Categories > Original > Drama > Separation


by RapunzelK 0 reviews

Diagnosis and prescription

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-06-27 - Updated: 2010-10-05 - 336 words

December 22, 1979

“...what is this?”

“Your diagnosis and prescription.”

“Are you sure you didn’t confuse this with the Dear Abbey column?”

“No, why?”

“Because I’m pretty sure I can’t pick up ‘Get Married’ at the pharmacy.”

Charles smiled at Ray’s boggled expression.

“You’re not a Burnout, dude, but you will be if you keep pushing yourself like this. Therefore, as your unofficial psychic therapist, I am prescribing you a healthy dose of Girlfriend. You need the energy boost, but you also need the usual mushy stuff just as badly. Face it man, you need to be hugged, and why not be hugged by a pretty girl who happens to think you’re the most wonderful man on earth?”

“Um…” was Ray’s inarticulate reply.

“Besides, how else are you going to recover so much energy at once?”

It took Ray a few seconds to figure out the implied meaning and another heartbeat for his face to turn scarlet.


“Well, I knew your precious moral code wouldn’t allow you to have any fun without some wedding vows. You’ve already known each other for over five years; you may as well get off your ass and ask her. Besides, it’s for your health,” he finished, nodding seriously.

“You’re enjoying this far too much,” Ray groused, mostly joking.

“Damn right,” Charles grinned. “Of course I don’t expect you to get down on one knee tonight.”

“I should hope not.”

“In all seriousness, you can’t begin to handle female affection until you build up your reserves on a more platonic variety. Dr. Karl told me about that one date. Sounds like what happened at church- too much at once. But as soon as you’re strong enough, I am totally having Eddy prescribe make-out sessions for you.”

Ray rolled his eyes. “Good luck with that. Eddy’s even more conservative than I am.”

“Hey, anything for the health of his bestest-best friend, right?”

Despite himself, Ray had to laugh.
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