Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When I Fall Can I Catch Myself

When I Fall Can I Catch Myself

by LittleMissFae 4 reviews

Gerard Way, Brendon Urie, Hayley Williams, and Katy Perry: How could you get more interesting characters? My story about a love triangle between Gerard, Brendon and Rosemary is a high rated story o...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-13 - Updated: 2010-07-14 - 1265 words - Complete

I strummed my guitar with my pick that had been signed by Gerard Way. I had gotten to go to a My Chemical Romance concert in early August. It was an amazing experience. I had won backstage passes over a radio station. I’d taken my guitar pick to the concert so I could ask them to sign it for me. I know you’re going to ask, Is Gerard as hot in person as he is in videos and pictures? My answer: Even hotter. I know it must seem nearly impossible but guess what it isn’t.

I was very lucky to be able to get to meet Gerard Way and the rest of the band. I mean how often does a small town person like me that originally came from Azle, TX get to meet a huge rock star? Answer: Almost never

Although I may like Gerard Way I am in complete puppy love with Mikey. Even though he’s like 7 years older than me I keep hoping that maybe one day we will get to meet each other and I mean really meet each other not just exchanging a few words and we’ll fall in love. A girl can dream can’t she?

I lay my guitar down on my bed and looked out the window. It was getting dark. I walked downstairs so I could lock my front door. I locked the door then checked all my windows. I didn’t exactly live on the best side of town. Again, it could be much worse.

My goal was to save enough money to be able to afford a nice house or apartment on the nice side of town. But when you’ve just turned 20 and are looking for your own place so you aren’t living with your mother you’ll take anything.

I was so excited when I had enough money to move into my own house. I could finally blare my music as loud as I wanted to without having someone griping at me. I had posters of my favorite bands positioned all around my room. My mom teased me about it. Saying that I was still a child at heart. “Rosemary you need to get a life besides your music. Maybe you should start thinking about an alternative in case you can’t sell your music or become a musician. Something more realistic.” My mother didn’t believe that becoming a rock star was a good idea for a career.

“What happens when you fade away? You don’t have a college degree or a good job. You end up homeless, Rose. You don’t want to be a washed up pop star do you?” Of course she was thinking I wanted to become the next Britney Spears. I was far away from that. I just wanted to become noticed for my music. My music is about life, breakups, things that are found in a lot of rock music. I didn’t want to become the next Britney I wanted to become the next MCR except for maybe the fact that I was female.

I was striving for a record deal. I had been performing since I was 13 hoping that one of the people in the audience would be from a record company. It hadn’t come true yet but all I can do is keep on trying. My tomorrow night someone will be scouting in the audience. It will be October 10. 10 is my lucky number.

When I got back to my room I took off my purple skinny jeans and Nirvana shirt. I replaced it with an oversized t-shirt and shorts. I started reading the book ‘Twilight’. I wasn’t an overly busy person so I was hoping that I would be able to finish the entire series before the movie came out in late November.

I looked over at my clock and saw that it read 1:30. I knew I had a fairly big day tomorrow since I had a performance. I flipped to my side and closed my eyes and hoped I could go to sleep even though I wasn’t really tired. I was able to fall into an uneventful sleep.

I woke up at 9:00 AM. I had to be at Kat Ballroom for my performance at 2:30.

The day consisted of me doing some work in the house, practicing my music, going shopping, and at about 1:30 I finished getting dressed. I got into my small Mazda and started to drive to the Kat Ballroom.

It was 2:15 when I pulled into the parking lot of the Kat Ballroom. I went inside and set everything up so they knew I was there. 3 minutes until show time. My heart was beating overly fast. I tried to calm down by taking slow breaths.

I could hear Lindsay Kales; the coordinator of the project; speaking to the audience over the microphone. “Our last performance is Rosemary Blake.” I took my last deep breath before I ran up to the stage using a lot of energy. You’re better off if you have a lot of energy instead of being boring. The fans like you more that way.

“How is everybody doing?” I said with a smile. There were cheers heard around the room. “Ok then. This is, I Can’t Take It Anymore”

“Let me go, let me be.

You’re pulling me down and I can’t stand it

I need to get away.

You can’t keep me from leaving this place.

I can’t take it

This place isn’t meant for me.

I can’t stand being here.

This is it, I can’t take it anymore…” I started to really get into the song. People from the audience looked at me amazed. There were still cheers forming in the room. I could feel myself sweating from jumping up and down, running back and forth across the stage, and trying to get the crowd into the song. By the end of the song the majority of the audience was clapping and some had started to sing along with me.

“Thank you everybody, thank you.” I said before I exited the stage. I got a water bottle and take a drink out of it. This had to of been one of my best performances. I got a rag and wiped my face and neck with it.

A lady with long black hair approached me. She held out her hand for me to shake. I shook it; unsure of whom she was and why I was shaking her hand.

“Misty Harlow. I’m a music Scout for Warner Bros. I think you have talent. You could bring in money. I’m going to make you an appointment. How’s 10:00 tomorrow? Good, good.” She held out a business card and I took it.

“I’ll be expecting a call back from you before 10:00 tomorrow.” Then she walked away from me speechless.

“Ok then.” I walked back to my car while I was staring at the card. I drove all the way home then called my mom. It went straight to the voicemail.

My father’s voice came into the receiver. “Hello. You have reached the Blake residence. I’m sorry but we aren’t available at the time. If you’ll leave your name and phone number we’ll get back with you as soon as we can.”

“Hey mom and dad please give me a call back. It’s really important. Umm ok bye.” I only had to wait about 5 minutes before I got a call back.
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