Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 3

by MCR_Vampire_321 1 review

blackgreenrose is smarter than she looks and NotOkay && FootballFan get personal :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-08-07 - Updated: 2010-08-07 - 338 words - Complete

NotOkay - Was it really necassary to make fun of Mikey?
PenceyPrep - Get a grip, I LAUGHED
NotOkay - He's afraid to see you...
PenceyPrep - What's he scared of?
NotOkay - You
PenceyPrep - I said sorry
NotOkay - Sometimes sorry doesn't cover anything

-blackgreenrose has entered the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - Hi guys
PenceyPrep - I'm leaving
PenceyPrep - I dont have to explain anything to you

-FootballFan has entered the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - You cant be mad at me and not tell me why
FootballFan - What'd I miss?
PenceyPrep - I can be mad at you if I want
NotOkay - Not alot really
FootballFan - Who was asking you?
blackgreenrose - COME ON FRANK WHAT DID I DO!?
NotOkay - Well these two arent going to give you any answers
PenceyPrep - Figure it out
FootballFan - I guess you're right
blackgreenrose - I cant! Ever since I told you I got a boyfriend, you just got all hissy
FootballFan - ...
blackgreenrose - O_O Oh. My. God
PenceyPrep - Fuck you.

-PenceyPrep has left the chatroom-

NotOkay - Oh dear
FootballFan - Shut up Gerard
blackgreenrose - Lucy, be nice
FootballFan - I am. I could've said worse
NotOkay - Why do you hate me?
blackgreenrose - When a girl is mean to a guy, it means they fancy them
FootballFan - Me? Fancy Gerard? No THANKS
NotOkay - Why not? I'm pretty sexy (:
FootballFan - You are as sexy as my big toe

-blackgreenrose has left the chatroom-

NotOkay - You must have one sexy big toe
FootballFan - You're pushing your luck Gerard
NotOkay - I get told that alot (:
FootballFan - Did I ever tell you...
NotOkay - Tell me what?
FootballFan - That I hate you?
NotOkay - Yes. Everyday of my life
FootballFan - Good :D Just checking

-NotOkay has left the chatroom-

FootballFan - You are in trouble...
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