Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Converting Jared

The End.

by jlyEchelonMCRmy 1 review

Jared starts acting weird again and Stacey and Shan do their best to get him back to normal.

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2010-08-12 - Updated: 2010-08-12 - 1039 words - Complete

Ten minutes later, me, Shan, Emma and Constance were all sat in the hospital. I still had tears rolling down my cheeks and probably looked as pale as Jared did when I found him. I still had the blade in my hand and wouldn't let go.
"Are you sure your alright?" asked Constance who clearly wasn't alright herself.
All I could do was nod. I hadn't spoken since I phoned her and told her where we were and to phone an ambulance; even then I spoke in a very detached manor, barely able to string words into sentences.
Shannon and Emma had also been completely silent since we'd arrived at the hospital. I could tell Shannon felt guilty from the look on his face. I hadn't told them about the diary. For some reason Jared telling me not to blame myself made me do so even more. I hated myself. I had walked out on Jared when he most needed someone there for him, when he was most vulnerable and had no-one else to turn to; it really was my fault we were sat in this hospital.
Then a nurse came out to talk to Constance. When they had finished Constance came straight over and hugged me.
"What did..." I started in a hoarse, shaky voice. "Is he..."
"You saved his life," she said. "If you had been a few minutes later, my baby would have died. Thank you," she said close to tears.
"Can I see him?" I asked quietly.
"Of course," said Constance, so I stood and moved towards the door behind which Jared lay.
He still looked white and he was attached to lots of machines.
"Jared, are you ok?" I asked, walking towards him and taking his hand.
He didn't speak or look at me or even acknowledge the grip of my hand on his.
"Jared? Please talk to me," I pleaded.
He continued to ignore me; staring at his hands the same way he did when he was in the park. Then I gave a sharp intake of breath. Jared looked round at me but still didn't speak. I looked down at my left fist. As I uncurled my fingers the blade fell to the floor along with several drops of blood from the gash that had now formed across the middle of my palm and a few of my fingers. I looked back at Jared, who now had a worried look on his face; then, picking up the blade again, for a reason still unknown to me, I turned and left the room.
"Stacey," said Constance as I came out. "How is he?" she asked. I ignored her walking straight past her and the others and going to the bathroom.
I ran my hand under the tap and wrapped it in a paper towel. When I'd finished I stood looking at myself in the mirror. What was Jared's problem? Why wouldn't he talk to me? Was he really that ungrateful that I saved his life? Or maybe he still wanted to die. Maybe he didn't realise how much we actually cared about him...

At school the next day me, Emma and Shan met at my locker.
"How's Jared?" I asked Shannon.
"Stacey," said Emma before Shannon had a chance to answer me. "About you and Jared..."
"Yes, Ok, I admit it: I love Jared Leto. Now, move on! Shannon, is he alright?" I said. It was actually quite a relief to tell someone that; I hadn't meant to sound so stroppy.
"Ok, wow," he said completely shocked while Emma just stood gawping, clearly she was expecting and argument, not a blunt confession. "But, yeah, he seems fine apart from the fact that he won't talk to anyone. And he's coming back to school tomorrow."
"Good," I said and gathered my things from out of my locker.

The next day Jared was back in school just as Shan had said he would be. He still wasn't sitting with us at break or lunch so I went over to him.
"Jared, why don't you come and sit back with us?" I asked.
"I want to be alone," he said, not making eye contact with me.
"J, we do care about you, if you still doubt that. Come back to us soon please," I said and went back to tell the others what he had said.
Jared still wasn't with us the next day so Shannon went over to him.
"Same story again," he told us. "Jared just said he wants to be alone. Nothing else."
I refused to believe that he could spend the rest of his life 'alone', so the next day I tried again.
"Jared, you're not going to try to kill yourself again, are you?" I asked him.
"Do you care?" he asked. I took hold of his hand and rolled up his sleeve. His bandages were still white and intact.
"Yes, Jared, I do care. In case you've forgotten it was me who saved your life!" I said getting more and more worked up about it. "Now come back to us."
"Why?" he asked.
I sighed, had I not given him enough reasons? So, since my words didn't seem to penetrate him I grabbed his neck and kissed him. I pulled away and looked straight into his eyes. "Good enough reason?" I asked, then stood back up and left.
For a few minutes me, Emma, Shan and his mates continued as we had been then Jared came over. He grabbed my waist and forced me to stand; he was much stronger than he looked. Then, pulling my body close to his, he kissed me passionately. When I realised what was happening I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. The others started to cheer but I didn't care. I barely even noticed, as Jared moved away from me.
"How long have you liked me?" he asked.
"I don't know," I replied honestly.
"How can you not know?" he echoed my own words back to me with a huge grin on his face and pulled me in for another amazing kiss.

A/N: So this is the end!! Hope you all enjoyed it and thanks for the great reveiws. Jen xx
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