Categories > Original > Drama > Chibi Vampire: The Selibri's Waltz (Or: The Dream--The Reality.)


by paladin313 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Horror,Humor - Published: 2010-06-15 - Updated: 2010-06-16 - 3555 words - Complete


Chapter 6

In New York City, people normally keep to themselves. People could look or act oddly, and people would still not say much, if anything at all, especially in Manhattan. The main reason for this is because the theater district is there, and people could be coming and going from theaters and television studios in costume. However, this night, this crew looked mean enough that people were getting out of the way as they headed for the train, Chiyuki on Ren's back. As they boarded, however, someone could not leave well enough alone. Someone approached Ren,(because of the way he was dressed,) and said, "Hey, how much for the ho?"

Chiyuki dismounted Ren's back and grinned at him, something about her screamed dangerous. "I don't know-how much can you handle?" she asked, leaning in to him, a psychopathic smile forming on her face. He backed off and said, "Hey, what've you been smoking?"

Jean-Claude positioned himself at the door, wanting the first look around. Chiyuki grinned, vanished, and reappeared behind him. "Nothing, what have you been smoking?" she asked.

"Yo, you ain't one of them, are you?" he asked, all frightened now.

"One of what?" she asked; her voice dangerous, as the famous one fang grin of vampires formed on her face.

"Oh God, you are!"and he started to bolt when Jean-Claude grabbed him and said, "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

He plopped him down on one of the seats and said, "Now, explain to the nice lady what you meant."

Chiyuki chuckled at the last bit about /nice/...waiting for an answer. He took a sickly look on his face as he said, "Yo man, look: there have been some creepy things going on. Not as bad as a month or two ago, but those kind of things are creeping up. I thought they were tales until I saw a homey get jumped a few nights ago. That thin was so vicious it practically ripped his throat out with its bite. Please, man, I want to live!"

"What did /it/look like?" Chiyuki asked.

"Not as pale as you," he answered, "but a bit pale for a brother-I guess it was a guy-he didn't show fangs until he did what he did. He was a skinny dude, didn't look like much, about 5'4". He was a brother, which made it scarier, couldn't make out much else-too dark."

Chiyuki stared, and asked, "English please?" not understanding his slang. "I caught most of it,"said Jean-Claude, "He said a friend of his was attacked by an African-American standing about five foot four, pale for his complexion, and he was so vicious in feeding that he ripped a chunk out of his friend's throat."

"Yeah, man, that's it!" he said.

Jean-Claude then said, "Then you're going to help us find him."

The man got serious and said, "Yo, man, I ain't dealing with him again! I wanna go home!"

"You can, when we find him," she said, "Otherwise we just might have to kill you to keep information from leaking out, and you look like one of those people who like life."

He pumped his head up and down repeatedly, hoping to indeed preserve his life. "Then you're coming with us," she said.

The train pulled up to the stop, and on the wall, in UV was the old house Amayah glyph, but now it was circled, and had a line through it. Below it was the new one, as if to say,"This is the new order." Chiyuki glanced at it, and lightly brought her hand to it, to trace the shape to remember it. "Okay, lead the way!" said Jean-Claude, and the man did so, doing all that he could to keep from soiling his underwear. Chiyuki followed, keeping her face cold and professional. They emerged by Yankee stadium, and they went deeper into the 42nd precinct.

Chiyuki glanced around and in her mind she was planning advantages she would have in that area if a fight broke out there. The Hand looked intimidating, and indeed they stood out. Indeed, gang tags were on the wall, but Jean-Claude gave a rat's backside to all that. About 12 young men dressed in gang colors and styled came up wondering who was bringing the strangers into their turf. The man leading the way was leaving hints to back off, but they took it more that they were abusing him rather than him guiding. Chiyuki had her hand resting on her sword when the men appeared, ready to work like a machine at a moment's notice.

"Wound, do not kill," said Jean-Claude. He then turned his attention to the gang, and said gruffly, "I go where I want! You don't own this or any other street."

"Oh yeah, this says I own it!" and he opened his jacket to display his piece.

Jean-Claude then produced his Styer AUG, and Ren his Desert Eagles in a sense of one-upmanship. He then said, "You even sneeze wrong, and you are red mist! Now, put your hands where I can see them!"

