Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > Be Mine

Chapter 10

by evry1lovesmichelle 0 reviews

Chuck comes home for the summer. And some drama emerges.

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Chuck Comeau,David Desrosiers,Jeff Stinco,Pierre Bouvier,Sebastien Lefebvre - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2010-05-19 - Updated: 2010-05-19 - 3150 words

Chapter 10

Its now summer time here. We just had our last day of school. It was sad actually. As much as I hated school, it was fun at lunch time, and all the time we wasted in class. But I was glad that summer was finally here! And Chuck gets to stay home for a couple months, so that was definitely a bonus!

Chuck is still with Melissa, and I’m still with Pierre! I know right? I didn’t know that we would last this long. I thought he would’ve given up on me a couple days after march break, but he didn’t. I’m pretty sure that soon, I will be ready.

It was the night before Chuck came home. I was supposed to be with Pierre tonight, but he called me an hour ago saying that his aunt and uncle that he’s never seen in a few years have unexpectedly dropped by. So he had to keep them busy till his parents came home later.

I walked by his house, and I was planning to drop off his sweater. He left it at my house the other day. When I go to the front of his house, There was a green jeep there.

“I guess I shouldn’t interrupt.” I said to myself. “I’ll just place his sweater on the porch. He’ll see it.” I walked up to the porch and placed his sweater there.

Everyone else was at Seb’s place. We were going to have a racing tournament.

Seb and I were in the finales. Surprise surprise. We play this game like every day. So we’re like pros! But right near the end of the race, my cell calls. So I try to talk and race a the same time.

I manage to get my phone out of my pocket and started talking on it, I placed it on my shoulder so I could press my ear against it.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hey!” Chuck said.

“Oh hey Chuck! What’s crack’n?” I asked as I concentrate on the racing.

“nothing at all. I’m all alone, so I just finished packing up for tomorrow.” He said.

“I thought you and Melissa were going out somewhere tonight?” I asked.

“Well, we were. But then she decided if she went home tonight, she could get all settled at home, and then tomorrow night she can come to my place and stay for a few days before she goes back home.” Chuck said.

“Oh, I see.” I replied.

“What are you doing?” Chuck asked.

I wasn’t listening to Chuck now. Seb and I were neck in neck on this race, and then I won!

All Chuck could hear was cheering from everyone, and me yelling.

“YES! Ha,ha. I beated you Seb!! Hahaha! Now cough it up people! Where’s my fifty bucks?” I said happily.

Miranda hands me the money.

“You were lucky this time Michelle! Next time its double or nothing!” Seb said.

“Hehe.” I said.

“What’s going on?” Chuck asked all confused.

“Oh, I just beated SEB in a racing game and won $50!” I said.

“Nice!” Chuck said. “Who’s all there?”

“umm, Seb, me, Miranda, David, Jeff, and David!” i replied.

“Pierre’s not there?” He asked.

“Nope, his aunt and uncle that he’s never seen in a few years suddenly showed up, so he has to stay with them tonight because his parents are working till.... 10 I think.

It was the next day. Later in the afternoon, Chuck arrived at my house.

“Knock, knock” I heard someone at the door. I opened it, and there was Chuck!

“CHUCK!” I shouted happily. We hugged.

“Hey!” He replied.

“Its been so long since I’ve last seen you!” I said. Still hugging Chuck.

“Yeah I know.” Chuck said softly.

1 minute later. We’re still hugging.

“Uuumm... I know you missed me, but I can’t stand here all summer.” He chuckled.

“Oh, sorry!” I laughed, and we stopped hugging.

“Chuck, you have to see this!” I said all excited. Then ran to my room.

He follows. “What?” He enters my room.

“Just look!” I hand him a piece of paper.

He starts reading it. Then he stops. “Are you telling me you got accepted to Fanshawe college? He had a surprised look on his face.

I nodded my head.

“Thats great Michelle!” He said, then hugged me.

“Uuum.. I can’t stand here all summer you know!” I kidded. Then laughed.

He laughed, and he let go of me.

“So when do you leave to the campus?” He asked.

“I think about a day after you leave.” I smirk. “I just hope I don’t have any obnoxious room mates.”

“Yeah, that would suck.” Chuck answered.

“Yup. Lets head to Miranda’s. We’re supposed to meet there. And once Melissa gets here, we can go to the beach. If you want to come.” I said.

“Sounds good.” Chuck answered. We walked out of my house. Then we started walking to Miranda’s.

We had to get Pierre first. So we got to his place.

Chucks cellphone made a noise. “Oh I got a text.” He reads it. “Oh, she’s at my house already. I’ll meet you at Miranda’s okay?”

“Sure. I’ll tell everyone your coming.” I walk towards Pierre’s house as Chuck was headed back to his house.

I knock on the door. And 20 seconds later I can hear him barging down the stairs. Then he opens the door.

“You ready for once?” I asked.

He shuts the door behind him. “Yup.” We started walking, and we started holding hands.

“Your aunt and uncle gone now?” I asked curiously.

“.........hmm?” I said. He wasn’t listening.

