous you are?” he says, as he gets up and comes over to me, planting a kiss on my forehead. “Where have you been all my life?”

“I’ve been in the witness protection program. I saw some pretty nasty stuff, and well, they hid me in beautiful downtown Glen Burnout. Been there most of my adult life so far.”

“Hmmmm, I don’t know whether or not to believe you. Leeni did say that you have a very sarcastic sense of humour.”

“I was joking. Well, at least about the witness protection part. Unfortunately, not about the Glen Burnout part.”

“Okay, then. Point taken. Having spent far too many extended weekends at Dave and Shelly’s while he was at Hopkins, I know the area. But, it makes perfect sense as a place for witness protection. Sorta like Flagstaff, I guess. So, what’s it gonna be, help me help Pinky, or we both turn juvenile delinquent, and go swimming instead?” He does the stretching thing that Roy does, and I just HAD to jump up and get a good comparison hug in. Yeppers. Just what I was afraid of, his ARE better than Roy’s , but I can never let onto that fact in front of Roy. “So, how do I rank?” SHIT. DOUBLE SHIT. He knows what I was doing!

“Why sir, I have no idea what you are referring to,” I false stammer, as I let go from the single best hug I have ever been a part of. One of those types that you just never want to actually end. We fit together in all the right places, like he’s my other half. “I think we should get Pinky settled, then swim. Or, I can help start demo, if you want some that is.”

“Ok, fine. Change the subject. But I know for a fact, that MY hugs are the bomb. To Pinky it is then.” His eyes twinkle at me as we head next door, and smack into chaos central. Pinky is standing in the middle of the living room area, furniture and knick knacks strewn all over the place, with boxes everywhere. “And, this is where I leave you. I have some more heavy manly work to do, but I’ll check back in later.” With that, Vin scoots outside before I can yell ‘HELP’.

Pinky flops down on the small part of sofa left amongst old magazines and a puzzle box. “I honestly don’t know where all this crap came from. I’ve only been here permanently for the past 5 years, when my dear husband passed away. We had a place a few miles down the road, but I sold that right quick. It was his mother’s, see, and well, it gave me the creeps to be there all alone. Besides, it’s not like I rent out all the cottages at once. That, and now I don’t have to drive to work anymore.”

“Seems highly logical to me, Ms. Esther. Now, what do you need me to help you with?” I take a look around and think that the only help this place is going to get is a few well-placed sticks of dynamite to see any resemblance of order.

“How about finding a good CD over there, get some music going, and we’ll just dive in headfirst. Only way to do it, I say.” Pinky heaves herself up off the sofa with a few loud creaks, and claps her hands. “Something with a little spunk to it, to get us going.”

I quickly peruse her collection, which I must admit, is an even more eclectic a range than mine, and find just what we needed. After popping it in, and hitting play, the first few bars of “Joy to the World” by Three Dog Night starts blaring. Old bitty already had it up to eleven! I love this lady!

I go into her bedroom, and stand there amazed, watching said old bitty dancing around her room, singing along, way offkey, but with gusto. “I have this soundtrack too. I just love the movie.”

“Oh, honey, you startled me,” Pinky exclaims, as she finishes a twirl. “Yeah, this was THE BEST era for music. Not at all like all this screaming into the microphone with the occasional guitar riff thrown in stuff that’s popular now. I must be getting too old, because some of that crap is just too damn loud for me.” She laughs at her own joke, which I join her in.

We get a lot accomplished in the next few hours, before she finally stops me in the kitchen. “Oh my dear, do you realize that it’s almost 3? We haven’t had lunch yet. Why don’t you go over and get Vin, and I’ll make us all some sandwiches and tea.”

“Whew, sounds like a plan to me," wiping my forehead with the hem of my t-shirt. "I’ll drag him back, whether he likes it or not. Can’t have your contractor falling over from not being fed, now can we?” I joke, as I head for the front door.

“You mean, YOUR contractor, don’t you deary?” At least, that’s what I THINK I heard her reply, before the screen door and music inside drowned her out. Shaking my head, I wander over to Pinky’s old cottage, and to locate Vin.
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