Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When I Fall Can I Catch Myself

Who Needs Forks?

by LittleMissFae 1 review

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-07-19 - Updated: 2010-07-19 - 1050 words - Complete

We had been gone for 10 minutes when my phone started to vibrate. The caller I.D. said, Brendon.

“Hello.” I said.

“Hi, I’m bored.” He said.

“Brendon, don’t you have stuff to do? Like I don’t know, music, party, something?”

“No. I tried calling people but no one will answer.”

“I wonder why?” I said sarcastically.

“So, how’s the cake?”

“Really good; it’s very chocolate.” I said.

“Cake sounds good right now. I wish I had some.” We laughed at this. Bob walked to where I was sitting. He started to make fun of me by making kissing faces.

“Shut up, Bob before I throw this fork at you.” I threw the fork at his head anyways. Brendon snickered while Bob rubbed his head where I had successfully hit him in the head.

“Spencer’s calling me so I’ve got to go.”

“Ok bye.”

“Bye.” Then he hung up.

“Man now I can’t finish my cake!” I said.

“That’s what you get!” he said. The phrase could only remind me of one thing.

“That’s what you get when you let your heart win. Whoa. That’s what you get when you let your heart win. Whoa.” I began to sing. I stuffed the rest of the cake in my mouth with my bare hands.

“See, I can eat it without a fork!” I screamed at him.


“Where’s Gerard?”

“I don’t know.” Bob answered.

“Maybe he’s eating ice cream.”

I got up from the bed and started calling for Gerard. “Ohhh Geraaaarrrrrrdd. Where are you? Are you eating ice cream? If you are then you better save some for me.”

I could hear Mikey from the other side of the bus. “Run, Gerard. Run she’s after you.”

“Oh Gerarrrrrd.” I emphasized his name.

“Are you hiding under the bed?” I asked while I looked underneath them. He wasn’t there.

“Gerard are you hiding from me?”

“Anyone would hide from you!” Frank shouted.

“Gerard, do you not like me anymore?” I fake cried.

“Where are you???” I whined. I walked past a closet in the middle of the hallway. Then I walked right back to it. Hmm… this would be a good place for someone who wants to hide to hide in. I pulled the door open. There were a lot of clothes draped in them. I pulled back several clothes and I didn’t see him. I pulled the other side back and guess who I saw? If you guessed Daffy Duck you are wrong. I saw Gerard hiding there.

He had a huge smile plastered on his face.

“Do you not like me anymore? What did I do to you? I knew it! Those stupid rats did it didn’t they? They plucked a piece of my hair and cloned me. Whatever my clone did it wasn’t me. I’m innocent, I promise.” By the time I finished the sentence I was fake sobbing.

“Why are you always blaming it on those rats? Is it personal? Like did they steal your teddy bears or something?” Gerard’s face held a crooked smile.

I nodded my head up and down. “Yes except it wasn’t my teddy bear this time. It was my hair! My hair, Gerard; they took my hair! And they tried stealing you from me too. They wanted to turn you against me. But you’re smarter than them. You wouldn’t be fooled by them because you like me. You would hate to lose a person like me. You think I’m the weirdest person you’ve met. You think I should be put in an insane asylum. But… but you know deep down inside that that’s the reason you like me so much. You think you can relate to me because I’m misunderstood too and I’m slightly crazy.” I could feel my eyes growing as wide as a silver dollar.

“First off, stop talking in third person. Second, maybe that is why I like you so much. You don’t make me feel so insane.”

By this time he had already stepped out of the closet so I tackled him into a huge hug. “I knew I could trust you, Germia.”

“Why do you always give me the weirdest nick names?”

“They’re not weird. You hurt my feelings.”

“I am so sorry.” He said sarcastically.

“Yeah… well, you should be!”

“You are so weird.” Gerard shook his head.

“I know I’m weird. Do you have a problem with it?”

“Sadly and strangely I don’t.”

“Well, that’s good because I was going to say that you were just going to have to get used to it. Hey, do you want to practice I Don’t Love You with the band? I feel like music right now. Later on I have to practice some of my music so I’ll be ready for tonight.”

“Sure, I want to be able to perform it in a couple days. I mean, if we wanted to I think we would be able to do it tonight or tomorrow but I think we’ll all be completely ready in about 3 days.”

“Do you think we should plan which concert we’ll begin singing it at?” I asked.

“I guess that may help. I have no clue where we’ll be in like 3 days so let me go try to find the tour calendar. It’s probably stuck in the folder that we get for our tour dates, tour info, stuff that we leave for other people to figure out. Throughout the entire time of us going on tour we have never picked up that folder. Maybe, we should try to start being a little bit more organized.”

“To be honest I didn’t know that they gave you a folder. I thought that they just dropped you off on the edge of a street and made you find your way to the arena. Oh well, what do I know?”

“No if that was the case I don’t think half of the bands I’ve met wouldn’t actually be a band.” As soon as he said this he got up and went to his side of the bus.
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