“Your aunt and uncle?” I said.

“Oh yeah, yeah. They left this morning. They were just passing through. They have some convention to go to today.” He replied.

“Oh.” I said. “I beated seb in the racing tournament last night.”

“Really?” He asked.

“Yup! And I won $50! So I’ll blow it all off on food and junk today!” I said happily.

We got to Miranda’s place. We were sitting at the front of her yard waiting for Chuck and Melissa.

When they arrived, we started walking there. The beach was about 10 minutes away. Everyone seemed so happy today. Miranda and I were making fun of David. And everyone else was talking.

That whole day was weird. Every time I talked to Pierre, it took him a minute to reply. I had to keep repeating myself. Then I just gave up talking to him. LOL.

It was the next day, and I decided to Talk to Pierre about yesterday. So we went for a walk.

“Pierre? What was wrong with you yesterday?” I asked.

“What do you mean? He said curiously.

“Well, it seemed like you weren’t “all there” yesterday. Did I do something wrong?” I replied.

Pierre looked surprised. “No no no! You didn’t do anything. I was just tired. When my aunt and uncle stayed the night, they had my room. So I had to sleep on the couch. Its not really comfortable.”

“Oh okay. I was just curious. If I do happen to do something wrong, you tell me okay?” I said.

Pierre nodded, smirked, and then we kissed.

“I wont be able to spend time with you tonight. My aunt and uncle are coming back again.” He said.

“Okay, I’ll just see what Seb and Chuck are doing. Melissa is going home sometime tonight.” I said.

I asked everyone what they were doing tonight, but it seemed like all of them but Chuck were busy. So it was just Chuck and I. Chuck was going to walk up to my house after Melissa has left.

I was just turning off the T.V when I heard Chuck knocking on the door. I answered it.

“Hey!” I said excitedly.

“Hi!” He replied. “What do you want to do?”

“We could go for a walk. There’s nothing to do here. My house is boring.” I rolled my eyes, then smirked.

He smirks back. “Okay.”

We started walking, and I was just finishing talking about Pierre when we were just about to walk past his house.

“So thats why I thought I did something to make him mad, but he was just tired.” I said. Chuck stopped walking, I walked a couple meters before I realized I was walking alone. I look behind me, and walked back to Chuck. He was standing in front of Pierre’s house.

“What?” I said as I slowly walked back to him.

He was staring at Pierre’s aunt and uncles green jeep.

I was now standing beside him. “That’s Pierre’s aunt and uncles jeep. Come on.” I was puzzled to why he was staring at it. I was tugging at his arm.

He pulled his arm away. “No Michelle, thats Melissa’s vehicle.”

I gave him a weird look.” No, it can’t be. This is the same jeep that was here a couple nights ago when they first got here.”

“Michelle, Melissa has the same car. And it happens to have the same license plate number.....” He was now stunned. He walked closer to the jeep and looked into the windows.

I walked over to see what he was looking at.

“See, there’s her purse and hat.” He pointed them out at me.

“But... why would she be here for?” I asked. I was trying to deny everything that was happening.

He didn’t answer, and started walking to the house door. I caught up with him. “Chuck.. what are you doing?”

He knocks hard on the door. “Getting to the bottom of this.” He was pissed off.

We stood there for 1 minute, and there was no answer.

“See? No ones here. Lets go now!” I said, I didn’t want to go in there.

Chuck opened the door slowly, and entered the house. I started following him. Music was blaring, and it was quite dark. As we slowly walked up the stairs, we could see that Pierre’s light was on. I started to get this funny feeling and my stomach, and I was quite nervous.

We were about a meter away from the room, against the wall. I really didn’t want to see.

“Chuck, I don’t want to look, lets go.” I had a sad look on my face. He just looked at me and then peeked into the room. He was now under the door frame, standing there speechless. About 5 seconds later, I went to see what he was looking at.

I was now standing beside him, we were both shocked. Melissa was wearing nothing but her bra, and on top of Pierre. Then they noticed us.

“Oh shit!” Pierre said surprised and upset.

My eyes were starting to water. I gave Pierre one last look, then I ran out of the house. Chuck was upset also. He shook his head, and slowly walked out.

I was standing in front of the house. Arms crossed, and looking down. Tears kept going down. Chuck came out of the house 30 seconds after me. I started walking. And Chuck followed. We didn’t walk side by side. He was about half a block away from me. I didn’t know where to go, I just walked.

We eventually made it to the beach. It was about 10PM, so it was quite dark. I made my way to the end of the deck. and sat down, with my legs hanging over. Chuck was slowly coming over. He was throwing rocks and sticks in the water, then he would just stand somewhere for a bit. Then 10 minutes later, he finally sat beside me.

“I should’ve seen this coming. I’m so stupid.” I was looking at the water.
“And to think I was ready to go to the next level with him. Thats what he wanted, and I never gave it to him. And now this happens.”

“Michelle! Its not your fault okay? Or mine. I bet he would’ve done it anyways.” Chuck replied.

