Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bleed Me A Melody

Shout To Sleep

by vampyGee 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-16 - Updated: 2010-08-16 - 593 words



Alright. So no, I did not ever intend this to be happening not at all. I didn’t plan to take…..a liking to this boy that was now my husband, it just sort of happened. As the carriage bumped along, he peacefully slept for the duration of our trip home, bundled up in my coat, full from a nice mid afternoon meal at one of the finest restaurants in the city. I could tell he wasn’t used to good meals, or shelter or clothing. But it was the best I could give him and by god he was going to have it.

The was his dark lashes contrasted on his creamy skin, the where he softly breather in his sleep, his hair partially falling over his face, he was the picture of beauty, and I wanted to draw him so very badly.

I tore my gaze from him and lit my pipe. I have never had to look out for someone other then myself, and I haven’t always been successful in doing that. We finally reached the mansion, but I just couldn’t bring myself to wake him. So I scooped him up in my arms just like the night before, carried him inside, up the stair and placed him softly in his bed. He gave an adorable little sigh and snuggled into his pillow as I removed his shoes and covered him up.

I tossed my new jacket, wrapped and tied in the packaging into my bedroom and went down to the kitchen to fix my self a glass of wine. I drained the wine in no time, and moved on to bigger and better things- a bottle of vodka, a took a gulp right out of the bottle, I needed to feel better damn it.

After an hour and one bottle of vodka finished, I stumbled up the stairs to Frank’s room. He lay in his bed, the moonlight falling on his face, shining on his hair. He was fucking perfect, but he could never truly be mine, he would never love me, no one ever could.

Marriage was a fucking joke, it was for people who are in love, or people who married for money. And that’s just what the little fucker had done, wasn’t it? He wanted to marry me, an unfortunately wealthy bastard, because his mother was dying and he didn’t want to live on the streets! Well, I’ll show him!

“Get the fuck up!” I roared, stumbling over to his bed and ripping the covers off of him. He jumped awake with a start. “It was your plan all along, wasn’t it!” I demanded.

Terror danced in his still sleep confused eyes. He looked around and up at me, scared. “Gerard?”

“Your using me!” I shouted. “You sneaky little bastard! You thought I was too stupid to notice?”

“Gerard!” He pleaded. “I do not know what you are talking about!”

“You thought……..” I staggered a little, falling onto the corner of his bed. “You thought, that by marrying me, you could have all the fuckin money you could ever want!” there was now two Frank’s sitting in front of me.

“Gerard your mistak-”

“Shut up!” I slurred. “You wanted to use me, you little fuckin gold digger!”

“Gerard please!” He begged, tears welling in his eyes.

“No! Why don’t you just……….just……….” I fell face first into the pillow, falling into unconsciousness.

Ok, so i know its short, i apologize, tell me what you think?
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