Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter & The Final Battle


by Buff_dogg2 1 review

Last Day Of School.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Kingsley, Luna, Lupin, Moody, Neville, Ron - Published: 2006-04-28 - Updated: 2006-04-28 - 2015 words

Disclaimer: Please don't sue. I am poor and crazy about the HP world and idolize the great J.K Rowling. I don't own anything of the HP dynasty.


On the Hogsmeade Platform everyone left for the Hogwarts Express with a grim expression upon their face. Dumbledore was the shield of the wizarding world. Everyone felt vulnerable and the announcement of his death. The world's fate was in Voldemorts' hands.

The was only one person who people looked to now as there savior. The one who had come to their aid nearly sixteen years ago. The only one ever known to survive the killing curse. One, Harry Potter.

He had saved them once before and people counted on him to do it again. But he wasn't feeling like any hero. His mentor had died, everyone that got too close to him or that he loved was being killed off one by one. He was living on borrowed time. He only wished that his two best friends and the woman he loved would never meet his seemingly destined fate.

The last day of term and he was boarding the Hogwarts express possibly for the last time; Ron, Hermione and Ginny astride. They found an empty compartment and Ron and Hermione went off on prefect duties. Leaving him alone in a compartment with Ginny. They sat in silence opposite seats from each other, neither eye meeting the other. Then the compartment door slid open. It was Neville and Luna hand in hand.

"Hi guys, hope we aren't interrupting. We just stopped to see how you were holding up." said Neville shakily.

"We're sorry about what happened Harry, we knew you two were close, you and Dumbledore I mean. I just came by to offer my condolences." added Luna.

"Thanks guys, we'll be just fine." said Harry, glancing at Ginny. She simply nodded her agreement at the two in the doorway.

"Well, we'll be off then. Till we meet again." said Luna in her airy voice as closed the compartment door.

That could be the last time he saw either of them. The though depressed him even more. He looked up at Ginny who was biting her bottom lip and twirling a lock of hair around her index finger.

"You alright, about everything?"

"Yeah, why'd you ask?"

"Just wondering, you seem quieter than usual."

"Well, so are you."

"No, I'm always quiet, I only talk when I'm in a conversation with you guys."

"Oh really. You're just as talkative as the next person."

Harry started to laugh.


"We're becoming as bad as Ron and Hermione."

"Are not"


"Shut up"

The compartment quieted once more. Then the compartment door opened breaking the awkward silence. It was Ron and Hermione.

"We're back, there isn't much going on. Looks like Malfoy usually stirs up the trouble." said Ron closing the compartment door.

Hermione glared at Ron then he gave her a sheepish look. 'Sorry.' he mouthed. Harry chuckled and shook his head. There was definitely something between them.

"So, what are we gonna do once we reach Privet Drive."

"We," said Harry pointed his finger among them, "aren't going to Privet Drive."

"But..." Hermione started to protest.

"We're all going to our respective homes."

"We already talked about this. We're going wherever you go." said Ron as if to finalize the pending argument.

"Listen you guys, you have my word that I won't go anywhere without you. I'm just going to go home to replenish the blood protection and then I'll be going over to the Burrow." said Harry.

"Ok Harry, I guess we could use some time to spend with our families." said Hermione.

"I guess you can. So is everything settled?"

"No." sounded Ginny coming out of her silent reverie.

"No." said Harry.

"What do you mean 'No', you didn't even give me a chance to..."

"I won't have you put in danger."

"Harry's right you shouldn't..." said Ron.

"Shut up Ron! Harry, you can't just tell me what I can and can't do. I'm not a baby!"

"This conversation is over Ginny. I do have a say who comes with me or not, since it will be with ME and it'll MY fault if they get killed. It's hard enough having Ron and Hermione come along, I won't have you put in danger too.!"

"Why does Hermione get to go?!"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"Neither am I, remember?!"

"Well, you're not my best friend either!"

Ginny quieted and sat back, the fight gone from within her. Her anger soon turned to tears and she got up and left the compartment.

"Ouch, Harry that was harsh." said Hermione smacking him across the arm.

"Wow, I can't believe you actually did that. And you're still alive, she can get almost as bad as mom. You're my hero Harry." said Ron.

"Yours and everyone else's Ron. I can't let anything happen to her, she's the most important thing in my life right now."

"What? And we're expendable?" asked Hermione playfully aghast.

"You're going in at your own risk. I already made it clear I didn't want any of you with me."

The compartment door slid open and Neville entered, an angered expression on his face. Quite unnatural and sat on the seat next to Ron.

"Good day to you too Neville." said Ron.

Neville snorted.

"What's the matter Nev?"

"Ginny get came into my compartment and threw me out, Luna and I where just getting to the good part."

"Moving on up in the world, eh Nev?" said Ron coyly.

"No, we were just talking about Herbology." replied a blushing Neville.

"Anyway, she's barmy, just look at who she's gone to, Looney Lovegood." said Ron.

"Who'd you rather she go to?" asked Hermione.

Ron thought for a while. "I guess you're right."

"So, what are you doing this summer Nev?"

"Well, I was going on a trip with Luna and her dad but with all that's happening I doubt that gran will let me go." replied Neville regretfully.

