Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > You're Out There Playing Your High Class Games Of Sorrow

You Can't Mark My Words, They'll Put A Spin On It

by They_Call_Me_Monii 3 reviews

don't expect me to update again all summer.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [V] - Published: 2010-06-23 - Updated: 2010-06-23 - 984 words

Paige's POV:

The girl's name was Monica, we've gotten this much out of her. Out of everyone who was with us when we found her, only a few of us stayed in the ER. The waiting room consisted of Natalie, Caro, Nikkol, Brooke, Jeph, and I. A very diverse group. The nurse sleepily rubbed her eyes and walked into the room to talk to us.
"It was a great thing you did for Monica tonight. It really was. But you don't have to stay. She'll be fine."
"What happened?" Jeph piped up with anticipation in his voice.
"She was hit by a car, hit and run. She had alcohol and narcotics in her system, a dangerous mixture. We probably got to her hours after she was hit, her body naturally sobered up a bit, but we still have to watch her." The group was dumbfounded. Although we knew nothing of this girl, we were fascinated with her.
"Did she try to kill herself?" Only Nikkol would ask a question so blunt at a time like this.
"We're not sure yet, but when we find out, you guys will be the first to know." The nurse walked away, and I looked at those with me.
"I'll feel bad if I leave," Natalie was the first to comment the situation.
"We don't even know her, Nat, it's not a big deal..." My voiced trailed off. I knew that I'd also feel guilty about leaving her, but I wanted to go home at that point. The ER smelled like blood and fear, and the chairs in the waiting room weren't the most comfortable.
"I'll stay here, just catch a cab, go home, get some rest. I'll call you all in the morning and tell you how she is." Jeph yawned. We all exchanged hugs and left the hospital, piling into a cab.

Jeph's POV:

I sat in the chair, biting my nails, reading boring waiting room magazines, watching whatever soap opera was on the tv. I couldn't sleep, even if I tried. After countless painful minutes, the nurse walked into the room and sat next to me.
"Is she your girl, or something?" Not anymore.
"Then what are you doing here?"
"Just being a kind stranger."
"You seem a little too kind, I mean I don't know anyone who'd stay over night in the hospital for someone they've never met." She clicked her tongue.
"Obviously, you and I have never met before." She wasn't helping me.
"You can go to her room, if you want, she was transferred into ICU." She stood up, and I followed her. She walked me into a few hallways, up an elevator, and through another hallway. Eventually, we entered a room. Monica was lying in the bed, IV's in her arm, she was covered in sweat. She cringed in her sleep.
"I'll just stay here until she wakes up..." The nurse left before I could even finish my sentence.
I walked over to the chair next to the bed, and sat down. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

I awoke to the impact of plastic hitting my face, and my eyes snapped open. Monica had thrown the remote at me. A rude awakening, indeed.
"Who are you?" She sat up, in tears. It was only me and her in the room.
"Mo', it's me, Jepha..." She sighed and rubbed her eyes, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I was with the clan of obnoxious people who found you last night."
She lied back down, her head sinking into the pillow, "Why did you stay?"
"Because I was concerned," Our conversation was going no where.
"Bullshit," She mumbled, and from then on, it was silent.
God knows how long it was until I found the courage to break the silence, "Monica, I have a really important question," She didn't acknowledge me, "Last night, did you try to kill yourself?"
Her head snapped towards me, and she just starred for a moment. There was evident pain in her eyes.
"I - I didn't try to kill myself," Her voice cracked, "I was sad. And I had a headache, so I took a painkiller."
"How many painkillers did you take, Mo?" I snapped, accidentally.
"I don't remember..." Her voice trailed off, and she turned on her side to face the other way.

Caro's POV:

I awoke to warm breath on the back of my neck. I turned, and I saw William, asleep. He exhaled, and all I could smell was booze. I crawled out of my bed, and wandered into the kitchen. I clutched my stomach in a desperate attempt to find food. As I opened the fridge, I sadly saw a bottle of ketchup and a twelve pack of beer. The phone rang, and I sleepily walked across the room to answer it. I checked the caller ID, Mercy Hospital, Chicago. Then it struck me like a table corner to the crotch that Jeph was still with Mo' in the hospital.
"Hello?" I picked up the phone with anticipation.
"Caro, it's Jeph." Obviously, "Can you do me a favor?"
"Sure, Jepha. What do you need?"
"Can you come and get me? I don't have any money for a cab."
"Sure, I'll be right there."
I didn't bother getting changed. I just grabbed my keys, and left. Although, I did drive into McDonald's to get breakfast. As disgusting as it was, I was starving. When I got there, Jeph was impatiently pacing the parking lot. I pulled up next to him, "Get it the car, faggot."
He did as I bitterly instructed, "So, what's the deal with Mo'?"
"Well, she'll be fine."
"How did she take you being there?" Out of everyone there last night, only Jeph and I knew who Monica was, fortunately.
"Well. For a while at least."
At that, I drove him home. With small talk, avoiding the subject.
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