Categories > Celebrities > Aerosmith

Once Bitten

by WhiteClaw 0 reviews

Hate. I hate this. I' going to edit the living crud out of this.

Category: Aerosmith - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-06-15 - Updated: 2010-06-16 - 435 words

Well the times are gettin' hard for you little girl
I'm a hummin' and a strummin' all over God's world
You can't remember when you got your last meal
And you don't know just how a woman feels

It was a day off, which was nice, since our last one was a month ago. They’ve been pretty tight on us this tour. We happened to be in Boston for the day, so it was just me and Steven were all down on the cape. It was nice out, sun was setting, and no one was really around. I was dozing off, when I felt something gently leap ontop of me, as I opened up my eyes and saw Steven there. I just blinked.
“What do you want?” I asked, half asleep, as he smiled at me. I managed to give a smile back, he looked cute(when didn’t he? Besides if he was doped up on something), as he just gave me one of those puppy eyed looks. I hate how it works on me, I really do. Because when I really need rest, he comes and pulls that on me, and I get up and to please him. Not that I didn’t mind this, it had its ups.
“Oh nothin’.” He said quietly, as he just settled himself ontop of me, and seemed to be relaxed. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. The loon, oh I didn’t care. He started to get dozy and when he fell asleep, it was a pain to get him anywhere. I nudged him awake.
“Lets get back to my place..…” Steven groaned slightly as he climbed off of me as I sat up and shook my head and blinked. I didn’t really bring anything but my guitar. I didn’t get changed or anything neither did Steven. We both just dressed in the right attire and just settled down. We both exchange glances as I sling my guitar onto my back, as I hold out my hand to Steven. He smiles and takes me hand, as we just start to walk back to my black. It wasn’t that far. Maybe a half hour walk, if that. It was usually an hour if you get swamped by fans. Nonetheless the walk home was rather nice if it wasn’t snowing, raining, or shit out in general.

You didn't know what rock-n-roll was
Until you met my drummer on a grey tour bus
I got there in the nick of time
Before he got his hands across your state line
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