Chiyuki looked less intimidating with her sword drawn, but her face made up for all of that, death and destruction radiated off it. "What you supposed to be--5-0?" he said, as Jean-Claude began cleaning them out for weapons.

"Who?" Chiyuki asked cheerily.

Jean-Claude was surprised that, after being around as long as she was, he was surprised that she had no clues about dialects. However, this was not the time for such discussions, so he said, "He's asking if we're the police."

"Nope," she said, sheathing her sword.

"We didn't come here to cause trouble," said Jean-Claude, as he pulled out the glyph, "Mean anything to you guys?"

One did say, "Yo, Iseen 'dat tag! Whoa, some heavy stuff goin' on up in there! Some homies go up in there, and never come out!"

Chiyuki nodded slowly, then stepped forward, gripped him by the front of his shirt, getting tired of the lingo, and held him up to her, saying, "Speak in English!"

"He said, 'He has seen that glyph as if it were a gang marking. There has been some hardcore stuff going on in there, and some gangs go in, but never come out of that area.'"

He then looked at him and said, "Tell her where!"

"About eight blocks, that way!"

"Ah!" Chiyuki responded. She let the uneducated person drop from her hands and stepped back. "Anything else we need to know?" she asked.

"There's rumors of vampires up in there," he said, "If 'dey vamped out, you got some heavy crud headin' yo way."

Jean-Claude didn't wait for Chiyuki to complain and said, "He said that some of the gangs that went in might have been converted by the undead in there,"

He looked at them and said, "Then you better clear out and forget you saw us. We have what we need to deal with it!"

"Yo, man, dat's suicide!"

"I'll take my chances!"

Chiyuki giggled girlishly and grinned as she said, "It would be their death before anything else."

As they moved out, he said, "I better not here the retrieval of weapons until we are WAY out of sight!"

Chiyuki followed saying nothing, in machine mode again.

They went six blocks, and the glyphs all started to become more frequent, and all replacing the now defunct house Amayah glyph. "Keep your eyes peeled," said Jean-Claude,"We're in the heart of the beast!"

They hadn't gotten far before Chiyuki heard movement. Indeed, it was a vampire moving fast at her. Chiyuki then drew her sword and chopped off the arm of the vampire that charged her. About 45 more showed up, all looking like what had just been described to them. One hissed, "You freak mutants of us! You have a lot of nerve bringing those humans in here! Now we get revenge for what you and Blade did!"

Jean-Claude whipped out his AUG and said, "Kiss my Gluteus Maximi" and opened up!

The others began to open up with the weapons they had brought-P90s, (easier to conceal,)-and began to lay waste. Chiyuki grinned and went after the rest of them left over from the bullet frenzy when the clip was empty. Chiyuki grinned and went after the rest of them left over from the bullet frenzy when the clip was empty. The Hand was lighting them up with expert head shots, and Jean-Claude went wild with his new saber, and cornering one when he had the chance. Chiyuki took about two out before a black streak shot through the area and wiped out everything in its path. Jean-Claude wanted to react, but he was busy. "I guess you guys didn't learn, did you?" said Jean-Claude as he held the silver/steel alloy saber to his throat, "Now, you'd better start talking! Who's in charge and what is he thinking?"

By that point, Ryuu shot back through, standing next to Chiyuki when finished, grinning. "Wondering when you would join the party!" exclaimed Jean-Claude, knowing that he must have caught wind of what was going on. Ryuu sighed, "Didn't take too long Isuppose."

"And now this creep was going to tell me what the deal was," said Jean-Claude, "I'm sure that Ryuu could get something out of him."

"I could, but Chiyuki would enjoy that assignment much more than I ever would," Ryuu said, nudging her slightly.

"He's all yours, Red Devil!" said Jean-Claude, watching the face of the vampire go even more pale than it was.

Chiyuki grinned and picked him up by the scruff of his neck and tossed him down onto the ground, and loomed over him as he growled, "Now you speak or I will torture you in ways that are defiantly not legal and never conceived by your feeble mind!"

