Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > In this the game of life

chapter one

by Lord_Kass 1 review

Atlanta,Archie,Herry,Odie,Jay,and Theresa witness strange lights in the sky and the return of the great bird Phoenix. only Hera seems worried about this.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-04-22 - Updated: 2006-04-23 - 1334 words

Class Of The Titans
In This; The Game of Life

It was like any other day, the sun shone brightly causing birds to begin to chirp early. Rolling over onto his side Archie tried to block out the sound and fall back into the blissful sleep he had been jarred from. He had been having a good dream, one of few he had had in the past month. However, upon hearing a loud crash in the direction of the window-he lept out of bed and nearly fell on his face.

'Wha, what...'

He tried to look around his dimly light room through blurry eyes. when he deducted that there were nothing dangerous lurking in his room, he relaxed and sat back on his bed. Archie yawned widely and glanced at his clock,Five-Thirty AM,an unGodly time to be awake in his mind.

"Well, I'm up now.'

he muttered with agitation in his voice. Another crash coming from the window brought his thoughts back to the reason of why he was even awake so early.

'What the...'

Grabbing the first thing he could find,which happened to be a flashlight, Archie slowly got back to his feet and slunk towards the window-expecting to see some horrible beast sent by Cronus to try and eat him, or worse. Swollowing, he threw open his blinds with his free hand while tightly grasping the flashlight ready to strike.


Archie blinked in confusion. there was no monster or unholy beast, there was no living being bent on devastion of any kind, in fact...there was nothing there, aside from a few oddly coloured rocks. Sighing, he lowered his arm and turned his back to his window-maybe he would go get some breakfast before everyone else got up and hog all the ceral. When there was another crash against the window, Archie spun on heel in hopes to catch who or what was throwing the stones but again he was disappointed as there was nothing.

'Stones don't just fall from the sky...'

moving back to the window, this time he opened the glass and stuck his head outside to get a better look. At first he didn't see anything which only seemed to puzzle him further but as he was about to pull his head back inside he was hit square on the head with a stone.

'Ouch! What in the...'

Archie yelped as the pain ran down his head and giving him an instant headache. He was aware that unless it WAS raining rocks that he was not the only one awake at this time in the morning.

'its about time you woke up...'

Twisting around, Archie saw that there was a figure sitting on the roof above his window-he frowned slightly as he rubbed his head and stared up at them.

'Did you have to drop a rock on my head,Atlanta?'

He paused for a moment as how weird this whole scene looked sunk in, he furrowed his eyebrows as he continued on.

'What exactly are you doing on the roof anyway?'
'Watching the sky.'
'....Atlanta...Do you know how weird that sounds.'

Atlanta rolled her eyes before looking over her shoulder as if she were talking to someone else. Archie was about to ask exactly what was so special about the sky when out of nowhere Herry's face appeared over the ledge of the roof looking down at him.

'Is he coming up or what?'

He asked Atlanta though he wasn't even looking at her, instead grinning down at Archie who by this time thought his friends were both nutty to be on the roof staring at the sky.

'I didn't ask him, he just woke up.'
'wait, Everyone up there?'

Archie was certain he already knew the answer.

'Everyone except Neil...He could sleep through a pack of rampaging elephants...'

Harry replied, his grin widening as he held out his hand to help Archie up.

'So...You coming up or what?'

dropping his make-shift weapon, Archie climbed onto the windowcil and with Herry's help he half climbed half lept up the side of the roof to the top. Jay looked back and waved at him as did Theresa.

'Good to see you decided to join us, Archie.'

Theresa smiled. Moving slightly, it was apparent that both Theresa and Jay were standing around Odie who seemed to be in deep concintration over something on his computer.

'so, what's so special about the sky that Atlanta had to drop a rock on my head.'
'You'll see in a few moments.'

Odie replied to the approaching Archie. Atlanta grinned deviosly as she walked around Herry to stand beside Jay, obviously she enjoyed dropping the rock on Archie's head.


Everyone craned their necks to face the glowing sky and were greeted with the sight of all the colours of the rainbow dancing across the fading starry sky. It looked much like what the Nothern lights do as it danced silently over the group, however, there was something different about these flickering lights. Odie had gone back to paying attention to his computer as the others admired what they were witnessing.

'That's not the best part.'

Odie suddenly shut his computer and sprang to his feet, moving to the opposite edge of the roof from where Archie's windows located. he seemed to be looking for something specific, something that would be hidden until the right moment. A few small clouds floated closer to the lights but they were small enough that they wouldn't ruine the veiw.

'Okay guys, don't blink or you'll miss it!'

barely finishing his sentence, the roof was basked in a strange golden glow. Gliding from within the cloud came a beautiful sight, causing the golden light, came a bird just bigger then an Eagle. the lights in the sky reflected off of this bird's feathers, causing its already magnificent appearance to glow.

'Odie, What is that?'

Archie asked, not looking away as the bird flew over them, he couldn't help but feel really good inside as he watched it. It was almost as if he had seen this bird somewhere before and that it only brought good where-ever it went.

'If I'm not mistaken, that bird is none other then the Phoenix...'

Everyone turned their eyes away from the bird to look at Odie and as they did the Phoenix disappeared amongst the light.

'How can that be a Phoenix...and how did you know we'd see it...'
'ah well...'

Odie chuckled as he tried to think of how to explain to his friends the he hadn't really known that they would actually see the bird and that he had only been guessing by reading a 'legend' he had found.

'What are you six doing up on the roof?'

The group turned to see Hera walking towards them looking thoroughly confused, yet a knowing glint passed over her eyes but none of the friends noticed it.

'Odie woke us to show us these lights.'

Jay replied, sweeping an arm back to gesture towards the brilliantly fading lights. Hera smiled as she glanced from the lights to Odie then to the others.

'They are magnificant.'
'We also saw a Phoenix!'

Hera's smile flickered for a moment as what Atlanta had blurted out sunk in, She then returned to looking at the sky though she fully knew that the great bird was long gone.

'well, its getting a bit nippy and I believe you should start getting ready for school.'
'right. C'guys'

Jay nodded as he lead the others towards the edge of the roof, they were all still in their sleep wear and didn't realize how long they had been on the roof watching the light show and Bird. Hera watched as they left before allowing a slightly unsettling look cross her face, she was the only one who truly understood the meaning of the Phoenix's reappearance after so many years.

'And so the Games begin...'
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