Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When A Guy Likes You

star gazing

by wheresyourheart 1 review

Kiley pov; missed memory

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-08-22 - Updated: 2010-08-23 - 352 words

I miss last night; the feeling of the sand giving way underneath my sneakered feet, exhaling the smoke from my lungs, the excitement of being alone in a rural area with Frank at night. I miss laying on the blanket, amazed at the meteors that raced above us. I miss the coldness of the air, the warmth of his body, the dampness of the filter on the cigarette we shared. And I miss hearing him speak in German, using a heavy accent he'd spent hours practicing.

It was my idea to drive out to the country last night. I borrowed my mom's car and picked him up, then drove to the outskirts of town, spontaneously turning down a narrow road and parking on a wide patch of soft sand. He layed down a blanket yards away from the car, which we layed on and waited for the clouds to clear up and the sun to fully disappear behind the horizon made up of trees and a few houses.

I was afraid but I didn't tell him. Afraid of bears, or rabid dogs, or maybe a cayote. Afraid someone would come by and that we were trespassing, maybe we'd get fined. I even feared that a random psycho killer could come out of the treeline a ways away.

Our shoulders touched while we were on the blanket, talking about the universe and the rarity of life, how we couldn't be alone in this vast amount of space--- but what if we really were? What if it so easily vanished, becoming nothing; just planets and stars and no one to acknowledge how amazing it all is.

So quickly the time passed, like it always does, and we had to leave if I was going to make it home in time for my curfew. That was the night I realized I still liked him all through high school, like he had liked me. I wish I would have realized this before I'd fallen in love with someone else and had my heart stomped on.

Just a short little taste, reviews please and I'll write moreee :)
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