“Well, it sure feels like its my fault. Don’t you feel this way?” I asked him.

“........well...... yeah. I guess.” He said.

“Who knew that we would both get screwed over at the same time.” I said.

A few minutes later, we heard someone walking towards us.

Chuck looks. Then looks back at the water. “Its Pierre.” He rolled his eyes. I looked behind me, and Pierre was standing a few meters away. I stood up slowly, and Chuck stood up quickly right after me. We were just staring at him. Chuck looked at me to see if he should talk to him or if I wanted to. I nodded at him, and I walked up to Pierre myself. Chuck stood there, watching closely.

I cross my arms. And looked Pierre straight in the eye. “Well, I’m listening.”

“Michelle, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do this to you.” He said. At least he sounded a little sorry.

“If you didn’t mean to, then why did you do it?” I asked. Starting to get upset again.

He didn’t say anything. He was going to, but he just couldn’t answer me.

I did a little laugh, knowing that he couldn’t answer it.

“I’ve been waiting, and waiting for you to make a move on me. I know you said that you weren’t ready yet. But I didn’t know it would take this long...” He said.

“In a good relationship, it shouldn’t matter how long it takes. You should be willing to wait if you love me. But I guess you don’t....” I replied.

“You know thats not true! You know how much you mean to me.” He was starting to raise his voice.

“Yeah, I can see that..... You have a funny way of showing it.” I replied. Trying to not raise my voice. A tear went down my face.

“Okay, now I think your just overreacting here.” He said.

I raised my voice. “I’m overreacting? Heh, How am I supposed to react? Be full of smiles and act like your the greatest guy on earth?”

Chuck walked over. He saw that it was getting out of hand now. He stood beside me.

“Your such an inconsiderate selfish jackass. You only care about yourself.” I cried. I was looking down at the ground.

“So I guess you wont take me back?” Pierre asked.

“What a stupid question. Do you really think she’ll take you back?” Chuck said angrily.

“You stay out of this. This is none of your business.” Pierre said pissed off.

“Oh oh oh! But you fucked my so called “girlfriend”. So I think it is my business.” Chuck remarked.

“Well, you weren’t man enough to satisfy her needs.” Pierre said. He was just annoying me now.

Chuck looked really pissed off now. He was just glaring at Pierre now. If Pierre said one more idiotic thing, Chuck will attack.

“Ha, what are you going to do? Punch me?” Pierre said. He thought he was really something.

Then before I knew it, Chuck punched him right in the middle of his face. Pierre fell down.

“HOLY SHIT!” I exclaimed. I thought it was so fricken awesome. I never saw Chuck lose his cool before. Chuck just stood there, and looked like he didn’t know what happened.

“Come on Chuck! This way!” I said. and we started to run. We both were laughing as we were running. Kept smiling at each other. We ran on the beach until we couldn’t see Pierre anymore.

“Chuck, That was so fucking awesome!!” I said happily and surprised. We gave a high five.

“He had it coming.” Chuck said.

“Well yeah! of course he did. Thats what he deserved. I just didn’t actually think you would do it.” I said as I was smirking.

He smirked back.

“That made me feel loads better, for now.” I said.

The next morning, I was quite upset again. It just happened yesterday for goodness sake. What Chuck did was still awesome, but I was still hurting. I went to Chuck’s so I could cry there. He was really upset too. Not crying though. But you could hear the sadness in his voice.

A few weeks went by. and Chuck and I hung out as usual. We haven’t hanged around the gang because every time we went to, we saw Pierre there. So we would automatically leave. Then we just never bothered.

It was a couple days before Chuck had to go back to start his second year of school. I was going to move in to the residence the day after he left. We were sitting on a bench in the park. We were bored. So we just started talking.

“So, are you excited to go back in a couple days?” I asked Chuck.

“Yup! This year we get to go in the courthouse” He said excitedly.

“Cool. You know, I can’t really see you bashing people and yelling.” I laughed.

“I have that side of me. remember when I was mad at Pierre and punched him?” he said, and the chuckled.

“Oh yeah!” I laughed.

“Well, I’m going to miss you Chuck. But at least we can see each other on holidays. If I get off at the same time as you.” I remarked.

Chuck looked away from me, and started to look at his shoes.

I noticed. and I know when Chuck has something to say. “What’s wrong Chuck?”

“About that...” He said hesitantly.

“About what?” I asked.

“About college. You see, this year is going to be so busy that I won’t be able to come home for the holidays. I’ll have school, and plus they’ll be placing me in a lawyers office in the summer time to help a lawyer. And eventually I’ll be getting a place up there.” He said, but never looked at me.

“You mean.... I wont ever see you again?” I was sad.

“We can still call each other and we can even skype! And I wouldn’t say ever. I might be able to come down once a year or so. And you could even come up there to see me!” He said, trying to be positive.

“I guess your right. Its just going to be weird not seeing you every couple of months.” I said.

“I know. But we’ll just have to adjust to it.... Well, I better go. I have to start packing.” He stands up slowly.

“Yeah, I better start to. I have loads of stuff.”
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