"It'll turn out fine Neville, everyone's just on their toes."

"Gran says that with Dumbledore gone it'll be even worst than the last war."

"You know, Neville's right. Mom said that the only one you-know-who was ever afraid of was Dumbledore."

"And now Harry apparently." said Neville.

The three looked at Neville. If only he knew why. Harry thought that he deserved to know the prophecy, it could just as easily been Neville in his shoes, but it couldn't be entrusted. He'd be endangering Neville's life even more than it already was, what with the Department of Mysteries and all.

"Ron, do you have any plans this summer?" asked Hermione trying to change the subject.

"Other than the wedding and mom fussing over Bill's incident, none that I know off." he replied.

"You know, the fact that something as natural as a wedding can still happen is somewhat of a shock to me." said Harry.

"Things will get better, you wait and see. Perhaps another Harry Potter will come and get rid of you-know-who, and for good this time." supplied Neville.

"Perhaps, perhaps." said Harry listlessly looking out the window.

The train slowed and came to a stop. Then the noise started, students all saying their goodbyes to friend they knew they may never see again. And on the other hand, excited to see their families or what remained of them. The compartment door opened and Ginny and Luna entered in silence. Ginny next to Ron and Luna next to Hemione. They all sat in silence in each other.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye." spoke Neville.

"No, we'll see each other again." said Luna.

"Luna's right, we'll all be together this time next year. Nothing will happen, just like in the Department of Mysteries." said Harry.

"We should get going, the platform is emptying and our folks must be getting worried." said Hermione.

They all rose and left the compartment. As they were leaving the train Molly caught their eye and hurried toward them.

"Ron, Ginny, Harry, Hermione. You nearly gave us a scare." said Molly as she reached them.

"Sorry mm, we were just talking about Hogwarts closing and all." said Ginny giving her mother a brief hug.

"Yeah, were're all going to miss our friend, we won't be seeing them for a while you know." added Ron also giving a brief hug.

"Hi Mrs. Weasley, you met Neville before and this is Luna Lovegood." said Hermione.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Lovegood."


"Now it won't do to be standing here out in the open, let's be off." said Molly looking cautiously around.

"My dad's just over there waiting, see you guys later." said Luna before surprising them all with a peck to Neville's cheek.

"Oooh, herbology, eh Nev?" said Ron as Luna walked away.

"Shut up." said Hermione as she slapped him playfully across the arm.

"We'll see you later guys." said Neville as he walked toward his grandmother still blushing.

The remaining four teens looked at each other before a four-way embrace. Then broke off in twos, Ron with Hermione in his arms breathing in the scent of her hair. And Harry holding Ginny with as if it was the end of the world brushing a light kiss across her forehead, taking in her scent of wildflowers. Then they parted to see Ron and Hermione waiting patiently.

"Now kids, through the barrier we go. Time's a wasting." said Mrs. Weasley cheerily.

They all went through the barrier one behind the other. Hermione's parents were right outside the barrier. Hermione and Molly went overto them while Ron Ginny and Harry went over to Auror Shaklebolt and Remus Lupin. On the way Harry looked carefully through the crowd for the Dursleys but to no avail.

"What do you think your mom is talking to the Grangers about?" asked Harry.

"Probably arranging for Hermione to come over." said Ron.

Mrs. Weasley turned from the Grangers and walked toward them. And Hermione went off with her parents waving away to her friends.

"Well Harry, I expect to be seeing you sometime this summer." said Mrs. Weasley with a hug.

"Yeah, I'll be there." replied Harry.

"Ron, Ginny, time to go." called the Weasley matriarch.

"See you soon mate." said Ron with a pat to the back.

"Later guys." replied Harry.

"See you soon Harry." said Ginny before quickly stalking after her mother.

As the two siblings stepped into the ministry car Harry felt a weight upon his shoulder. He turned around to see his old professor Remus Lupin.

"I forgot you were there."

"It'll be okay Harry."

"I hope so, It's hard y'know."

"What's hard."

"I dunno, everything I guess."

"Life wasn't meant to be easy."

"I wish it was."

They sat side by side for a few minutes. The train station was becoming deserted. It was getting cold.

"What time are those Dursleys coming?"

"I don't think they are."

"What!? Then what are you doing here."

"Just wanted to be near you for a while.

"Come on, you can stay at my place for a while." said Remus rising from the bench.

"No. I'm going back to the Dursleys. It's... it's what Dumbledore wanted."

"Well, I guess I can take you there. You familiar with side-along apparation right?"

"Yeah, did it a couple o' times with Dumbledore."

"Well then, hold on to my arm and we'll be off."

Harry grabbed Remus' arm and felt the now familiar sensation of being squeezed through a rubber tube. They appeared just on the outskirts of the wards. Remus walked Harry to to the house.

"Want me to come in and have a word?" Remus asked.

"No thanks, it'll be fine. See you soon Moony." said Harry looking levelly and Remus."

"See you soon old pal." replied Remus turning to walk down the street.

Harry looked at his friend until he passed the wards and disapparated. Then he turned #4 Privet Drive. 'One last time.' he thought to himself, walking towards the front door.

Author's Notes: Please Review, Next Chappie out in a week.
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