He started to become enraged, and started to spout off in Creole different "colorful metaphors" at her, not really caring just who it was that stood before her. In that world of the undead, until the time of the takedown of House Amayah, her name was unknown to them, but it became infamous after that house fell. Chiyuki kicked him hard enough in the face to knock a few teeth out. She might not understand what he was saying, but she sure as well understood the tone. Jean-Claude came over and said, "Look, dinosaur: your kind is through, and you'd better start talking before you are a pile of ash!"

He spit something in Creole again, and Jean-Claude smiled. He said, "The man just told me that we must be weak because we have humans allied with us. He wants a one on one fight with me!"

"So, what do you think?" said Jean-Claude, "Shall I beat the tar out of him, or would any of you like that honor?"

The rest of the Clan gave indication that they wanted to watch their boss in action. "On your feet, filth!" he said, and the two of them went at it. The undead acted by form, and Jean-Claude was using it against him. He had since added Jeet Kun Do to his repertoire and he started to make a physical demonstration of what he had told the team. He was always able to turn the attack against his opponent, and threw a few in for good measure. Finally, Jean-Claude had the undead on his belly, and he said, "You go tell all your friends that the day walker is coming for them."

He then let him flee, and he told the others, "Tail him."

"Let's get going,"said Jean-Claude as he loaded up a new clip, "God, I love this rifle!"

The others saw the look in his eye, and they knew that he was out for blood that night and picked up their pace as they tailed the man. The undead finally reached what looked like an old slum building, but by Jean-Claude's sight, he knew what it was."Hot dog!" he said, "He went into a safe house! We can tear it up and get some information!"

The Hand had followed, with Chiyuki pouting that she had missed out on a torture session, but happy another fight was on the way. "Now, here's the tactic:" said Jean-Claude, "We create havoc for a bit, see if someone tries to bolt, grab that one, be that one an undead or a familiar."

The Hand nodded in understanding, and suddenly Chiyuki spun around, her sword drawn and pointing at the neck of her daughter. "KEELIN!" she yelled, angrily.

Jean-Claude said through his teeth not to be heard by those around, and said to her, "What are you doing here! It's not safe here!"

"I was curious as to what I had found, and nobody is going to stop me!" Keelin said, stubbornly.

Chiyuki hissed and threatened, "You had better reword that, because I sure as death and taxes will stop you."

Considering what her daughter turned out to be and considering that she just found out, (and knew nothing of, or had control over her abilities,) Jean-Claude said in pig Latin, "Ixnay on the opstay."

"Huh?" Chiyuki and Keelin said, completely in sync.

"Keelin, you should have stayed out of this because you have power you do not yet understand,"snapped Jean-Claude, "And you, Chiyuki, have to be careful with her-for exactly the same reason!"

Chiyuki sighed and glared at Keelin, hissing, "We are so dealing with this when we get home!"

Ryuu stared at Keelin and said, "It's been a while since I have seen you little niece."

He grinned and patted the top of her head, handing her the spare sword he had. Chiyuki snatched it away, screeching at him under her breath, "You are NOT giving her a weapon she can't use!"

"HEY!" shouted Jean-Claude, "We don't have time for this! Look, you three work it out-I'm going to work!"

Chiyuki shoved the sword back at Ryuu, growling at him, picked up Keelin, put her on her back, and followed Jean-Claude with the rest of the Hand.

Romulus and Remus realized that they may get some action that night, and they needed information as well. They were supposed to be tailing this Clan; yet, there was now achance to get more than for which they bargained. They positioned themselves on the other side of the house. Meanwhile, inside the safe house, the now half-crazed undead was screaming, "We have to run, the day walker, Red Devil, and the ancient of days is after me!"

Chiyuki and Ryuu could only faintly hear the call, but Jean-Claude said, "I can faintly hear it. Okay, on my cue!"

The werewolves heard everything clearly, so they were now preparing to strike themselves. Chiyuki nodded and arched down to one knee, waiting for his cue. The Hand spread out and prepared to smash through every window of the building. Jean-Claude brought out his AUG, and he was none too subtle about it as he kicked the door in and started to spray. Chiyuki went in after him, chopping down anyone to get in her way, taking the left; Ryuu did the same, taking the right. As those inside tried to scatter, they were cut off by the entrance of the Hand. The few went to the back, and ran into the swords of Romulus and Remus, unbeknownst to everyone there...except for one. Anjou knew that they had been tailed the whole way. They had not sought to cause trouble as yet, so she let them go, but she was ready to confront them if she had to. Jean-Claude shouted, "Look for humans, and see if you can isolate one that is not here to be a meal!"

