Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Boys Are Like Chocolate

Bitter Tasting

by MCR_Vampire_321 3 reviews

The next guy, the next chocolate...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2010-07-29 - Updated: 2010-07-29 - 821 words

Dear Diary,
Dad finally came home. Mum goes balastic when he walks through the door, yelling stupid things like "Oh, you think you can stroll into our lives again!?" She's been moaning for him to come back... Now he's back. What's her problem?
Last night at the cinema was amazing. But I haven't had chance to think about it since Dad got home.
I think there's something wrong with my Mum. Mentally. But nobody in this house really cares about my judgement.
~ Frank xoxo

Boyfriend Number 3 - Bert

Chocolate Number 3 - Bitter Tasting
Information - Looks nice when you buy it and expect something special... But you were wrong.

The next day, I bunked off school. I was scared that Ray would still be angry and that I would end up thrown in another dustbin... Or worse.
So I walked down to the park for a little while... Not the one Bob had taken me to, one a little closer to home. At lunch I walked to the chip-shop and brought some chips then took them back to the park to eat.
And sitting in the park, on one of the swings, was a boy with long black hair and an amazing smile.
I sat on the bench and began to eat. When I'd finished, I shoved them in the bin and just sat there, not sure what to do.
Suddenly, I felt someone sit next to me. I looked up and saw the swing-boy looking back at me. He smiled at me that amazing smile and I couldn't help smiling back.
"Hi." He greeted me.
"Hey." I replied, still smiling at him.
He held out his hand "My name's Bert. What's yours?"
"Frank." I replied, taking his hand and shaking it.
"You bunking off school?" He asked.
"Aren't you?" I asked.
"Yeah." He frowned "School's kinda hard you know... Uhhh, Frank?"
"You can let go of my hand now."
I quickly let go, and blushed bright red. I tried to change the subject "What do you mean, school's kinda hard?"
"Well, look at me. My long hair and stuff... Everyone looks down on me because they think... They think that I'm gay."
"What is wrong with being gay?" I asked him straight away.
"Nothing, nothing..." He shuddered "It's just that... I go to an all boys school. Call them any four letter word you want, nobody turns a hair. But as soon as you call 'em gay..."
"They're that uncomfartable about their sexuality that they're homophobic?" I was confused. Every school I had been to (Two) had never been homophobic. I didn't think there was homophobia in any school... I guess I was wrong.
"When one guy looks down on gays, the others sort of... Copy." He said "I would cut my hair but that'd make them laugh even more... You know, to know that they got the best of me?"
"Your hair is amazing." I told him "You shouldn't let them get you down about it."
He smiled at me again, then paused for a moment. Then he looked at the floor "It's not just my hair though Frank. They laugh because, well... I am gay."
I put a hand on his shoulder and told him "It's okay Bert. I am aswell."
"Well... I was wondering..." He looked up into my eyes, and that was the moment... The moment he asked me out.
I said yes, but then I checked my watch. It was three o clock! I had to get home.
We both agreed to meet at the park again tommorow after lunch. Turns out Bert went to school in the mornings, but left at lunch time.
This is the part I hate to write... I showed up the next day like I promised. But Bert didn't. He didn't show up then, or the day after, or for the next week...
Then I gave up.
I didn't bother wasting my tears this time. I didn't want Mum and Dad asking what was wrong. I didn't want to listen to Mum's stupid advice.
It was a waste of effort though. Dad noticed I was down, mentioned it to Mum and ofcourse she gave me her crappy advice.
She came into my bedroom and sat down on the edge of my bed. I was filling in Bert for my Boys Are Like Chocolate Theory at the time. I didn't look up at her. She was the last thing I needed right now.
"Frankie," She sighed "I keep trying to warn you that you shouldn't get your hopes up... Every boy is going to disappoint you... Just like-"
"Yeah, Yeah, I know, just like my father." I said sarcasitcally.
She didn't pick up on how sarcastic I was being because she smiled at me and said "Finally, you understand!" Then she ruffled my hair and left.
Oh I understood alright. That my theory was turning out to be a success.
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