Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > The Cubby

The Beginning

by smilin_tj 0 reviews

"You know, boys like Spencer and George are only after one thing from a girl like you.” I didn’t know what He meant. I didn’t want to ask.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [Y] - Published: 2010-07-07 - Updated: 2010-07-07 - 1307 words - Complete

My phone startles me from my dreaming. I quickly answer it, seeing Mom flash up on the screen.

"Hey." I yawn at her.

"Just wake up? It should be nearly midday there!"

"I was having a nap. How's Paris?"

"Oh honey it's so beautiful! I really wish you had come, it's absolutely gorgeous!" I let her prattle on with descriptions of the villa Peter and her had bought. Their honeymoon two years ago had made such an impact that they decided on making a more permanent move. I was happy for her. Plus it gave me another holiday house. Which reminded me...

"... and you would love the design! Oh! You could write it into your next project honey! Some of the french architecture is absolutely breathtaking! You'd love it!" I shook my head in exasperation; always trying to help.

"Actually, speaking of houses, I have a bit of news."

"Oh don't tell me they accepted your design!" she squeals into the phone.

"No," My voice was a bit clipped and it takes a lot of effort to remove the acid from my tongue. "He's dead."

There was silence for a good ten seconds. I knew she knew I meant Ron. I knew this wasn't what she was expecting. I knew she didn't want to hear it. And I knew it must've brought up a lot of suppressed memories. Much like the letter would have for me if I hadn't been reliving my past every night of my life.

She clears her throat. "Oh. Well... That's-"

"He left me the house."

Silence again.

"Really?" I nod, forgetting I am on the phone, then quickly murmured a yes. "Wow. What are you going to do with it? Did - did he leave you anything else?" I could tell she really didn't want to talk about it, just like me. But this had to be done.

"Yeah. Everything. Not that there's really much of value there. About $60 thousand. Maybe a bit more."

I could imagine my mother nearly falling over. Ron wasn't the best provider. I was shocked as well.

"Oh wow! That's excellent! You could pay off your Uni fees. Or invest it. Or come visit us!!!" She was getting excited now. Mom had never struggled, she was born to money. And Peter was well off too. But I had always refused to accept handouts from them.

"I could use it to do up the house. I imagine it wouldn't be in the best state right now. But maybe I could do something with it. Plus there's the whole legal side of it. That might take up a bit. Or I could always just sell up." I ponder aloud, knowing I'd already made up my mind, and knowing she would help convince me of my decision.

"That's perfect honey! Redo the house! Oh, that would be wonderful! Then Peter and I would have a place to stay when we visit! Oh and you could put your design skills into practice! And then if you really wanted you could sell up in a few years time and you'd get so much more for it! Oh honey I'm so excited for you!" Just as I had expected.

I smile. I was excited for me too.

We continue our catch up. She tells me yet again of all the spectacular points about life in France, she could have been a travel agent I swear. Eventually she says she has to go. And so do I. I have a lot of thinking to do. And planning.

"Sammy Sammy Cooper, is a stinky pooper!" Spencer sang in a high pitched voice and giggled as his car overtook mine. We were playing video games, and I was losing. I always did. Gaming skills definitely came with the Y chromosome. Much like hand-eye co-ordination. And stupidity. I throw my controller down in a huff and cross my arms. Spencer does his stupid victory dance as George sits on the bed, waiting for his turn, laughing.

"Shut up! Both of you!" I really want to kick something. Spencer's face would be perfect.

"Come on Sammy! You've had three goes now. Just face it: boys are better than girls." George says with a smug smile on his face.

"Girls are way better than boys! Girls can do everything boys can!" I retort.

"Can not." he shot back.

"Can too, so shut up Georgie Porgie!" His face twists in anger. He hates when I call him Georgie Porgie.

"Don't call me that!"

"Geogie Porgie, pudding and pie, kiss the girls and made them cry!" I sing at him, sticking out my tongue. He jumps off the bed and punches me in the arm.

"The only girls I make cry is you!" I suck in air quickly, determined not to let my tears fall as George glares at me.

"Georgie Porgie doesn't know if the girls
will cry when he kisses them coz he's never done it!" I watch as his face turns pink. I'd never kissed anyone either, but I knew it would hurt him a lot more bringing it up in front of his best friend. Especially when Spencer had already had two girlfriends.

"Only 'cause I don't know any girls. Except you. And as if I'd ever kiss you! Yuck!" He doesn't realize just how hurtful his words are. I'd had a crush on George for about two years and nobody knew.

"I don't think Sammy is a girl. She doesn't act like a girl." Spencer is still giggling in the corner, not looking away from his game.

"Well as if I'd ever kiss you! You're mean and smelly! And if you did, I
would cry!" Like I'm trying really hand not to right now.

"I'd cry if you kissed me too Georgie!" Spencer trills in a high pitched voice, then bursts into a fit of hysterics. He loves it when we fight. I frown at him and as I turn back something grabs my shoulders. At first I think George is about to punch me and I flinch. But instead of feeling pain all I feel is his soft lips pressing into mine. He pulls away and we both stare at each other. Spencer is still laughing on the floor and hasn't noticed anything. Both our faces turn completely red and I run out of the room.

I don't stop running until I get home. I fly through the house and Dad pulls me up straight away.

"Where have you been? You should have been home from school hours ago!"

"I was just playing with Spencer and George." I feel my face grow hot just saying his name.

"Spencer and George, Spencer and George." He mocks in a high-pitched voice, "That's all you ever talk about Sammy! You know, boys like Spencer and George are only after one thing from a girl like you." I didn't know what He meant. I didn't want to ask.

He looks at me and smiles. "Come here, Sammy. Give Daddy a kiss." I give Him a big hug and He kisses me on each cheek with His prickly mouth and then once on the lips. "I didn't mean to yell ok? How about we watch a movie tonight. How does that sound?" I nod timidly and sit on the lounge next to Him.

That was how it all started. Sometimes He would come in to wash his hands while I was having a shower, and just sit there. Or He'd watch me get dressed into my pajamas. And when I'd hesitate He'd always say "It's ok, I'm your Dad remember? I'm not going to hurt you." Then He started having showers with me, showing me pictures, making me touch Him. But it was ok.

It was all ok.

Because He was my Dad.

So ... let me know what you think!
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