Categories > Original > Poetry

The Angel of Decease

by Mr_Brightside 0 reviews

Just a poem that came from my heart :) Its about the cross between life and death.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2010-06-29 - Updated: 2010-06-29 - 178 words - Complete

Her gaze pierced my soul
Like a sword through plated armour
Chills ran down my spine
As silence loomed in the air
But I could still here the beat of my heart
Louder, louder. As it pounded in my chest
My breath became faster
I could hear it, whispering in my ear
And then she descend upon me
Out of the darkness and pain
The light shone over her face
So fragile in the light of day
Her figure was as dark as her soul
But as strong and bitter as her eyes
She continued towards me
I froze before her presence
hypnotized by her beauty
So dark but yet so gentle
She reached out and touched my brow
I could feel her cold fingers brush against my skin
My heart stopped
I was as helpless as a child
Standing in the light
Being consumed by the darkness
I fell to my knees as my vision became lost
And before I disappeared, she knelt down next to me
And whispered in my ear
The words of the immortal
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