"Alright!" Ryuu and Chiyuki said together.

In the meantime, Jean-Claude started to work his way to the second floor.

Jean-Claude had emptied his clip by this point, and had no chance to reload and went for his saber. He found what looked like an office, and he kicked in the door, and immediately received about eight bullets. They were garlic laden rounds, but they were in for a surprise. He hit the ground, and he was indeed angry, but he was not out of it yet. The rest of the Hand was making short work of things, trying to buy time for Jean-Claude. The wolves began to get closer to the other fight, and decided on stealth attacks, hoping that they could keep from being seen by the Clan. Keelin got knocked off Chiyuki's back by a bullet going through her shoulder. Chiyuki spun around and picked her up, freaking out, giving a glance over to Ryuu, who knew instantly what was wrong, having smelt the blood. Unfortunately, the others had, and it has a sweet, rare, tempting taste to it, which made it slightly hard for her own mother to be around the scent. "Foolish day walker!" said the man in there that shot him, "Did you really think that your pathetic little band has any chance against true vampires?"

Jean-Claude merely stood up as the bullets fell out of his body, and he said, "True my eye!"

He then thrust forward and took the head of the undead in the office, which then turned to ash. After this, Jean-Claude started to root around the office for anything that might tell them anything about this new house. Hearing the fight downstairs, he took several files, and he ran downstairs, starting to chop his way through the foe.

In the meantime, while Chiyuki was fighting, the wound on Keelin's shoulder healed and she sat up, glaring at the vampires coming for her, and then stood up, her face cloaked in shadow. Keelin took a step forward, and Chiyuki spun around and growled at her, shouting "/Sit down/!" her voice harsh as she chopped up those who came too close, and not seeing the look on her daughters face as if it was not Keelin. Keelin growled at her in return and kicked one undead in the chest, her foot going straight through the chest cavity. Jean-Claude had not seen this and began to look around. Jean-Claude used his infrared sight and saw a human hiding behind a counter, not wanting anything to do with this. "There's the familiar! I want him alive!"

Ryuu turned and saw the counter, and ripped it out of his way, grabbing the human and throwing him over his shoulder. Chiyuki looked amazed, and wondered why Ryuu was so zealous. Keelin still looked enraged, and something was utterly different about her. Jean-Claude saw things wrapping up and said, "Blindfold him and take him back to the building. We have to get out of here before the police get curious."

Ryuu nodded and used one of his bats to knock him out, so he wouldn't scream. "All right, let's clear out," ordered Jean-Claude, "and leave enough question marks behind to keep this new house confused and in the dark."

Ryuu nodded and headed out, kicking up a trail of ashes behind him. While all this was going on, Romulus and Remus had gone upstairs and began to take any files that had not been taken, and did clear out. However, when they got to an alley nearby, they ran into Anjou standing in the way. She did not have her sword out, but she did have a look on her face that looked like it meant business. She then said, "Gentlemen, your scents do not reveal that you are human, but you are not undead. I am thus curious why you are so interested in us, and what you hold."

The two were the top of the princess' elite eight, and those eight might as well have been ghosts the way they were able to move in the shadows. However, they wondered how it was that they had been caught. They wondered if they should just kill her, but that may ruin everything that the princess had planned. They just stood there staring. She then said, "You shouldn't be so surprised. I've been keeping tabs on you ever since you were in the restaurant. Who are you?"

Having no choice at that point, the two of the wolfed out just enough to use their enhanced stated as they sprinted out of there. They had to go over the information and find out what to do from that point.

Anjou watched them flee without a word, and started to head back to Clan Tower, lost in thought. She didn't know if they were foes, but she knew they had nothing to do with what they sought for all she knew. Their change let her know that they were lycanthropes of some sort, and she would have to get Jean-Claude alone to let him know that someone else is curious about their activities. She knew the American Lycanthrope Society would love to know what she had seen, and had every intent to tell them as soon as she could. Considering how things were, she knew the pair she just dealt with had no clue how they had been detected, so she sent a pair of bats after them, making sure that, if they meant harm, she would be able to see it coming far ahead of time.
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